Druids are not fat

Totally not fat


Even the strong man in that video is leaner than the druid.


Especially with all the steroid use.

‘as someone who has struggled with body image and gone through a period of steroid abuse I don’t want to have to look at the juiced barbarian…’

Can’t we just have amorphous grey blobs for characters please daddy blizzard? Humans are triggering.


Druid fantasy is that he literally summons plants and animals to aid him… Hmmm I wonder where o where he might find some plants and animals to eat…


OPer stop lying.

You can admit they are fat. We all have eyes and we can see they are fat.


The male Druid has a ton of muscle, but is still a bit fat, the female Druid is fully obese.


It is fiction, not reality.

A super hero is an ideal.

Have you seen a fat person before?

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Most sane comment here. Maybe more than a bit but yeah.


Fat people have bulging excess fat. Where is his belly? Where are the love handles? The man boobs? The flab in general. He has a healthy looking amount of fat, similar to the sorc or rogue, but with a very large frame.

I mean he’d fight right in as a prop or hook in any rugby team. Or as a strongman like OP said. Or as a heavyweight combat sports athlete. He has a great physique.

Haha, looks like Walter from The Big Lebowski.

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Why does every character have to have 0% bodyfat anyway? Don’t know any gritty dark world design I would want where everyone looks like they never ate a single slice of bread.

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For NPCs its fine but most people don’t want to play as someone that looks like an old refrigerator and I suspect Blizzard themselves has the stats to back it up given the beta player statistics they posted. It would be a better use of their resources to make an aesthetically pleasing character so more people will give it a try.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If you don’t like the character designs in D4 your character customisations are probably cringe and I personally do not want to see them.

Very glad they restrict this.

Male druids look fine. Females are ugly (and I’m not just talking about the body type. The faces are as well.)

They’re “big boned” in the sense that an entire summon necro’s army is hiding inside of them.

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well mine to I love the werewolf more then the bear.

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Depends who you ask. Some people would rather go back to the Diablo 2 let’s call him less strong hobo. Blizzard should listen to these people too.

I really embrace the new model as well as the fantasy behind it. To be honest I was reluctant and sceptic until I played it last two weekends and now I totally love the new druid iteration. However I also get why some people might be frustrated, because it doesn’t meet their expectations of wise and mild hunter-gatherer with a deep connection to nature’s magic.

I am fine with a corpulent druid, but in the beta what I have seen this was a bit too much imo, he was twice the size of a bulky barb lol. I also do not see why the druid should be a powerlifter ^^ druids were actually priests, magicians, religous leaders, healers or just wise people. However it is not to the point that I would not play the character just because of its looks, this would be a bit too crazy lol, I would just want him to be a little bit thinner.

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