Druid is bad. Really bad. (Lv25 experience)

Don’t play Druid, he sucks. As much as they do in D2.
I’m lv25 with plenty of legendaries. Hated the whole 1-25 experience, but gave him a real chance.

  • Storm Strike: Damage a bit low. Spirit generation ok. Improvements are useful.
  • Wind Shear: It’s alright.
  • Earth Spike: Low damage, bad spirit generation. Improvements aren’t better.
  • Lightning Storm: It’s a core skill that has to be channeled…
  • Tornado: The damage is actually nice. If it hits, which it rarely does… A core skill that spends your Spirit into nothing, and that with the already slow spirit generation. The aspect that grants it targeting isn’t that helpful. Needs to be much more aggressive and should be baseline included. Tornado gets stuck in walls, can’t damage objects and costs too much spirit. A frustrating skill.
  • Landslide: The AOE radius is a joke and the animation is far too slow. More often than not monsters move out of the AOE before it hits. Basically unusable.
  • Earthen Bulwark: Bit boring, but ok.
  • Cyclone Armor: Boring skill. The active pushes enemies away, which is not desirable. Druid is sort of a close range caster. Cyclone for example pushes enemies out of Hurricane…
  • Blood Howl: Heals for very little and generates a useless amount of spirit. Barb skills generate 35+ and give a 50% generation bonus…
  • Wolves: Deal very little damage. Doesn’t make a difference if they exist or not. Is the active bugged or does it just not deal any damage?
  • Hurricane: Yeah, it can’t even kill a normal monster… Totally useless skill. You could increase the damage x5 and it would still only be ok.
  • Boulder: Pushes the enemies far far away, outside the screen. Garbage. Why would I want that? Earth skills are slow and can’t handle knockbacks. The AOE is also small.
  • Trample: Ohh, the only mobility skill. And it’s the worst one in the game. Often overshoots. Knockback is rarely useful.
  • Petrify: How on earth is this an ultimate?
  • Cataclysm: Deals very little damage and is about as reliable as Tornado. All that on an 80s cooldown…
  • Grizzly Rage: Let’s just say I dealt less damage and took way more damage while in this shapeshift. Yes, an ultimate(!) skill that makes me worse.
    Haven’t played wolf/bear.

Doubtful that Druid will perform better at level 100. From what we know they don’t have nice scaling like Barb does and I don’t see any amazing synergies. The mechanics are also way soo clunky and ill-fitting.
You thought Barb struggles with bosses?
Druid feels like hastily implemented and not played much by the devs. You only have to get to level 25 to see that big changes are necessary.
Sadly I don’t think Druid will change much. Only numbers will change, mechanics will stay.
He is good as a world boss buff bot though.


Druid is in the same boat that Barb is in IMO.

Sorc is S tier easy

Rogue and Necro (IMO) are tied for A tier

  • Rogue is squishier than Sorc
  • Necro feels jank (to me)

Barb and Druid are F tier

  • just boring and not fun always resource starved
  • dies to things that Sorc, Necro, Sorc just delete right of the screen

Meh, not saying the Druid is my favourite, but I only skim read your post til there then stopped.
Wolves have utility- they indirectly buff Druid tankiness by being punching bags for mobs and transferring Fortify to Druid. On top of that there are many passives and affixes that buff wolves a lot (and we wont see them all because we dont have class mechanic in the beta, or paragon boards etc.

The Druid might not be for you, but this kind of “analysis” helps no one


No. Barb actually scales and growth into something playable with some items. Druid doesn’t.

Rage/Spirit is heavily undertuned btw. That’s the main reason why those classes suck. Also a lot of monsters stun in melee, which doesn’t mix well with Rage/Spirit.


Been playing Barb this time after fire sorc and rogue last

honestly? I prefer Barb

The kick never gets old. Upheaval is great. And the whole arsenal system is pretty damn neat.

Oh. And frenzy feels actually nice to use vs basics in the others.

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No, he’s really that bad. Saying that the Druid is ok doesn’t help anyone. Druid is the worst class by a good margin.
I tried wolves and they’re a weak skill.


I agree druid is just not great at all. Played druid most of today and it was just tedious. I really liked werewolf but it just lacks. Then I decided to try necro after getting dc during a boss fight that was going poorly. Necro is very good aoe dmg is nuts and the pets are amazing. Corpse explosion is amazing a free skill that only needs a corpse to work seems broken at least early on.


The irony here is that from the closed beta leaks I heard, Druid and Warr are the two strongest classes at end game and basically the only two viable pvp classes. Then again no idea how accurate those reports where.

