Druid is just straight awful

it is very bad, I got to lvl 19 before giving up on the Druid. I could not find any legendary items to help with any of the builds I was trying so was all in rares and he just sucked. I did earth which was okay for a while but once I got to lvl 18 I was a wet noodle again.

This. I don’t get the earth things. Where is fissure? Molten boulder? Volcano? Armageddon?

I tried necro. He starts with 4 skeletons, without him needing to put 1 point into them.
Now imagine druid automatically having wolves or ravens always on. If necro can, why not druid?

Yeah, bear is squishy and sluggish. And the form itself doesn’t give any bonuses, its just a bear skin or a wolf skin. Forms do nothing in itself.


If i remember right, blizzard said they canceled fire elemental because sorcerer had fire spells.

Can be.
But thats the same argument as “let’s cancel druid summons because necro has summons.”

There are a lot of similar skills, like Necros Bone Spear core and Rogues Piercing Shot core. They seem quite identical. :smiley: yet they both exist in the game.

I kind of don’t get such philosophy. “WhEn OnE hAs It, ThE oThErS cAnNoT”

Boyfriend and I played this class together. Compared to the rest we all tried it felt like nothing. He even added ravens in his skill tree and he never saw them work, they were no where. I did the vine which was one of my favorites in D2 and it was useless for the most part. Im hoping the issues with this class are all bugs cause if this is the way its going to be im just going to ignore it even exists. Sadly it was my favorite class in D2 and they basically just ruined it. It was the main reason I wanted to come back to Diablo games in general. The boyfriend and I were melting things with necro at 10. Same for my sorc and he was killing stuff like nothing with barbarian but druid seems useless when it shouldnt be. All the “similar” skills that were in D2 are trash in D4. Don’t even want to get on the look of the character as a female. The male looked fine when the boyfriend played the male model but the female looked like feona in shrek form without the green skin. Like they just tossed in a fat model and slightly touched a tone slider to make it appear as if they gave her a touch of muscle. Poor necro also looks emaciated. I know most games now a days want the represent ever body style but could we please get maybe a preset of every body being used. So those who wanna play over weight or under weight characters can, and those who dont can pick another. People play fantasy and games with magic to be something they cant be in real life. Health issues is a thing, and most gamers play games to escape reality.

Im the type who is happy to splurge real cash on cosmetics (female gamer) cause i enjoy my character looking good. Heart breaking what they did to my favorite class and was excited to finally play as the female till i saw the model. There is no way of making that look good in gear. I still pushed through and tried to play it but like others, gave up at slightly after reaching level 10. Stuff that took too long to kill as druid melted like nothing with necro at same level.

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I’m personally going to wait until final release to judge it but in the beta its kind of meh…

Wonder how much the class quest would change up the feeling, sucks its in a different act just like the Barb so we wont know till launch.

Like you can make it decent in the beta but you have to put in a lot more effort than most the classes.

Compared to the other classes I tried, seems the weakest, can’t manage to do a decent build, bosses I literally pwned in a few secs with the sorc and necro are killing me, seems like I’m playing already on the hardest difficulty XD

IMO Sorc>Necro>Barb/Thief>Druid, but this is not the final game ofc, maybe at top level things stack better.

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I will say the druid needs some help. His survivability is lacking and it takes 2x as long to kill things compared to the rogue. It feels like the skills don’t mesh very well and the timers are too long to be useful.

Spirit build-up is useless, even with max lvl 3s on second set of unlocks!

I don’t have the survivability issue others say. Maybe it’s build? I completed act 1 hc campaign at lvl 15 on veteran without any close calls. Was definitely the slowest moving, slowest killing. But felt more tanky than barb to me anyway.

The part that is disappointing to me is the summons. I was hoping to see a zoo type build. Why no Oak Sage? The birds and creeper need to be more visually present. I don’t have a preference on active vs passive balance but the summons need to feel like they are there instead of only once in a while.

