Druid is just straight awful

so now that i have almsot all my apexes – missing tornado one :<.
Im nuking right now. i killed a boss so fast, i didnt even notice lol

so pretty much, druids need everything to feel strong, unlike sorcs. they can just pew once they get their class mechanic.

I think the main issue is with the melee side of Druids. I was trying various melee builds and it felt very underpowered (and a bit boring). Then I changed to the wind main attack with tornado, the blood howl defensive and wolf and raven companions and it works great.
But, I do have 2 legendary items, 1 which adds another companion/increases companion damage and 1 which adds more tornados, so maybe that’s helping a log, no idea.
The caster Druid just feels like it works better.

Yeah its insane man lol level 16 now and its most OP build no doubt

Got some crazy sword where when i cast blood mist it reduces CD and corpse explosions everything.

I’m like level 17 and its been an absolute SLOG. It’s TRASH compared to the other classes. It actually makes barb look GOOD.

I’m guessing you’re trying to be a shapeshifter or a summoner. My ele caster Druid has been doing just fine, slower than sorc or necro? Sure. Still fun though and going at a decent enough pace.

Yeah, from the look to the awful gameplay design…no longer perma transforms, weak (albeit cool) elemental abilities etc. Druid sucks hard.

i think i most likely will main this now that i see my build will work

my biggest complain is just the tornado and tis codex power. just make it baseline…

This druid is by far the worst class of any diablo game.

Idk I went w/ Druid but, I found it cool. I went max maul and wearwolf and I am tanking so much while cleaving enemies in maul and then fury swiping w/ wearwolf skill. I don’t expect druid to be the flashiest class it never is in any game really besides Dota 2 where Lone Druid the hero is S tier.

I’ve been enjoying the heck out of the druid (playing werebear)… sucks we can’t get the spirit boons yet, but eh, I can wait until June. Once you start getting decent gear, it gets better.

if the core gameplay and ui and look and functions and skills are this flat and boring, then you can absolutely assume the worst for the rest you have not seen.

Just. Straight. Awful. Was the class I was most looking forward to and is just soul crushing to play.

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I have mixed feelings about the class. I tend to like Druids, but this time around it feels odd. Maybe I just need to get used to it.

First off, I don’t like the model given for character creation. Would definitely like more options there in all areas. Body type, face, hair. The model right now looks like an out-of-shape barbarian. The faces look the same as the barbarian.

The class itself takes some getting used to. As a hybrid class, you are part caster, part melee (well, mostly melee, to be honest). I found some success using the Wolf path, with vines. Raven and the pair of wolf summons seem sort of useless. Vines seem much better.

I think the class depends on the player developing unique synergies…and so it is probably one of the most complicated classes in Diablo IV.

I have tried a couple of builds so far while leveling. Experimentation and based on drops. Only 17 so far. For the moment have settled on a wolf build using howl (with the 5% crit chance dungeon award) and debilitating roar and wolves pets. Extremely fun. Very tanky with huge fortify. Nice dot poison. This is the most fun I have had so far. Played barb and rogue last weekend.

How did you get to the quest for the Druidic Spirit abilities? In my game it tells me to go to an area that can’t be reached. When I try to head there I get teleported back to a previous location. That means a significant part of the class is unusable.

Every class… in Dark Souls is more poorly designed.

I think its great that people talk about how underwhelming druid is on beta.
Thats whats beta for.

My hopes are that blizz will buff or upgrade druid so he can ber there alongside sorc in terms of casting and with rogue in terms of melee fun.


I wish they had not abandoned the fireabilities of elemental, stone is just very boring looking replacements.

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I just want them to play the class. It’s really unfortunate when these very transparent problems are missed just before a beta. Beta is a huge opportunity to get really good feedback and when a class is borderline unplayable in so many ways… it drives people away from even wanting to play it.

Its not just the baseline dmg but also the building spenders. For w/e reason bear seems to be extremely squishy as well. Even compared to barb. That’s taking active defensives out of the equation.

Like… one dev playing bear for an hour could have seen this and buffed it a bit. It’s not even in a good state for open beta imo. It’s embarrassing.