As far as I understand it, dropped Item Power range is random, and based on world tier only.
Here’s a quote from a Blizzard rep.
The actual quote:
Monsters that are level 90 and above cannot drop any higher gear for you. So basically, the highest level item you can get is basically a level 90 item in Diablo IV. Everything you fight after that doesn’t account for in terms of power scaling. And again, those are Ancestral Items, you could get that power level 90 item effectively, as soon as you hit level 70.
I think item power drops should follow a normal distribution (a bell curve) with the mean centered at your player level. Difficulty should skew this curve based on monster level.
If I’m level 70 in WT 4, the mean should be centered around 725 item power. If I’m level 100, The mean should center at 820, maybe 800 so there’s still some variation (the hard cap is 820 as far as I know [barring special rares from special elites]). If I’m fightning level 120 monsters in a Nightmare dugneon, the curve should skew higher, the most skew for the highest difficulty content and highest level monsters.
I’m currently building a dataset comparing normal dungeon loot to the same dungeon level 55+ NM dungeon loot. It’s dead even so far. Mean item level, drop rate, ancestral and sacred drop rate are eerily similar.
The way it works now, there’s no reward for doing high difficulty Nightmare dungeons. Random item power drops make it so doing the easiest content possible to kill and loot faster is the best way to get higher item power weapons, and even armor with the specific rolls we are looking for.
There should be an incentive to playing the game at higher difficulties. There should be an incentive to continue playing the game at level 100, besides trying to beat NM tier 100 or uber Lillith. In order to find the items we would need to even attempt 90+ NM dungeons or think it’s even possible to beat Lillith, we need higher item power weapons, which currently are equally likely to drop at level 70 doing normal dungeons. According to Blizzard.
This doesn’t make sense, and it’s not good game design.
Lets also discuss Special Elite monster items that drop above the 820 cap.
These items drop up to 845 item power. This is incredibly valuable for weapons. Not all weapon types are available from these monsters. 2 handed maces, axes, 1 handed axes all do not drop from any of these monsters. So there is a huge imbalance in the base damage certain classes and builds can acquire. A Best In Slot weapon at Item Power 820 is better than an 845 special rare item because they drop 3 stat and with pretty bad rolls.
Are there plans to expand the available special elite item drops to include all weapon types? This would at least give all builds a viable stat stick weapon to acquire if they choose to do so, until a high item power weapon (810-820) from the normal pool drops. And if you fix the way item power drops work, we could have a reliable way to see higher item power weapons that are much better than these special items.