Dswing barb hitting for over 1.5 - 2m

i actually use both steel grasp AND stomp.
The aspect that i was referring to is Weapon’s master aspect. Essentially, I’ll try to grab a super large pack and hope for a stun. If i don’t get one, I use ground stomp.

With how often you stun and how satisfying spamming d-swing is, I find death blow to be just kinda clunky

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I use all three of those, with the +1 Mastery aspect, so my Steel Grasp and Death Blow both have a 50% chance to stun. I also use the Ground Stomp aspect for 15%[x] damage, a little extra clear/cleaning power, and it stacks Disobedience like nobody’s business. Pretty sure it helps count more enemies to be hit by Ground Stomp too, which lowers WotB cooldown, but I can’t confirm for sure.

Death Blow is dope for an instant fury boost, to clear some stragglers, and get some stuns. I had it with the 200% damage aspect on my 2H for a while, getting 1-3M crits, but I’ve replaced that aspect and essentially use it for fury and stuns now.

I might be crazy but I’ll make my barb into a frog!!! :rofl::rofl:

Leap + steel grasp + G. Stomp + D.swing! :rofl::rofl:

There’s a guy on youtube who’s been doing that for a while, but Death Blow instead of Grasp. He uses both the quake aspects, which apparently stack with each other and give you both at the same time for each skill. You can get leap to like no cooldown. I tried for a bit, but I like Steel Grasp a lot more. I have other plans for Leap down the road if they don’t shatter my theory craft beforehand. Lol!

Things are really shaping up! I started reading this thread when you had crits between 400-600 now its up to 2m! :relaxed:

Oh right I’m actually running that ! So steel grasps really synergies with this build!

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It’s really tempting to drop shouts to fit deathblow, grasps and stomp
How do you get fury gen without shouts? I really don’t like using them but they are too good

Yeah, im using trip shout steel grasp lunging dswing.

Depending on if you have stuns elsewhere or not you could let go of mace, but youre also letting go of wallop, which is a good dmg increase.

Honestly, depends where you are in nm dungeons or if you wanna push at all.

But at 70nm, not stunning probably means death, and for bosses you want maximum buildup, so the mace feels BIS.

if youre using groundstomp and other stuns maybe it changes.

I’m using 2x 1H swords, some fury on kill, 2H mace technique, and Umbral with Tough as Nails (bleed/slow). I have zero fury issues as of now, and my Umbral is pure garbage. It’s 1 out of 4. I still need the Wrath glyph too, which will give me more fury on crit.

I essentially hold down Lunging all day too, so I’m constantly teleporting to enemies, building my fury/damage/dr, and then DS them to death. I use the fury talent on Death Blow too, which I can spam quite often. A few posts back I was discussing with someone my plans to make my fury constantly full. Check it out.

im currently 92, and trying to push to nm 75. kinda stuck at the 68+ range right now…things that aren’t stunnable are the biggest problems…so I’m trying to find ways to get rid of some utility aspects and gain offensive aspects…

your build is very imaginative. i love the theory behind it… but it seems like alot to manage for me personally

It’s super simple, brutha! Maybe I’m over explaining? Lol

I didn’t read everything on those recent long posts, but the big thing that caught my mind was that everyone loves lunging strike, but I think people may be sleeping on frenzy. This Lilith killing build you are talking about wants to get lilith stunned asap, so IMO that means you want the fastest hitting basic to build up the stagger.

You should have no issue keeping up berserking versus Lilith, so you pick up the bleeding damage while berserking and the stun chance versus bleeding and then maintain 3 stacks of Frenzy throughout the fight. Alternating Frenzy and Double swing as fury allows.

When she staggers, pop wrath and ground stomp with the Earthquake aspect for the +x% damage in a quake) and you can just spam double swings (while keeping up Frenzy) to fit the most possible damage during the stagger duration.

lunging is great if only for the berserk upkeep. In my build its all i pretty much need to keep it going.

Dropped bloodrage for carnage for the extra atk speed and it was worth it. Maybe on something like lilith it makes more sense, but lunging is really darn good for the rest.

