Druid is just straight awful

12 million gold to respec at max level.

it was only about 950 gold a time…but I imagine it will be around 100K at lvl 100

All the classes have some of hybrid variation builds. That is not enough to let a class be bottom of the barrel. What really irks me is they knew the bear animations were top tier and make it a total dumpster fire.

The survivability of the Druid Werebear is the worst of all classes. Pulverize is nice but you can do that type of damage with any class. No player wants to grab the game and one of the first skills they pick Debilitating Roar not be usable on elites. Like that is bad design.

Again, all this uproar for Barbs and I did not feel there was an issue with anything except for the last boss of Malnok. No matter what spec I did I could not get him down.


well to each their own but I found it to kill bosses quick as heck

Yeah, it suffers from the same issue as Rogue.

All classes, but especially these two, need WAY MORE skills to offer some choices for each path you can go.

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No way to evaluate that unless the access to gold is known. Right now, 2+ weeks into D3 Season 28 I am sitting on 13 billion.

With the limited time we have had to play D4 beta, I am, without trying or going out of my way to acquire it (most shard things at blacksmith), I am at 270k gold.

There needs to be LITERALLY 4-5 more skills for EACH class.

It’s laughable. Honestly, it’s pathetic.

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I hate when people are min/maxing legendaries at low level. Sure it’s “fun” for content but seriously most people won’t be seeing that in retail until max level. Let’s just assume that they will make legendaries very rare. I’d be surprised if we even see a single one leveling from 1-25 in retail. I’m hoping I am wrong.

I’d be surprised if you couldn’t make the worst class really good with the right legendaries and equipment. I do like the druid but I do have some concerns. I was having a worse time with my barb(barely any legendaries) so it was a bit of a rough ride. The druid felt much smoother at lower level and did fine(as a caster). The melee seems to struggle in this game at lower level. Some bosses or elites will just rip you apart if you engage them in melee at lower levels.

Another thing people aren’t taking into account, cause people probably haven’t noticed this, but 99% of the rares you find at level 25 are in the 12-17 item level range and their potential rolls / damage is much lower than if we could find level 25 items.

They’ve actually said that drop rates were artificially increased for beta. So yea, the crutches druid needs to be decent will not be so easily obtained at launch. hopefully they do a good job with tuning. IMO this isn’t even a good state for beta.

well i aggree druid is underwhelming, i play sorc (now lv25), rogue(19), necro(25), beating first level bos rarely use potion, but druid? oh man i almost depleted potion, the energy regen and slow animation speed, its just awful. even worse in the field.

i stop play druid at lv7, the kill speed, efficiency are low top tier.
tornado pathing just suck and low damage, oh wait press and hold lighting, say it good, its just hit once and low damage.

other may say druid are fine, well you should try sorc / rogue / necro. or simply they are masochist.

its looks cool tho, but if you want efficient gameplay in long run, just dont pick this class
but i really hope blizz buff this class.


I completely agree. Druid was my most anticipated class, after playing it to 25 I’m having very little fun playing it. Also dislike the artistic look of the class, not a huge fan of the big and chunky look, even the werewolf is fat. Really just dislike shapeshifting in general, feels bad being forced out of your form. Tornado is pretty much the only ability that brought me joy, maybe because it looks just like an updated version of tornado lol. Between the druid, closed beta queue issues, even worse open beta queue issues, and being shafted out of Ashava FOUR times now, I’ve decided to refund the game. Maybe I’ll pick it up down the line if it gets some good class changes.

For what it’s worth I did have fun with the other classes. Didn’t really care for the necro skeleton aesthetics though, they don’t look scary or imposing at all.


That could be, but while yeah, sorc and necro especially are much stronger, tbh, the weaker the class so far, the more enjoyable to me.
Bosses not dying instantly, actually having to do stuff in combat for a little while, sure made the game better.

The stronger classes should probably just be brought down toward where Barb and Druid are. Or at least, something in between.

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All I know is the internet lost their mind with how the barb was and the barb minus malnok boss fight was fine. Now, I know why my barb experience was better than others. I looted a nice 2hand while playing the rogue. Passed it off to him and from 15 on he smash through almost all of the content we could test.

Druid on the other hand is trash from the start and still not much better shape after gearing them up.

i think druid should buff, dont bring down other class, maybe speed up the animation or increase regen energy and give more damage

in my case i think it’s to under powered, forces you to mix and go for the OP skills, like the earth one, Druid should be able to play only Bear, Wolf etc… and be viable, to make it work i pretty much play sorcerer type, lighting skill, earth, etc… hope it changes.

After playing werewolf, bear, earth, wind, lightning and pet builds at level 25 I can confidently say that you can play anything on druid and do well.

Playing pure bear, and tbh it feels fine so far. Only lvl 16 however.

I love playing as a bear but being weak on defense. offense, and being slow is to much. They really need to run a fine tooth comb back over the druid.

I like my Druid. I only played him to see if he was as bad as these forums whiners would have you believe, and he’s not. He’s WAY better.

Had a fun easy time leveling to 25. Did the world boss just fine, got some Legendaries off of him that I used to kill the Kor Dragon stronghold boss in less than 30 seconds. Druids seem fine.

And that’s WITHOUT my Spirit Boons. Can’t wait to see how strong Druids are when they have those as well.

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