Druid is just straight awful

Yeah I’m sure with perfect items, skills and gameplay it’s okay or I can play a Necro and equip whatever, use whatever abilities and ignore all the mechanics and destroy everything.


lol I assure you it’s veteran. I got this legendary power that makes my tornados track enemies up to 5 times. I spam that while using a buffed hurricane and everything melts

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i can’t get that one -.- 2 dayssssssss of farming

So i liked the class in d2 and also like in d4

But they need to change here some mechanic ir spells.
It takes to long to make some dmg
And at Bossen its really hard and some kind of kiten.
I took 4 min for a Boss and my girlfriend woth necro just seconds…

Thats not fair or enjoy playing this class

my hurricane is over 1k. lvl 7 with a lot of willpower and vulnerability bonuses. Cooldown reduction. Almost always on… Shreds everything at 25. Even elites while i stand still.

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mine is incredibly fast. i attack very fast. shred with dash is amazing. shred you can use 3 times before it takes more spirit if it’s used quickly enough. i just dash from pack to pack. they die so quickly. A lethal boss attack. just lacerate through it.

It feels like the best class i’ve played either weekend. i cant put my werewolf down. i’m probably over 20 hours with him.

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Though i would agree druid is a bit slow paced and reliant on abilities / synergy. But by no means is druid bad. I leveled from 1 to 25 just testing and respecing till i found a build to solo play. Though it didnt have the best damage output as some of the top builds and i didnt have any legendaries to accompany a certain build at the time. The build was still viable and okay. If you are curious, i went Stormstrike (vulnerabillity) - Shred (Poison) - Earthen Bulwark - Hurricane (Vulnerabillity) - Blood Howl (Reduced CD) and Lacerate. All in all, it was a great dungeon build to cleave down groups, Single target was decent with the poison, shred and lacerate. All in all, it isnt like a lot of the other classes and requires some levels and abilities before it actually starts opening up. Probably an unpopular opinion, but i am intrigued to see what the class grows into when we have access to more skill points, boons and legendaries. Since then, i have obtained legendaries and have moved on from this build. But still had a ball during the come up.

Never said it shouldn’t be viable, you have no idea whether they are viable or not based off of a level cap of 25 and missing key items and Druids are the only ones who don’t have access to their level 15 stuff on the beta.

you’re just bad, my druid wipes out everything in one swipe

I don’t think it’s a bad issue, it’s more of a the build they want to play doesn’t perform well for leveling or at level 25 with possibly missing a lot of key items, so they’re mad.

It’s the same conversation as barb last weekend. People were upset and the people who were playing thorns / bleed builds said barbs are fine l2p.

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Hello everyone. I am about to max out my necromancer and want to try druid. Just curious. Is it possible to make a build that does not have pets or are pets permanent on druids?

I am very happy that necromancers have the option to make a petless build

My build only uses the vine creeper for the immobilize and generating terramotes, the poison damage dot from the entangle pairs nicely with hurricane and stormstrike for aoe.

i used werewolf. i had a wolves as my 6th skill but reallocated the points elsewhere. it wasn’t strong and i found it better to put them in something else.

so yeah uou don’t need pets. i could see them as a nice source of extra damage though with extra skill points.

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Nice. I thought we are forced to have pets on druids because one of the youtubes I watched said we “need” to choose among 4 spirit animals to accompany us.

that is an offering we make. provides passive benefits. not in the beta.

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This is the class mechanic that isn’t available to druids on the beta, because the class quest is in a zone we don’t have access to. There are 4 spirit animals, and they all provide a number of passive buffs to choose from. You can pick more buffs from the animal you choose to “represent”, but it doesn’t have a physical presence in the world afaik.


It’s quite baffling how this got through from the playtests. It’s just so slow at low levels and defence isn’t great either. Am sure it will go online later much like barb, but this isn’t good.

al classes are slow at low levels. what build are you trying? Werebear?

not all builds will work well at all levels. i went werewolf and enjoyed it from level 1

Thanks for the clarification.

Nice. I really don’t like to play a pet class. I like that it can be an option. But not permanent. So knowing I can play Druid without pets is nice.

I am really trying to find what I would like to play when the game releases since I find the initial classes to be very basic. I wish Paladin is available. But since I have played rogue, barb and sorc/mage from different diablo series,. necro and druid is the two class I am trying to look at hard on game release.

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No they aren’t. Necro just blasts instantly and Sorc goes online on level 3 with rogue fast behind. Druid just doesn’t really work even at 25. It’s just slow compared to everything.

Seems like the one thing that does damage is Pulverize with overpower.