Druid is just straight awful

that is false. my druid worked well at all levels. at lvl 25 it works very well. i would say its slightly slower than my lvl 25 sorcerer. probably not much because my druid is much more mobile.

It’s very possible that there is a build that works, I just didn’t find it and comparison to other classes was huge. Necro just does damage from first step they take. Sorc core skills all do huge damage, never mind getting hydra and Ice Blades later on. I was one shotting elites at level 25 on my sorc. Even killed the 35 rare in 2 seconds. Granted my sorc is pretty stacked and my druid is not as I didn’t enjoy it enough to gear it.

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I had the exact same problem.

I had to go foamy wulf when all I wanted was bear

I am very glad I’ve leveled Druid to 25 during this weekend; aside from the extremely obvious choice that everyone’s first character should be either a Sorceress (mobility + damage) or a Necro (damage), I now know NOT to start with Druid - even if I love the class - just because I will have a miserable leveling experience. By the time I’ll hit 100, people will have made 3 characters and hit lvl 100.

Raxxanterax’s video " Early Game Diablo 4 Druids Have it Rough…" says it all.

The only thing I would like to know, since the beta is the 0.8.1. version, is for Blizzard to tell us if the Druid has already been rebalanced for the 1.0 release. Because if he has been, and the leveling experience is much better/smoother, then I will prefer to start as a Druid.

So Blizzard, please tell us BEFORE RELEASE, how you have rebalanced the classes from the 0.8.1 Beta version, so that we are better informed on which class to start our journey with.


Did you go caster druid or just focus on Willpower because it is the class primary stat? And just how much Willpower did you have, because it looks to gain about 5 damage per point of Willpower if I am doing the math right (just awoke, so may not be).

People saying just get this or that legendary obviously have no idea legendary drop rates have been turned way up for this beta. Good luck getting any sane player to stop at level 25 to farm hours for a legendary that will make the class feel just slighty more enjoyable.

All classes should be enjoyable and non clunky starting from level 1 and then build on top of that fun. Druid is not fun, its just barely tolerable with the right legos at the moment.


The problem’s even bigger than that. Unless there’s a way to stop EXP gain entirely, the process of farming will cause you to level, which in turn makes your character even weaker while you’re searching for gear. You can really feel it now in the current beta at certain points playing as Druid.

Druid is in terrible shape, why was there no actual testing of the class performed?

i couldn’t go face to face with the butcher and kill him with barb. just did with werewolf druid.

It is also difficult to make final conclusions since we:

  1. Only get a portion of the skill tree
  2. Do not get the level 15 class buff since you aren’t able to reach that portion of the map in BETA
  3. Are probably missing a good portion of legendary affixes for things to better support Wearbear/Elemental build - most are driven to Fortify builds, or Werewolf (and still not many great ones at that)

mine is at level 25 and i have to say i like it

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If they launch diablo 4 with druid in this state I think “I am not ready yet” will become the number one D4 meme.

I appreciate a thicc PC but why are the models super ugly? I mean the models are really bad, I understand trying for a more rugged look to match a the setting but once you take off the beard it is disturbing and seems like it is imported from Morrowind.

Completely missing the point.

You can’t get a feel for a character by level 10.

Yeah it’s slower than necro and sorcerer, but it’s pretty close to barb. And certain things actually work really well at the lowest levels.

If you want druid to be better, point out which things are bad and why. They’re not going to fix “druid sucks so much”. That’s not constructive.

Also, i got from 1 to 15 on my druid in about 2 hours, which included redoing part of the campaign because it bugged out on me, switching from I to II at about level 8 because it was too easy, and I’ve been killing stuff pretty smoothly.

No it’s not as OP as the Necro, but it’s a damn sight better than the Barbarian. I can just rip tornados and run around in circles. It feels a lot like Sorcerer gameplay, except that I’m tankier.

I killed vehnad the first time (died like 5 times on the Barb), and it was a little slower than sorc, but just as easy (used less pots).

Some of it might be game experience and altars of Lillith.

But I’m actually enjoying my druid at the moment.
I just got some gloves that makes my core skills do more damage for each pet out, and named/elites mobs are dying pretty quickly, sometimes with just 1 tornado.

I played as wold and bear in end game, and they felt a lot worse than what I’m playing now. This feels like progress to me.

Got my druid to 25, got some more gear, and finally had a functional build to work with to see some stuff pop off. It was a slog, most of the skills feel bad to use, and the gear requirement to actually do things in a fun way is ridiculous.

