Druids are not fat

People who don’t care about looks are not going to shell out money for cosmetics.


It’s misleading to equate being hefty and overweight with being strong.

Maybe leave that determination up to that person’s doctor and start worrying about yourself

They took away normal weight body options from druids.


I agree, wish they had body sliders, but the male druid could be kind of likened to Beorn from Lord of the Rings… although even he wasn’t as tubby.

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The druid doesn’t really have a belly. He has a large torso, but it’s not like he has protruding excess body fat. Guess it could somehow be perfectly distributed around his whole body such that despite being very fat he doesn’t have any of the characteristic protrusions… But that’s a real reach.

Druid isn’t fat, plain and simple. You’re still free to not like the model.

It is interesting too how so many people who are all about having this druid body type seem to feel like this is the first druid ever made and is the only way to make a druid. I’ve been a wood elf druid for over 30 years and while Diablo doesn’t have wood elves and I’m not asking for wood elves druid is an established character class for longer than many of these people have probably been alive. Of course people are going to be upset Blizzard ruined something they’ve been attached to for most of their lives.


Maybe if you spend a lot of time learning to shapeshift into a werewolf or werebear on a whim it messes with your physiology. Like stretching out an old shirt.

Just throwing stuff out there :smiley:


They aren’t fat they are just big boned.


I actually liked how the druid looked build like a bear ready to crush all its way


The druid is an absolute unit and i wouldn’t have it any other way.


your thinking of the barb… the druid is fat.


I don’t get people anymore how is that fat he looked primal

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I’m just curious outside of these forums how many people have you talked to IRL about your Diablo 4 beta experience? I work in a huge office with a bunch of gamers and female druid is a meme. The female gamers, like myself, can’t stand her and the overweight ones were outright offended at the character design. Only a few were just like meh whatever I don’t care, but no one was excited or happy about it.

Now it is a small sample size of only about 30-40 people who are talking about it at my work, but I think it is pretty telling from a general audience perspective rather than hardcore fans frequenting a forum, who yes, will play every class regardless of looks, but to a general player looks are important which is why character creators, transmog systems and MTX cosmetics exist in the first place.

I’m just curious because maybe in your interactions the reception has been different, but my experience with RL acquaintances and the discords I’m in it hasn’t been good.


Total Aside: I’m not sure how common knowledge it is, but the superhero body isn’t actually practical anyways.

If they didn’t change the amazon’s face in d2r after all the negative reactions to it I doubt they will change the druids weight. I didn’t see the female druid because none of my friends played female characters so I can’t speak to it but the male druid looked awesome.

Yeah, I don’t have too much hope they will. I will keep dreaming though and try to get those that are unhappy heard and receive at least a statement. I don’t see how it would really hurt anything though. What if I want to play a huge sorc? Isn’t that a valid fantasy for people to play? If people love it great! Make that model more available so you can enjoy it on all your classes.


You really think your pasty white a** is healthier than professional athletes? Eddie Hall would kill you within seconds. In what world are you healthier than him?

So is John Cena or Dwayne Johnson, what’s your point? BMI is a terrible indicator.


having the barbarian bodybuilder body type also has severe health consequences (primarily for the heart, and mind - body dysmorphia). That’s unhealthy too, even if it’s more attractive.