Druid is just straight awful

People are coping hard, but anyone who got sorcerer or necro to level 20+ and then did the same with druid knows how absolutely trash druid currently is in comparison.


except you get gear with resitance on them and just liek in Diablo 2 its a balanceing act of dmg vs survival.
i do agree teh Multi skill options of D2 is my style of an ARPG, PoE, ws fun to play, but the limiting action bar was an eventaul turn off for me.
however the popular trend is the limited skill choice.
before sunder charms, D2 was inentionally designed to Break some builds to Promote Co-Op play. many people would have builds that could only run certain areas due to the static resistances in said areas.
There will be MANY more options for dealing with ’ reisitance issues for both enemies and player alike by nightmare+ torment, just as Diablo 3 has them.

Diablo2 Classic(not LoD) Itheras set was S-teir for surviability

I doubt this is on veteran

  1. Barbs have expertise right from level one. By 25 if you focus on a weapon you will have the bonus up to 10. 2. Druid, felt fine to me leveled it to 25 with no problems. Pulverize while having hurricane on just wrecks. Part of the problem I think is they are a hybrid but people want to play them as a pure caster or pure shape shifter rather then making a purpose for the build. I went for massive AoE. So i took abilities that go along with that theme rather then sticking to pure caster or pure shape shifter.
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i mean imo.
Druid is very strong but you need everything – talents and gear.

I killed the boss, butcher (alone and alone with afk party member), all dungeon bosses.

They can nuke but, compared with the other classes, they need some tinkering and reworking.

My main gripe is the over-dependence on gear.

Spell-like Tornado – this should just lock onto targets. i shouldn’t need a codex for this.

Druids need their insanely strong affixes.

This can be fixed if they bothered to lower the power spike from legendaries and instead increased the default ability output.

Spirit regen also sucks. The passive makes it better, but spending 3 points on spirit regen is kinda meh. This is an issue for both Druid and Barbs. We spend more time auto attacking to build ressources instead of using the fun spenders.


Same with the Barb, its dependence on gear is a huge problem. In previous Diablo games that dependence was never this bad because the spells/skills all levelled up so it just took putting enough skill points into something and that was usually enough to get by until you got better gear.

Not saying that dependence is a bad thing because its an ARPG, its always about the gear at the end of the day but D4 feels like its much stricter and less forgiving.

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its really bad design when i go to sorc, ranger, and necro and lvl 3x times faster with less effort lol.

When i tried my 4th class, necro, after resting my druid for a little bit. I was like… wellllll i forgot how this felt lmao.

Same, when I played Necro for the first time - I levelled that to 25 in literally no time at all, no deaths, no build issues and I had fun because I wasn’t hitting any of the limits the game had imposed on the player. I had a hard time levelling my barb and druid, oh not because it was hard or anything - but because I was getting bored :confused: and for an ARPG should never happen.

All classes lack power and build configurations when you’re level 10 and don’t have legendaries and uniques.

Honestly druid is probably my least favorite. But you’re playing a beta where even if you get to level 25 and farm legendaries, you’ve only got access to 10 to 20% of the available legendary powers, and no unique powers.

Once you’re 100 and fully equipped (which is what the classes are designed to be played at generally), it will feel much better.

It’s ok to not like it, but wow…

A class sucking should not be acceptable because you can get a piece of gear to make it better. This is such a weird argument.

Classes should NOT depend on a 1 in 100 drop!

Druid atm feels more like playing a whack a mole game where you spend 90% hitting mobs with a stick for spirit rather than using your spenders and their output is obviously much, much lower than necro and sorc.


How far did you rank it up? It seems quite useful in clearing trash and definitely puts some hurt on elites.

Just got my druid to 25 today and after having pretty badl uck on legendary drops, I did the world boss and got 8 lol. Once I sorted them out and did a talent respec, I’m personally really enjoying it, even if it is definitely slowly and more challenging than it seems to be compared to necro’s / sorcerers

I understand why ppl aren’t enjoying the class, but I’d say it’s playing exactly the way it did in Diablo 2, and it was incredibly difficult to feel “good” until you had the right pieces of gear (think of Hellslayer vs Buriza in D2, getting a wpn with a good attack speed actually made such a impactful and upfront noticeable difference to your dps). Unfortunately, I’m unsure of how this works for Druids in D4, I don’t think their SS form attack speed will be based off their weapons’ speed.

I think some buffs to druids such as more damage to claw basic attack, and getting more spirit back. Maybe something like 30% of spirit used on Shred is refunded when an enemy is killed with Shred. Small tweaks would make a huge difference on the beginning gameplay.

yeah im getting unlucky with drops too. I am still missing two that i want. Idk why drops are so hard to get on druid. my alts where getting drops at low lvls!

What did you Write on the Piece of wood to get into town after the Prologue?

I’m playing poison werewolf at like level 22 right now and it feels pretty awful. Hopefully some legendries will help but idk. Maybe I’m just playing it wrong cause I have no idea how anyone can be saying that it’s good.

I think it’s just missing on the gameplay feedback. Skills should transition their animations faster, make casting nature magic feel good and not a burden that makes you wish you were in werewolf form but with spirit (depending on build)

Rogue is one of the most fun classes because its feedback is tight. If i’m doing no damage I can mash my buttons 10x faster to make up for it but it seems this was accidently done by blizzard.

Everything is “very strong” when you’re completely geared.

Compare a Druid to a Necro or Sorc or Rogue. Druid doesn’t even exist in the same galaxy.


The problem with Druid is everything they have is weak and slow, it just feels very clunky to play.


Druids great, you just need to learn the game’s mechanics and the class. Druid feels great once you have some good gear and skill levels, and that’s without its class mechanic being available.