Played a bear, lvl 20 tier 2 with a friend running a lightning build. We got to lvl 20 yesterday. I enjoyed it, how m not so much.

We both had sprit generation problems, though his was worse.

I had a bit of a rough time with bear but it all came together with some legendaries.

TLDR: Work you build and legendaries and bears face tank and one shot trash mobs. Pulverize is like dropping a bomb every ten seconds.

Knowing you will overpower on your pulverize every ten seconds is insane. I also had a legendary that boosted earthen bulway depending on enemies hit with overpower pulverize. Combined with demoralizing roar healing me, getting 17 health per kill, 12 health when shifting back to human and 4.2 health per enemy nearby I can easily keep healthy active. Having a second charge of dash on boots gives me additional mobility to avoid stuns.

For damage I have a big 2 hander that has bonus to core damage, close enemies, and boosted damage up to 58% depending on how much resource I have. Another boosts damage if I have barrier active by 33%. Beyond that stack HP and willpower. I have items that add in 2 levels of creeper, which is very useful as well to stop runners and add a bit of CC

My build is level 20 on tier 2, has PLENTY of room for improvement and refinement and yet my pulverize still overpowers for 1.7K and I face tank most stuff.

Other the spirit generation I have no problems with the bear gameplay.

Just realized there isnt a working AA werewolf build.
No Feral Rage, no Fury.
Only poison skills.
And Lacerate that is an ulti on 50 sec CD.

It means there isn’t an existing AA build.
You can play a poison spreading disease carrier going hit and run tactics.
But necro was always there for poison skills, it doesn’t make sense for werewolf to have them.
But hey, necro doesn’t have poison anymore.

Whole D4 classwise is absolutely screwed up.
Just like the argument that druid doesn’t have fire skills like in D2 because Sorc has few fire ones…

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Rabies existed in D2, it just wasnt ever used.

Now every skill revolves around poison.
I want to play werewolf. attackspeed ultra fast killing machine.
Not diseased rabbies halfdead wolf

I would say melee in general is just awful. Blizz does this all the time where ranged is on a pedestal for no reason. They are already ranged which is a perk enough, melee needs to be overtuned in comparison to compete.

I know I am tired of seeing the cries for barb on the internet. I played all of the characters and Werebear a tank spec has the worst survivability from the beginning to end of the beta.

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I managed to Lvl 25 a Druid an by far is the first class i didn’t enjoy playing.
The skills are so underpowered and boring with cooldowns that take so long.
I don’t have words to describe Summoning skills. They definitely need some love.
I hope they take feedback seriously.


What is this “I found a good build it’s fine” argument?

The challenge of designing the druid is that people will expect to play it multiple ways. It’s a hybrid class and one path to power simply doesn’t cut it.

I feel a lot of the very valid complaints are coming from people who are trying to play the druid a specific way, and then countered by someone who plays it a totally different way.

!!!The fact that a single build exists does not mean that the class has met its design goals!!!

If someone doesn’t like to melee and builds a caster out of the druid, it should be viable. If someone wants to play a bear because they love bears, it should be viable. When the Diablo team chose the druid as one of the starting classes, these are the challenges they signed up for.

Honestly, I feel that they chose Druid to be unique and to hype the game, but in the end they looked at their lineup and said “oh we need more melee,” and focused building around those strengths.

I sympathize with those of you that feel the class fell short. I was really hoping for another crack at “Armageddon Bear,” or at the very least “Fire Druid”…but that simply doesn’t exist so I’ll go back to sorc and necro. Sure hurricane was meta for years, but it wasn’t nearly as fun as spamming the entire screen with fiery chaos.


I am going to assume they want your gear to make up for it. I got a piece that turned my wolves into werewolves, increased their damage by 150% and had them spreading rabies. It took what was lackluster and weak into a power house. I gave up trying to make those vines and birds work because they were that bad, hopefully there is a piece of gear for them.

All that being said after like 12 respecs I found a build I enjoy.

Waitaminute…people are assuring me that respec costs utterly prevent one from experimenting with abilities.