Druids are not fat

It’s a strongman build. Wither you like the look or not is your own opinion, but they’re not “fat” or “obese”.


I’m glad that you think this and their obesity doesnt bother you, but for the rest of us that have taken our health seriously or struggled with eating disorders, its a slap in the face. It makes it impossible to play these classes without dredging up awful and painful memories for a lot of people.


they are just big boned. I think the male druids look good. really haven’t looked at the females. Armor for druid looks great.


You are really looking for a safe space in Diablo and let a burely man that lives in nature effect you like that :joy: their size makes sense to me.


That’s not how Druids look. The female Druid looks like Rosanne before she shed the pounds.


When i called her druid fat the mrs and daughter ripped me a new one on body facism… leason learned.

Guess the lopk challenged my normal perceptions on chars in games…

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The druid looks far worse.
Even if he looked like this strongman, what’s the reason for that. I could understand that maybe for a barb. But why would a druid do nothing but lifting and eating 5 times of reccommended calories per day ?


People like this exist therefore the druid isn’t fat.
Flawless logic.


I have to laugh at this stuff… it’s a fantasy game, and you pick your role. If you don’t enjoy the druid theme in this game, play something else.

I don’t want to hear “I want this set of abilities looking like this” – go play another game then. There’s a story to be crafted here, and it’s not around you being mad about your characters weight.


… yes? Are you arguing against facts? I even provided a video for you.

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Who would’ve guessed that the devil would get smashed by a literal neckbeard furry that enters hotdog eating competitions every Saturday.


Fat is not a bad word, lol


Still Obese based on BMI. Whether you like it or not.


Then explain why are we able to choose skin color and face shape, stuff that a human has basically no control of, but not able to choose body size, which is something anyone can regulate with their diet and movement.
The game clearly wants us to be able to customize the look of our character, but for some weird reason force us into an obese body.


druid literally has the same muscle arms and round belly as Tom Stoltman. That guy was also the first thing that came to my head when I saw the druid.

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that’s not the argument at all. The argument is that the strongest man alive has a belly. Therefore having a belly doesn’t automatically mean a person is out of shape (which is what a lot of people are saying about the druid).


First off, I’m not even going to call it an obese body – that’s pretty wrong. It fits a lot of themes that have nothing to do with being obese.

Secondly, I’m all for inclusion and I’m happy people can choose skin color, facial hair, etc… but that doesn’t mean they need to wash every class to a clean slate and nobody can tell whose playing what on the battlefield.

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Struggling? Go to a poor country and spent the entire day hunting for foods, that will solve your problem.

The reason you are struggling is because food is so readily and easily accessible, combined with your lack of self discipline and impulsive nature that’s prone to instant gratification.

I really have no pity for people who are well off eat plenty and then think it’s a struggle. Go struggles for real in a poor country then you will know of hardship.


The point is it does not make any sense for a druid to look like this. The Diablo 2 model is just fine. They more or less kept the models of sorc and rogue from diablo 2, but for some reason made druid nonsensely fat, with no option to adjust it even a tiny bit. Necro being so skinny is also not ideal. Barb is in a good place.
Why just not let us change the body proportions. Doesn’t make any sense. It would also add to the diversity of the look of individual characters.


Exactly. I originally was going to use Tom as the example.
Imagine calling the 2021 and 2022 world’s strongest man fat.