Druid is just straight awful

How is it that a werebear hits like a chicken scratch? Shouldn’t it at least like 1 shot most things?

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I got to level 20 on druid today. It is slow but the class has always been slow for melee bear/wolf. I didn’t have any issues with it other than that. I’m sure at higher levels it will be much faster.

Now time to try necro!! :smiley:

You’ll come back to the forums to review your comments about the druid after trying Necro, it’s the most OP class so far

It is sad because I think the bear avatar is amazing. I was doing my werebear build and I guess it mimicked what is on IceyVeins. If that is the best druid build they are in trouble.

level 21 and I have to agree with OP here, the class really bad compared to others - its good at nothing in particular. tried a couple different build varieties - my original poison werewolf was the most successful, but REALLY struggling against bosses at level 20+ just terrible single target damage. good at clearing large trash mobs but that’s about it.

i heard the druid is a bit handicapped in the beta… you dont have access to your spirit animal or blessing whatever its called… its only going to be available in the full game not in beta… so yes druid is the weakest class in the beta because of that

im enjoying the Druid, but i do feel that its kind of lacking…im playing with a friend thats running Barbarian and they’re killing a lot more and tanking a lot more damage then my druid is, i know its probably not the best build either but im sticking with more or less Bear abilities and even though the Druid is lacking in kills and such, im having fun, but theres no way in hell i’ll pay 90$+ for the quality of the game im playing now

I can’t imagine it will be enough to make a difference

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i am doing pretty well with druid caster/ storm build.
But it is lacking.
Tornado codex needs to be baseline imo. its also very buggy – sometimes it won’t appear or will spawn ontop of everything, wasting your spirit. this happens near walls or right corners.

i don’t see how the blessings will improve gameplay. hopefully after ig et all my codex, maybe ill notice a change lol.

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Hard agree. Tornado is trash without it. Weak damage is one thing, but straight up not being able to hit is another.


Also, the hyperbole in your original post is hilarious! :rofl:

No hyperbole. Only truth.

I had the same experience. the shape shifting was terrible. The bear looked like something my 4 year old neice would draw. The wolf looked ok, but there was zero aoe skills. So the wolf felt boring. the caster/elemental skills seemed super lame. the tornado cost way too much for the damage and lack of control. The lightning generator is a melee skill which makes no sense. The rock skills feel weird. The lightning storm is the strangest skill in the game. I was expecting an actual storm. Instead its just your tune calling to the heavens for lightning. Make this an actual storm and not channeled. The wolf howl is lame. All it does is heal your tune. The bear skill at the same level seems super weak. Its a 50% damage reduction for a few seconds but on an insanely long cooldown (20 s+). The wind armor skill description does not line up with what I thought it was going to do and is even more useless than the D2 skill. I never got to the next node. I got too annoyed with the low damage and bad skill design. Also why is the bear form taking so much damage. I thought it was supposed to be tankier.


Solid write up. Druid as of right now is really underperforming on the fun meters.

I wonder if they could add a charge to the first attack made when switching into a wereform. That might help spice up things at least a little bit.

Claw is embarrassing bad. I would like to see it accrue charges as it’s used, gain three charges and unleash a brutal slash that does double normal damage to your primary target and cleaves on to any nearby targets for 50% normal claw damage while applying poison to everything hit.

At level one, a Necro has Scythe and attacks everything in a wide frontal attack for like 15. A werewolf druid can only single target melee for 5. It’s absolutely wild how undertuned druid is rn.

Because this game is piss easy? it’s not good, it’s just that this game is so easy I taught my child to play it in under an hour, and he can’t read yet.

No, Even within those subclasses you have anti-synergy. Lightning basic is melee, lightning core is ranged channel that is very mana hungry and has a small window to keep up your stacks. No move speed buffs , and you have to be in melee to get your spirit back if you’re playing lightning. Not to mention some of the other storm/lightning skills have f***ing knockback on them… Straight up stupid design, I can’t believe nobody looked at this and went “are we morons?”


Barbs don’t have their level 15 class mechanic either. Druid will not be getting considerably better in the full game without significant changes. It’s broken at a fundamental level.

Enjoy, your future Necro will surpass the damage output of your level 20 druid at around level 8. No joke. The first time you cast Blood N̶o̶v̶a̶ Surge you’ll never want to play your druid ever again.

me reading this discussion board lmao

Shapeshifting needs some love, but the ele caster build feels good. Been truckin along with my landslide build, bosses like den mother and stronghold bosses easily solo at level 25.

Is it gonna be super fast like necro or sorc? No. Am I having fun? Yes.