Druid is just straight awful

No, I didn’t miss anything. You get Filler Attack and Spender Attack.

There’s multiple abilities per form on my tree.

Operator error.

You are wrong and misinformed.

you missed a lot.
werewolf has…
blood howl

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Level 10 bro.

Read the comments.

Not seeing why, seems like solid druid gameplay to me and i havent even made it to level 10. I can already see Druid being a ridiculous class with some tuning.

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They said they didn’t mean weak, they meant the shapeshifting is uninspired and lame. The animations are horrendous and look dooopy as hell. You’re either big winnie the poo or you are constipated werewolf.

They need to make them more bestial, werewolf in D2 ran on all fours. Let us stay shapeshifted if we want and let us get the passives of the form like from D2

As well summons likely should be upgradably passives and not something you have to give up an active skill slot for; Especially as they likely will never be as strong as the necro’s army.



the animations and models look fine to me. As for the form expiration after 3 seconds i was disappointed at first. it isn’t terrible though. there is a unique to make it permanent

I love people like you with those clueless takes. “Play something you hate for a dozen hours and THEN its fun” It should be fun before a person is considering uninstall.


If you think its movement is fine then buddy you and I can’t co-exist. The damn forms are ugly and need to be re-tooled. I also don’t understand why they have such cool models but such weird looking movement thats the only complaint I have outside of not being able to run around even out of combat in said form

Sorc and Rog are fun at level 2.

Druid level 10 and still sucks?

Nah, miss me with that nonsense.


a lot of people find it fun. it is my favorite class so far. i want to play melee. wasn’t feeling barb or rogue. druid is awesome.

if you don’t like it by lvl 10 then you probably never will. try something else maybe

that’s not my take at all, nowhere did I say that… but I’m not gonna make conclusions from just a few hours play. If you do that then more power to ya. However if someone’s gonna try to justify here on the forums that the game is bad for whatever reason then expect pushback,… this is the D4 forums ya know.

I dont think that was the point, its not weak at all by any means. But its “Feel” and aesthetic needs work, animations need polish and it doesn’t “Feel” good. This game has an issue where some classes feel great to move around with and others… kinda dont.

At least thats what I got from the OP’s comment, and I can agree.

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Took several minutes to kill the boss in Hoardrim Vaults. Just logged out at about 20% and started a necro lol.

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Well werebear is awful. I was 2 shotted at the beginner event outside of town. I did have some descent lowbies items. Debiliatating Roar does not work on elites either… This spec is not very good. Will wait until 20 before I make my mind up but I am currently disappointed.

There’s nothing clueless about it. You have no idea what the class truly plays like until you’ve reached a point where you can gear yourself to define the class to your play style. Which takes time to reach… cause some classes shine well immediately or take time to reach optimal levels where they become great.

I like the druid it’s a better version of the barb in my opinion (I has level 25 barb decked) and just takes time to get better since melee classes in this game seem to suffer. This game is really aimed at range dps as being the top meta builds.

low level every class is extremely bad in D4. the game takes itself too serious in low level and delivers an extremely bad pace.
this combined with the boring dungeons in ACT 1 the game doesnt click for me. i hope that the next ACT(s) are much better.

Barb was no where near as bad as shapeshifter druid… I had a barb last weekend and only issue I had was doing Malnok last boss at 21. But Werebear is bad right at the start.

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Rogue and Sorc pop off starting at level 2. Druid, I got to 10 and was just awful the whole time