Dropped Item Power Should Increase With Difficulty and Player Level (WT4 Endgame) is

Yes obviously different gear drops in different world tiers that’s not the topic here.

I’m collecting data from pairs of dungeons, one normal, the same one NM tier 55-56 so far. I don’t have enough samples yet, but it’s pretty dead even on number of ancestral rare, sacred rare, and mean item power.

I don’t know what you’re trying to say here.

Dungeons don’t affect your Item Power. They’re not supposed to.

Again, only two things factor:

  1. Your level
  2. Your World Tier (aka difficulty)

If character level changes item power drop distribution within one world tier, it’s imperceptible as is. The mean item power I’m seeing at level 97 is about 740. I used an 801 item power weapon I found around level 80 until level 96 before I saw an axe with 5 higher item power.

Difficulty goes beyond world tier. Nightmare Dungeon tier 60 vs a normal dungeon is a difference in difficulty, because the monster level is higher. Currently there is no change in mean item power or drop rate between them. This is what I’m talking about.

It depends on the item rarity, which is tied to World Tiers.

Normal rares won’t go much above 700, sacred rares typically won’t go much above 800, but the item level of ancestral rares continues going up until level 90, at which point you’ve reached the item level cap.

Those item power breakpoints aren’t right. Ancestral gear starts at 725. Sacred gear start at 460 or 625 I can’t remember. The cap is 820. Seems like you didn’t read anything but the title, no biggie.

This is about drop distribution in world tier 4.

No, you clearly just didn’t read my post. Try again?

Normal rares don’t go up to item power 700. They become sacred at 460 or 625, can’t remember. Sacred rares can not drop above 724, because at 725 they become ancestral.

Are you saying that player level 90 applies a cap to item power drop distribution?

Sorry, you’re right. I was off by +100 when I wrote that.

Normal rares won’t go much above 600, Sacred rares won’t go much above 700, etc.

And what I’m saying about level 90 is what the devs said. At level 90, you are dropping the highest level items in the game. Item power stops scaling up at level 90.

Okay, but the cap to item power isn’t what I’m talking about either. I’m talking about the distribution of item power drops we get. Like a bell curve distribution with the majority falling at a mean item power in the middle. I’m suggesting that the mean and shape of the curve should change based on player level and difficulty, i.e. monster level. Monster level goes up to 154 in a tier 100 NM dungeon. Currently that dungeon would drop the same loot as a normal dungeon in world tier 4. That’s the topic.

If that’s the topic, then your title is very poorly written.

How would you word it?

So you did just read the title

No, I read the post. And much of it is wrong, which is why I corrected part of it:

Like this for example. Wrong.

Not my fault you decided to change what the post was about mid-stream.

I dont know how you can say ARPGs arent about leveling? All they are is leveling and gear progression. Thats exactly what they are?

I edited that wrong part of the post.

It’s right, according to Blizzard rep. I added the quote to the post. He says at level 70 you can find the highest item power gear. Unless he didn’t mean that.

Fair enough.

Back to the main topic:
Based entirely on anecdotal experience, I do suspect that at higher level NM dungeons the chance of an item dropping as Ancestral is slightly higher than normal content, but I certainly haven’t kept track or spread-sheeted it to make any kind of statistical claim. Hard to say whether it exists or not, but if it doesn’t then I agree that it probably should.

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I’ll post my results

I’m happy to look at them, but unless you’ve logged 5000+ drops for each category, they’re not going to be statistically meaningful.

Yeah, 5,000.

A sample size of 30 pairs of dungeons is plenty to be statistically significant. It’s very time consuming, so if 20 follows pretty close to a normal distribution I’ll be done.

It’s really not though.

You should go look up Yamane’s formula.
n = N/(1+N(e)2)

It’s correct that you can find the highest level gear at 70.

It is incorrect for you to say that it is “equally likely to drop at level 70 doing normal dungeons.” It isn’t. It can drop at level 70, but it is much less likely to.