Then I played the sorc. Spark, Chain Lightning, Teleport, Ice Armor the entire time. Zero supporting legendaries, I clear full rooms with a couple casts of chain lightning? Bosses die in 3 or 4 casts? I regen mana automatically? I can freely exit combat when I choose and have really potent defensive options? I hit 20 just before the 10 pm spawn for ashava, and helped kill him. Single casts of chain lightning pumping 1500ish damage… I needed to be 25 and a little stacked with buffs from actually fighting to see that with my barb once in a while, yet there it is on the sorc, baked in damage capability, every press of the button without fail.

They messed up on balance in the low level. The classes that generate resources automatically shouldn’t also be the best for dishing out damage. The effort to reward ratio is all screwed up.


Yeah, went bearman myself and honestly it feels like I’m playing the free trial class, low damage, low survivability, which includes mobility and passives so if this was meant to be a tanky build well, it’s the opposite. Bearman should have some passive resource generation on being hit at least, by default not via specialization.

Focused on willpower and some strenght for extra armor. Got pretty much oneshotted by a big axe boss. I leveled a barbarian a rooj a necro up to 25 and I don’t remember either one being oneshotted. In fact comparing it with the barbarian it lags so far behind it’s funny given the barbarian’s initial performance. This class has issues.

My thoughts so far.

Basic skills feel pretty bad to use overall. Best one I liked was the werewolf, but most skills lacked weight to them, numbers aside they just didn’t feel that good to use unlike the barbarian skills imo.

The core skills was mostly the same experience, only pulverize feelt good and impactful. The werewolf skill was decent but a bit awkward to use. Tornado didn’t hit anything, the earth skill had good damge but was also awkward to use.

I feel like the next tier should have been the summons, instead we get defence abilities which are ok, but nothing special and a bit boring overall. The healing was nice from the werewolf skill, but Debilitating Roar doesn’t work on bosses which is when you really need it.

Only tested the wolves, but without items they deal so low damage its pathetic. They are extremely tanky though, and draw aggro from bosses. My suggestion is to reduce their health and increase their damage from leveling up the skill. The active is pretty broken and the AI need to be more aggressive and actually hit stuff.

Didn’t try any ultimate, but overall the skill tree is quite boring. Spending a skill point just to get a bit more max energy or regen is just bad design and boring. Most passives or choice are boring and don’t affect the way you play at all.

The class need some adjustment for sure, not even necessarily buffs, but make it more interesting and feel better to use.

my fav class and it’s just not for you. i see ppl attracting defence skills as boring… what happen to the world… players want only brainless games with pushing and nothing more xd just maybe… grow up? and realize game should offer defensive abilities to be fun?

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Same. Vey bad exxperience with Druid. It’s even weaker than my Rogue whicg is shocking cuz’ my Rogue lvl 25 was relatively weak. Druid level 19 and I can’t even beat Pilgrim quest “mini boss” plus there’s some "animation lock/cancelation " or something cuz’ when he tries his strongest attack I can’t move and he kills me with one attack. I end up sending my wolves on him (they gibe him low damage) and running around this small area. Eventually stopped playing. The worst part is combat I wrote about it on the forum before. It’s laggy and clunky. Funny thing is I’ve tried using controller for the first time in Diablo I thought is would help but no.

I think the overall design and playstyle of Werewolf is fun. But the aspects are so overwhelmingly underwhelming surrounding Shred it’s almost a joke. This type of design seems almost on purpose and is very reminiscent of D3. Instead of you creating fun builds that work because of the games amazing design it just feels like Blizzard is shoving builds they create and come up with, down your throat.

There’s one aspect in particular for example where ‘Shred will pop Rabies Poisoning damage to surrounding enemies affected by Rabies but only if it dashes’. It is such a janky aspect to use in terms of playstyle, it’s downright useless, and its the same across the board for all Werewolf aspects. I could think of at least 5 different aspects right now that would be fun and strong for Werewolf. And this is what I mean by it feels almost done on purpose. Who created such a useless item, compared it to what other classes have going on and put it in the game without thinking “Wow. This is terrible and useless.” When you see game design like this it really starts to feel like it’s all on purpose.

The whole idea of shapeshifting in this game is entirely redundant and they missed the nail on the head. I could just as easily use any ability in any form because physically transforming into these forms and staying in them gives literally nothing. It’s all cosmetic. So in my opinion it’s a terrible and useless design and honestly was probably a whole lot of wasted time they could have put elsewhere. But I guess we have to roll with it now.

The druid is an extremely hard class to get right. It essentially is at least 2 different classes in 1 if not even more. But the simple truth is they fell short and hard in what the Werewolf is. I get that it’s only a beta and we are only level 25 but when you compare other classes and how they are performing in the beta compared to Werewolf you really can’t help but wonder what the future holds.