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I run steel grasp to trigger berserking, it has 2 charges so it’s pretty much always available when I need it. The aspect with the extra charge and chance to stun is wonderful for dungeons as well. Double swing is plenty to keep my berserking going while I’m in the fight.

Are you guys running unconstrained or unbridled rage?

I could see issues with maintaining berserking with unbridled rage, however I could also imagine it being worthwhile to consider it if you had the perfect stats to maintain fury.

For me atm it’s definitely still unconstrained for me because I’m still leveling and I neither have the paragon points nor the gear perks for unbridled rage to be viable.

Damage is no issue for me right now anyway… I see a group of elites in a nightmare… I steel grasp them, Wrath, Ground stomp, and enjoy unlimited Double Swings and it pretty much melts them every time. I’m running low 30’s nightmares no problem at 71… probably time to step up the difficulty.

Anyway, point is… If you could pick up enough fury related perks/paragons etc. to maintain double swings on a stunned mob with unbridled rage, that would probably just flat out make double swing the highest damage Barb build in the game.

Ok can confirm, ramalidinis is definitely good, got a mid end one (0.2) and still my dmg pumps in the 2m-2.5 way more consistenly, seen some 3m crits with buffs and whatnot.


ah yeah, but im not using dswing for berserk, i use dswing for 100% vuln dmg, which is insane (pretty much the only way for barb to do it.)

I use chains as well but more for dealing with bad groups of elites or general pull and wreck.

**aaaannnnd cleared my first nm above 75 (it was a 77):

h ttps://imgur.com/a/1AWEyxG

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Damage is half the story. Mobility and DR is another. If you do not have 100% Unstoppable and insane DR, you will be melted sitting there trying to DPS. Do you run with Iron Skin + Iron Warrior and the Unstoppable on Injured every 30 seconds or do you have Rallying Cry with all the Shout investments to get CD down? Stacking Fortify DR and Armor among other sources of DR seems to be the most effective, but even 3 Shout Barbs which have the highest DR of any build you can see getting almost 1 shot a lot in high NM push. Temerity, Potion Barrier, and Iron Skin help, but still.

I dunno… 3 seconds vuln with exploit, 2.5 seconds from chains (up to 3 charges if you aspect it, and with only 1 rank it’s on a 10 second cooldown, so that’s almost a 75% uptime if you time it right with 3 ranks. Plus I have charge for unstoppable and that has 2 seconds of vuln too… so I don’t really feel like I have any issues applying vuln.

I do have lucky hit on core strikes for vuln, but I don’t like that it’s not consistent… still as long as it triggers when I pop my wrath, that’s good enough right there because I don’t wanna be messing around with steel grasp while they are melting with wrath. not sure it’s worth it because I think the math makes it about a 9% chance to apply a 2 second vuln. Maybe Expose vulnerability would be better. except grasp already applies vuln, so I’d only be gaining a fraction of a second.

Most of my fights are too short to know how it will be later on… especially regarding vuln upkeep, but for now I feel like I have it up when I need it. I do have a 100 druid, so I’ve done the higher level content. Barb has felt MUCH stronger than my druid through the whole 50+ experience, so I anticipate big things for the future.

Also and probably most importantly… has anyone fully tested Berserking damage?
I assume base “berserking” is 25% multiplicative damage modifier. Does Unconstrained up that Berserking damage to to 50% multiplicative damage, or does it change the 25% berserk damage to 31.25% (25% times 1.25)… or is it just a crap 25% additive damage bonus like damage to close range etc?

I’m sure all of the paragon board things are pure additive and kinda limited in how they scale, but I would think the key passives would be a lot more impactful.

Sure when everything dies immediately, but comes a point where you have to run around and dodge, and tougher ennemies/bosses/packs you wont have 100% vuln uptime.

If it works for you, more to you.

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How much max fury? Which aspect did you replace?

@NewSpinSlag: Lunging, unfortunately, is superior to Frenzy in almost every way for this build. I love Frenzy, it’s my favorite skill, but it just doesn’t compare. Maybe down the line once they adjust it some. Unbridled is far superior to Unconstrained. Way more damage.