I’ll say this for my reviews on the classes:

  1. Necro. This was assuredly going to be my main I nearly always play “dark caster” archetypes and necro was my main for most of d2 and d3… and everything was super easy, but none of it “felt” good. If you don’t play Corpse Ex, you literally have nothing to do with all the corpses other than refresh pets. If you do play corpse ex, you now force your gameplay around corpses for damage which can be lame for bosses. The legendary effects where all disapointments as well… wasting 2 slots for both curses, then 2 globals in combat, followed by blight, then CX as a shadow build gets old fast… Bone builds, on the other hand felt incomplete… Teeth sucks as a generator, and while bone spear is great as a spender, it doesn’t feel like there’s anything else to get. Bone Prison got in my way more than it helped, and bone spirit just felt like a waste of resource I could have just spent on bone spear. Low mobility, and slower time to kill as shadow just left me regretting the time I spent on it. By far my biggest letdown.

  2. Druid. Haven’t gotten far on it yet today (did it after necro)… Only interested in were-wolf/bear builds… Both are really really really really really boring. Also why is this guy a fat slob.

  3. Wizard. It was “ok” mechanically… incredibly easy to play. I made mine look like Loki from Avengers. And yes that was basically the most notoable thing about the class to me, was just kind of “meh” to me.

  4. Barb. I’ve never liked the barb archetype. Only got to like 10. I liked it better than druid at least.

  5. Rogue… I cannot express how disappointed I’ve been by the ranged skills. They all feel clunky and the shooting animations are goofy looking… That said, Melee rogue, on the other hand, is some of the most fun I’ve had in an ARPG and easily my choice now for a “main” since necro was so disappointing. Also, fwiw, the only class in the game that has more abilities I actually want, than I have room for on my bars.


Welp. Not to surprised by this thread. The “new” classes were always gonna be over or under turned.

I do find it funny that it’s the opposite of what everyone assumed, though

I guess it’s cause someone in management actually mains necro?

I definitely took my sweet time getting to 25 on druid, it probably is a bit slower than other classes but I’m still enjoying it a lot.

Been running landslide since I was able to talent it, totally disagree with you on landslide, the animation could be faster sure but im only really landsliding when im ready to dump spirit anyway. Sometimes they move and one of the pillars miss but it doesn’t happen that often.

Stormstrike paired with hurricane is good aoe, throw in the creeper vine entangle and no ones running from your landslide casts and they are taking a lot of poison damage + your hurricane

Earthen Bulwark might be boring but its very useful.

Cyclone armor could use some love, yeah.

Druid is another one like barb where you definitely need some gear to synergize, can’t speak for shapeshifting builds didn’t really try those.

I’ve had no problems doing den mother and 2 strongholds at level 25 solo, usually never any danger or risk of death either.

Pretty much every resource spender I’ve seen that costs more than 30 resource, feels bad.


The animations on Druid are stunning and the gameplay is fun. Honestly all the classes are but yes I agree both Druid and Barb need some buffs, but again, they may have and should have balanced this at max level which means some levels might suck

I remember this in WoW as well where in some expansions survival melee hunter would triple peoples numbers but at end game be middle of the pack

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Yep, kinda like how warrior in wow usually sucks until towards the end of expansions and then they go god mode.

Its so so hard to really get any proper judgement on any of the classes, being limited to level 25, some classes like druid not being able to get their level 15 thingy, which I think is probably gonna boost some of these druid builds a lot and thats part of the problem at the moment.

They need to work on that werebear design… MFer out here lookin like the charmin bear with those stubby legs


It’s not that strong. Just 4 buffs like “10 Spirit”.


One of the best Druids skills if you upgrade it and have the affixes, 3 wolves can kill an elite while you deal with the small fry and keep enemies busy, give you fortify which stacks your overpower…nah, I doubt this guy has seen the full extent of wolves and we havent seen all that buffs them into lategame, it’s not a bad skill.


You get up to 5 actually, without seeing them all I can’t say but I’m sure theres some useful ones there.

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I tried again. Lv5 wolves deal as much damage as basic attacks. You’re a liar.


It’s not supposed to be a clone in terms of damage, it has tremendous utility, not just “damage”.

Try the 3 bosses in the Strong hold of Nostrava and see how the wolves do as much damage as you (if you have the affixes)

My main issue with Barbarian and Druid is that they’re the classes which require you to land hits in order to regain resource. The other three classes have swiftly regenerating resource. In a vacuum this is obviously a disadvantage. In context, it still is since nothing seems to have been done to counteract having to be a stationary target in order to gain resource.
Furthermore, not getting a summon until level 12 makes the first 11 levels rather painful. Once you get wolves your survivability goes up somewhat but they don’t seem to target enemies as aggressively as they should (unless you activate them but this is limited).
And maybe Druid and Barb are great late game. That’s no excuse for a bad early game experience though.


I played my druid to 25. have yet to die. The druid felt more playable then barbarian to me.

love my werewolf. so fun

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Oh look, more people who are convinced that X class is bad because they don’t know how to play the game without a streamer telling them which build guide to follow and what items to equip.