Druid is just straight awful

that could be the case. Haven’t tried werebear. i loved werewolf druid in d2 so that’s what i’m inspired by.

People really don’t understand what opinions are anymore… SMH. I get why some won’t like the druid. The animations are very much lacking that satisfying punch, I get it. You can mange to find something you like, but then you’re locked into only using those couple of abilities and it’s a real shame every ability isn’t equally as fun to use. Makes feeling the need to do multiple builds moot.


Not that I disagree, but how did you not see this months ago? It was pretty obvious that “shapeshifting” in this game was just a cosmetic on a skill use, not an actual change like in the previous game. It’s super shallow. They give you an aspect later that lets you remain in that form permanently, but then that locks you out of bonuses you get for returning to your human form, and the only thing it seems to give is a flat +2 to your shape skills.

Mash Claw and Shred if you want to be a Werewolf. What fun.

All I can say to that is that RIGHT NOW, the base gameplay for druid, ie what we currently have access to, is not that fun compared to basically anything else. Compared to necro and sorc the class might as well not even exist.

I think they need to go back to the drawing board for the wereforms. The werewolf abilities desperately need a base aoe capability built in. Haven’t tried any of the storm or elemental builds because thats not what my idea of what a druid is and that’s not what I’d play the class for. Maybe those builds are great, but the werebuilds should be great as well :confused:

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Im quite disappointed with druid.

Werewolf is more or less poison spreading focus guerilla warfare. Come, hit, run around and watch poison tick. Thats tragic.

Bear feel for some reason ultra sluggish, with slow attacks, hardly any survival ability compared to wolf, but has great AoE. He feels mostly like CC Barbarian, pseudo Tank archetype.

Summons are bad, on one tier only. No summoning basic, no summoning core, bear summon missing, no summoner ultimate or summoning ultimate passive.

Caster feels… Bad. Ultra weaker than sorcerer, whole fire tree from D2 missing. Where is my molten boulder, volcano and armageddon? Why are there some random earth spells?

I wanted to roll druid since he wasnt in D3 and I loved him in D2. I know blizz so I didnt set my expectations high, but I am disappointed regardless.


Topics like these are absolutely sad and hilarious. You got only to level 10 and then come here to complain that druids suck. It’s nowhere near awful you are just being impatient.

No, it won’t be as fast as a sorc or rogue but melee is a different playstyle. So maybe try another class if you don’t like it but there’s nothing wrong with it. I am level 17 now and owning so it’s you.

my question is why is druid the only obese class… kinda annoying.

I want to keep the Druid male for continuity’s sake but I would choose a more sorcery type of Druid if there was variation. For the elementalist.

Well, there’s ur problem.

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You know what I had during the first ten levels on sorc? Fun.
You know what I had during the first ten levels on druid? Not fun.

It’s pretty simple really. Something about the class isn’t working. Now is the time to give the feedback and improve things before it goes live. Wereforms are extremely underwhelming, full stop. It’s possible that maybe the caster builds are better, but that’s not what I’m testing currently. The wereforms need work.


I had a fun time the first 10 levels with druid. Yes it was slow but it gets better. It’s subjective and based on the player’s experience with Diablo as well.

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Mini review

Earth Druid

  • Earth Spike is so bad. Little damage, little spirit.
  • Landslide has a tiny AOE. Slow animation, really annoying. Primal buff is ok.
  • Bulwark is ok, but boring.
  • No mobility whatsoever. You’ll forever be as slow as a level 1.
  • Boulder pushes elites far far away. I don’t want that. It’s hard enough to hit with Landslide as is.
  • Petrify: Weak ultimate with a long CD. Give it a 30s CD and it would still be far from op.

Wind Druid

  • Wind Shear is alright as a basic skill. Much better spirit generation than Earth Spike.
  • For Storm Strike you have to get close, but you have to do that anyway for Hurricane. Good at making monsters vulnerable.
  • Tornado should be good with the legendary that makes it aim at enemies. Without it Tornado misses all the time. No surprise. It also often gets stuck.
  • Cyclone Armor is a bit lackluster. Bulwark is much better.
  • Hurricane wants you to get into melee range. There goes the dream of a Druid caster. It’s really a melee skill and you don’t want to be there, especially without mobility.
  • Also no mobility.
  • Cataclysm has an annoying knockback. Not going well with Hurricane. Also the damage is weak for an ultimate.

In general there are few synergies and I don’t think the caster Druid will scale well in lategame.
I did not enjoy playing this class. Sorc, Rogue and Barb are so much better (and Necro too from what I’ve heard). Easily the worst and least fun class.


Yup Druid blows. A massive bear that’s slower than a grandma crossing the street with a cane. And when you catch up to the enemy you perform what suppose to be a devastating mail to only hit like a wet noodle. Delete. Try new class. If you have success or gear that make a major difference on weenie the poo let me know please.


This is what happens when people get used to TikTok and fast food

I don’t believe its anti synergy. Its just the skill tree is trying to accommodate a few subclasses. You have storm (wind/lightning), earth, bear, wolf, and maybe a summoner build depending on legendaries. There’s the Nature’s Fury capstone talent, and a few different legendaries/unique’s that promote synergy. But Druid is paying a hybrid tax when it comes to variety of subclass builds and utility compared to something like rogue/barb. It needs a bigger skill tree than others like WoW’s druid used to have more.

Barring that, its just going to be a little more of a basic/less theorycrafting class in my view.

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The Druid is straight up a turd. Needs a complete rework, pets are useless and vanish if you take them off your action bar (in D2 they stayed after being summoned), Tornado again random paths and terrible hitbox, the Werebear stance looks bad.


most boring class by far. I almost want to stop playing before even hitting level 10. The look, animations, skills and everything about the class scream boring. Now I’m 13, but looking down the skill tree, nothing seems interesting. The druid just feels so underwhelming.

Blizz repeated the D2 problem, where Druid is several classes in one. That severely limits diversity and synergies.

I have had the opposite experience. I have been very much enjoying the Druid. So far I have been running stormstrike, pulverize ( so fun to mash things with), and the defensive roar that reduces damage done by enemies and upgrades to heal. I also have a point in the passive that makes it so i get damage reduction as a werebear and it lasts 3 seconds after switching. So because i always switch back and forth i always have damage reduction and I’m building toward hurricane.

Every class gets filler attack and spender attack on the first 2 nodes?