Dswing barb hitting for over 1.5 - 2m

not that much tbh, hadnt geared for it, sitting at 148, wihtout +fury on gear, and my ramaldini is a 0.2.

But i replaced a crit/vuln/core weapon with basic skill speed on it and I can definitily feel the ramaladini pushing consistenly higher numbers.

bear in mind I already have a ton of crit dmg/vuln dmg, so maybe its at the point where a new multiplier just has more effect than just more stats.

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I watched the clip, it looks fun.

It looks like how ARPG combat should be, rather than just mashing one button and hitting everything on screen.

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@Conan @Actua

Just got my barbie to 100. Would have been done a lot earlier but just got busy this week. :sweat_smile:

Gonna level up my glyphs first before I finally swap to Dswing :smiley:

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I look forward to talking apples and apples with you guys about this type of build… I’m smashing nightmares significantly higher than me (mobs about 15 levels above me aren’t a problem) , but I’m still only level 72, and I definitely think things will change a lot as I continue to level up and get more paragon points.

I’ll just have to keep an eye on how post develops and participate in the conversation again when the factor of level difference doesn’t have such an impact… because right now, I still feel like Frenzy and Unconstrained are the way to go. I also don’t know all of the specific details of the builds you are all running… I just know it’s double swing centered, which is the same as me.

Someone else mentioned that in another thread after you had talked about 2-2.5M with Ramaladni. I didn’t realize unique affixes are their own separate bucket. Is there % damage on it? That’s a separate bucket too.

Which affix did you replace?

There is some + phys, + dual wield, etc.
and the baseline sword crit dmg.

Theres also the %fury proc which isnt bad.

Honestly the sword is great. I think a 0.3[x] one and 200 fury and dswing easily hits in the 3m range.

Ive also been having a blast in pvp, even killing hota barbs lol.

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I missed you saying previously that you replaced Rapid. Coincidence, I had just replaced Rapid with Inner Calm for a few runs and I couldn’t stand the loss of attack speed, so I switched back. Lol.

Aspect of berserk fury has to be too good for this build right? Up to 6 fury per second whilst in berserk. I’m in berserk way more than my shouts are up

I’m going to try it. I have a perfect 6. There’s a passive 18% fury gen while Berserking on the tree too, that will also always be up.

Yeah change it to like two crescent throws that meet some distance in front of you then come back. That would keep the “targets hit by both” effects too. Not only would it be a ranged option, it would be an interesting gameplay.

Yeah, honestly aint so bad. Not as fast obviously . I could replace steel grasp stun for it on gloves but eh.

For fury im running echoing fury for 12/sec

At higher nm you cant really engage without shouts up anyways, or challenging at shout at least.

Are you running Might anywhere?

yeah, always have that one.

Got obedience too.

Where you get Obedience? I only get Disobedience! Mine must be female.

kek, yeah, disobedience haha.

These are my current aspects:

  • Weapon Master’s in hat
  • Harrogath
  • Anemia in gloves
  • Might in pants
  • Shared Misery (usually Exploiter’s) in boots
  • Retribution 2h mace
  • Accelerating 2h sword
  • Expectant 1h sword
  • Earthquake 1h sword
  • Disobedience amulet
  • Rapid ring
  • Umbral ring

Still need to experiment with fury gen on the one ring. I like Inner Calm a lot, it’s a quick and effective multiplier with a good roll. It actually stays up if you Lunge to an enemy and don’t move. Great for bossing and elites because we stand still.

I’m just not sure where to put it. If I get a good Ramaladni, it looks like I’ll be replacing the quake.

yeah im running:

-weapons master
-edmasters on 2 hander
-retribution on 2 hander
-berserk ripping
-accelerating on amulet

  • rings are echoing and chieftain.

You’re running Ripping now or still Relentless Berserker to extend?

Expectant is more damage, and more consistent, than Edgemaster’s. If you’re putting it in your 2H, you’ll get another 20%[x] over Edgemaster’s.

Edit: maybe it’s not more consistent if/when you spam DS. I might swap that out.

nah, still ripping, only bleed proc I have since im using the 2 handed axe as expertise.

I could try expectant, but I feel like edgemasters is more consistent, maybe as I get more fury.

Expectant is 50% more damage if you’re hitting with Lunging in between each Double Swing. Edgemaster’s is definitely more when you spam and keep the fury high. I was thinking that Expectant had a buff timer, but it’s your next Core skill, so you have to build the stacks between each DS. Fine for mapping, cuz that’s essentially how I do it: Lunging 3x swings then 1 shot DS, but not very ideal for staggered bosses.

Are you not extending Berserk anymore? You can make everything bleed and slow with Tough as Nails btw.