Druid is just straight awful

Its not about the person, it is about the class, even people with more experience than this whole forums combined together (players who played Diablo games for 30+ years) say the class underperforms every other class by MILES… the gameplay is fun, if its damage/survivality would be close to other classes, which is not , saying the class is good as is, is just copium , or people who had not played any other class, I leveled all classes to 25, geared them up, druid was the weakest of ALL of them.
Druid level 20 power wise is strong as level 5 MAGE…

Druid is the fat kid in gym who needs to sit down for a breather while his friends are all running circles around him.

Druid needs serious buffs and rework.

I couldn’t even handle making it to 25, I stopped at 19 and realized I hadn’t enjoyed it since levels 1-5. Everything about their kit is under tuned damage wise.

Those who say druid are fine are delusional. Barb is C tier compared to F tier druid. You can judge a class from the first 25 levels when all other classes are better face tankers than a tank spec druid.

That person most definitely is using that Legendary Aspect that gives 7% damage for Whirlwind, stacking up each second it is active, otherwise I doubt it is possible to reach that levels of damage in beta.

I strongly disagree, I am having an absolute blast with the Druid. The transformation skills need to be worked on but the elemental/rock skills are powerful and fun.

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You mean that slow as molasses rock slam skill that takes 2 seconds to actually cast? Yeah wow so much fun.

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wolfs deal insane dmg later on with legendaries. 1-2.5k with werewolf legendary and +300% dmg legendary

i had a way easier time on my druid. i face tanked the butcher. did the world boss without dieing once. the damage is decent. i couldn’t get near the same performance out of my 25 barb.

Druid is good. very good.

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Well, legendaried out my druid this morning and I am quite satisfied with his play. That is not to say that some other AT does not become even more godly with legendaries, but that I think the play is quite solid with what I have. Perhaps it is a hallmark Blizzard should be closer to without or with fewer legendaries.

biggest disappointment of the game so far :frowning:

Yes, I do, I am wrecking mobs with it.

Yeah. Got the legendaries that:

  • Turn Boulder into a Core skill and increase its damage by up to 200% on an amulet/100% otherwise
  • Increase the damage of Core skills by up to 50% based on use of Basic skill (7% per)
  • Increase the crit damage of Core skills when using Storm skills
  • Increase the damage of Core skills by 7.5% for each active companion
  • Gain an additional companion

I am a boulder rolling madman on top of dropping hurricanes while pouding things with Storm Strike (made faster to attack by another legendary–so keeping up the spirit to roll boulders is easy).

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Druid and Barb are fine power wise, it is Sorc and Necro who are not fine.

The one area where Druid is not fine, and it is a general issue, just worse for Druid, is a lack of skills to choose from.
Having just one bear skill, and one wolf skill, in each skill ‘group’ is quite lackluster.

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hit 25 on druid.

Shapeshifting animation locks preventing you from chaining abilities to build spirit to actually try and do some dps since u can literally only cast pulverize twice.

Rabies missing and going on cooldown.

your spenders in werewolf form missing but holding shift and auto attacking hits due to weird terrain issues.

apparently werewolves gained 7 sides strike and are monks.

there is no poison execute similiar the barbarians bleed execute.

Maul not being Aoe as base is bad. Maul generating less spirit then other two abilites is bad specially when those others are ranged.

Tankiness not inherently being built into the Bear form without spending additional abilities.

Why is the heal not baked into the werebear form instead of the werewolf form which already has life steal abilities.

the ultimate bear form, not interesting i was under the impression we gained “new abilities” instead it just removes none werewolf and storm abilities off your bar doesnt reduce costs so u can actually spam out damage. Need to add in something more than X dmg and dmg reduction, or at least lengthen the duration base form or add movement speed or add cost reduction or a thorns component or move the thorns into that talent then further down…

there are wayyy more complaints ( skill tree. swap back to tabs this ui is terrible zooming into one ability and scrolling around to play connect the dots, The only time can zoom out on your character is during lame world boss fights (lost ark does it better…way better) dodge button feels terrible doesn’t let u break out of cc, boss fights as melee=a game of playground tag, teleporting to friend, no gem bag or stacking, no runes at launch, gaurenteed pvp will be removed or not added just like d3 ) but this is exhausting to even type and think about how disappointed i am with the beta so far.

Also wont be preordering I just dont trust blizz anymore. The only success as of late was D2r. That was because they were smart and just reskinned.

Terrible design.

300% multipliers? What is this, diablo 3? That’s absurdly over powered. Not only are you getting an additional wolf, but you’re also TRIPLING their damage? That’s like a 900% increased damage modifier on A SINGLE item.

Terrible game design.

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It’s on 2h weapon. Otherwise it scales till 150% or something. You forgot that 2h weapon gives 100% and neck 50%.

That. 18 werebear druid here, playing on hardcore.

It wasn’t that bad playing in a party since I could focus on my role as a tank, but I’m finding it unbearable to play by myself. Bosses almost killed me of boredom, since they couldn’t kill my character no matter what, but I coulnd’t kill them either — not for less than 10 minutes.

Sure, maybe I should have tried to play as a werewolf, but what kind of class forces me to reset my abilities for different challenges?

I was really hyped for the druid, drew for its seemed versatility. It’s anything but versatile. Dedicating slots for skills that can be used only in one form isn’t fun. It’s possible to play and I can see it getting really strong, but it wasn’t fun.

Maybe it just isn’t for me, which is a shame; I really liked the concept of what they were trying to do.

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I just wanted to say, it doesn’t matter if its “only a beta” or “its only the beginning of the game”. If it’s straight weak people won’t play it and suffer through the entire game to make it good or work. Especially when necro, rogue and sorc are right there.

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I think one of the issues is that players want to play a specific build like werebear and thats not possible in an enjoyable and efficient way early on, since the skills for that simply aren’t available. There are also several beginner traps like someone could be disappointed by using enhanched pulverize as their main spirit spender, since its only really strong every 10s and if you don’t take much damage while it recharges. I think that sort of building up a strong burst is the fun of the skill and shouldn’t be changed, but beginners might fail to take another spirit spender and then it feels weak.
Players also seem to have preconceptions on how skills should work (e.g. trying to use hurricane as disappointing high damage nuke for an elemental mage instead as damage reduction aura that deals solid damage over time in a melee druid build) instead of reading and using the skills as they actually are.
I find the single target dps a little bit lacking and I feel railroaded into either going for Landslide or shred, especially early game. The AoE damage on the other hand is really good and one can currently clear the entire games content without any issues.
Overall I have the impression that players exaggerate how weak druid is or maybe they simply don’t create good builds, since he currently can clear the entire content the beta offers on veteran without any issues. I even cleared a stronghold while being 5 levels underleveled and faced everything head on - no kiting or endless enemy avoidance while hitting a single weak one to generate resources.