Druid is just straight awful

I did not need legendries for the rogue, barb, or necro.

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i mean i played sorc
I played druid
currently on necro.

I am nuking on my druid. i am tanky. I did world boss.

But I will still say in comparison, the druid experience is not as good. I’m lvling necro right now and I’m just one-shotting everything. Fast speed and ease.

Druid can be strong once you get everything you need, but that gives off such a poor gameplay experience.

The hybrids of its design also work against it in my opinion. Makes items drops harder to find and I kind of gave up trying to find my last to apexes for now after so much farming.

nevertheless, they can be strong, but that doesn’t mean they are well design. The overall experience is pretty poopy in comparison to necro n src so far.

Necromancer is unfairly strong right now, probably not the best comparison

I’m pretty stunned you don’t see the very problem you highlighted. Why should wereforms and summoning be a nonviable playstyle? The point of the beta is to try to get these things fixed, not simply play whatever happens to work the best.


it might not be the best comparison, but its not one you can look away from. I also mentioned sorc. as well.

I didn’t play rogue all the way, but they were still a better experience while lvling.

Agree, Werebear was in the marketing material. To make that build not viable I am upset. It should not take legendaries to be subpar. They need to reevaluate the druid shapeshifting and companion builds.

With no legendaries it feels pretty bad at low levels. It feels like I take a ton of damage as melee bear/wolf and the damage reduction cd’s are on long cds and last a few seconds so meh.

Wolf feels better than bear at least with poison claws for me at level 12.

What are you using for defensives?

just hit 25 on my druid, and I had a good time - liked it way more than barb, but less than rogue.

I went storm strike / pulverize, and blood howl & trample with spirit affixes. with just 1 point in wolves from my helmet. they make good meat shields, take aggro and soak up projectiles.
trample + pulverize was my go-to main combo, for extra dmg on stunned mobs
also liked the Lacerate ultimate with heal on crit + the blood howl crit buff via legendary weapon

overall, really enjoyed druid.

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I’m destroying on druid… I dunno, have you tried getting good?


No you’re not.

Druid is garbage.


Druid is not garbage lol.

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I most certainly am though… better than my rogue was. maybe try a different build?

You’re bad, stay mad.

Don’t make many forum posts myself, but I feel as though Druid was incredibly underwhelming and underperforming as compared to my experience with other classes.

So far any boss fight that has soft CC, (slow, displace, etc.) pretty much dismembers low level Druid. As we can only get to 25 perhaps I’m making sweeping judgements but the damage often feels hamstrung in favor of defensive abilities, though these often don’t keep you alive for longer fights.

The class fantasy is nice but all-in-all I feel that Druid inherited many of the less premium options other classes had in D3, funneling you towards a cookie-cutter lightning build. Nowhere along the way have I felt the challenge of the game was overwhelming, just annoying interactions with Druid abilities and feeling sort of ripped off in my progression.

It’s an open beta so I’m excited to see where things go, hopefully this is one of those classes that really shines with itemization and late game ability options. Early on, however, it seems that you do hit plateaus in power similar to other classes, though they are felt a lot more on Druid. Maybe some stat tweaks or an early (non-combat) mobility option through werewolf could soften the incline a little bit.

TL;DR: great bones on the class, pretty disappointed with its performance in areas I felt it would shine, hoping that this is because I’m making sweeping judgements on an actively developing game.

**To note also, a funny but probably unintended bug I’m experiencing is occasionally when taking damage and immediately coming out of combat, if you are in Werebear form you retain the skeleton of the werebear and the human-form textures attempt to stretch over it. Could be something to look into but it really is hilarious and maybe could just be a part of the game honestly

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I disagree, it’s great, I love the gameplay and animations so far. I love the out of the ordinary appearance. I’m a pleased customer. It does feel slow but d3 does too when you are playing 1 through 25 without paragon levels. Made it to 35 felt amazing. Just that the danger in melee vs the safety of range is a bit disproportional in favor of ranged.

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I felt it was quite powerful instead, So have difficulty agreeing with you there. In no way was it less powerful than rogue or barbarian.

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It’s viable. I disagree with your statement here. I made a werebear and made it to 25 on hardcore.

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I really like my Druid since I got good gear and the right legendary aspects. The first few levels were really underwhelming especially during boss fights and gave me a bad first impression but it’s the complete opposite now destroying absolutely everything. Skill synergy is important for this class it just has a slow start.

Now try saying this gain when the game actually launches.

Legendary items do not even DROP before level 25, at all. They do not exist in the drop pool.

I also think the Druid is pretty good, playing with Stormstrike and Landslide atm.

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