Druid is just straight awful

I gave up on my druid, dunno what level I reached… but I got to the boss that summons waves that come from the sides… 5min into that fight I had the boss at 50%ish… died on purpose and started a necro. Problem wasn’t the druid being bad… it’s more that the bosses are so melee unfriendly, you only do damage about 10% of the time, the other 90% is dodging shejt :slight_smile:


i played both in the last beta. they are not really better. maybe killing stuff fast but neither of them were “fun”

It sounds like you aren’t giving it a chance. I spent about 25 minutes in total messing with every spell and was able to defeat the first boss in less than 5 minutes with a simple lightning build, which has both area attack and single target. I didn’t have to use a single health potion. You’re doing something wrong. Based on your explanation, it seems like you give up very easily and don’t put much effort into things, so I won’t be able to offer much advice for you. Maybe Therapy?

Range of all classes need to feel the pain of melee builds.

my experience was the opposite. I struggled with barb. died to the den mother. barb felt awful until 15. Actually started to feel decent at 20+. Druid has been a breeze. level 15 and it’s been great. no deaths. class really flows

Which druid spec? Elemental or were?

Well, I’m not sure what the plague build is but so far the druid shapeshifting is kind of boring. Claw + Shred then BLood howl when you get low on health. I know I need to be a little higher to really experience more options yet…

All of them felt terrible to me.

Druid is several classes rolled into one and that’s why he lacks diversity and feels boring.

I’m having a blast running elemental Druid, might be my favorite so far that I’ve tried

Vine creeper - immobilize big pack of mobs or when mobs try to run away then nuke
Hurricane - aoe dmg
Blood howl - heal and generate spirit
Cyclone armor
Storm strike for vulnerability and generator
Landslide with terramote

Helps that I gambled a lot of legendaries that have synergies with the build but it’s fun, boss damage might be a little weak but I haven’t found a boss since level 11 so

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That’s a hard pass from me on the druid. Tried playing it and gave up before I even got to level 10. It wasn’t fun in any way. So, I fired up a necro and loved every minute the servers were up. So…about 15.


Perhaps I’m not a fan of melee in general. I played the Barb last weak and had fun with him.

In D2, played druid mostly elemental and perhaps a hybrid of pet and Elementalist. Maybe I prefer the ranged classes.

And thats the problem because the diablo skills all have to have some form of synergy to make the class and build viable, if you don’t have that then your build is bad, or something is entirely broken with the class.

My issue with Diablo 4 all across the board right now is that each class has a bunch of skills which, for all intent and purposes are useless in either terms of low damage or lack of synergies which can buff those useless skills so they are no longer useless

I think this is why a lot of people were complaining about the Barb because that class seemed to suffer the most, but again - we can only play 1 - 25 and who knows, the class 25 - 50 might be worse, then 50 - 100 it could be OP.

Druid in D2 was a mixed bag for sure, the only build I ever liked in D2 was a Tornado/Hurricane build, the pets were just useful as a distraction.

I feel it is a little slow to start, though right now I’m trying to figure out how to push poison damage cause I have a love-hate relationship with my creeper.

Could part of the reason you’re doing better as a Druid be that you’ve gotten better at the game since last weekend? :slight_smile:

What kind of Druid are you? Bear? Wolf?

I’m having a lot of fun as a Druid focusing on Werebear skills.

wolf. claw with poison. shred with dash so i can dash between groups. blood howl and kills reduce cooldown. rabies. wolves.

been working well. just dashing between groups. Apply poison and howl when needed

I’ve noticed a lack of synergies, too. Other classes can combine and stack skills quite well. The Druid can’t and doesn’t have these skills.
Why? Because the Druid is 3-4 classes shoehorned into one. He doesn’t have any spare skills to build synergies with.


After reading several Druid threads I’m seeing a trend. :slight_smile:

People who use Werewolf and Nature Magic are satisfied.

People who use Werebear aren’t satisfied.


Druid its fine barb its more than fine… problem is 2. PPl are really bad at games.
And the main issue the game was designed to go to the prologue reach first city, then go get the aspects you need.
And thast make all the difference.

While wherebear and tornado are teh strongest build.
But yeah right now unless you get a few aspects random you cannot really roll melee.