so why cant we have that in D4?
as far as i’ve seen it has been, higher monster level, higher rates of ancestral gear drops
not at all item levels dont get any higher after level 70
it’s 60 and that’s because 60 is end game, once you hit wt4 you’re in end game
so dont level to 100 dont do the supposed end game content they added? quit at 60?
you level as much as you level doing the content you want to do, leveling isn’t the main focus, it’s currently pushing NM dungeons
This isn’t D3 where your goal is to get to 70 to even start end game
the goal of poe isn’t to hit 100 or d2 hit 99
which brings us back to the loot lol, its the whole reason its an issue monsters scale to like level 130 we scale to level 60
gear level != character level
also there is WT5 datamined so that will likely be close to 80-90
WT5 would be an amazing announcement for season 1 i agree. we shall see
it’d be great, as long as it wasn’t the only thing for season 1, but they did say you’d be engaging with season content within the first hour of the game, obviously that would mean something else with it
I’m going to build a table with more samples to get actual data. My experience and many others disagree with you.
My game must just be weird then lol, but I can only speak from personal experience
It’s possible that drop rate works differently at the low levels of WT4. How fast are you going in normal dungeons vs nightmare dungeons and what tier NM dungeons are you doing? Are you solo for both?
I’m 3 runs into my data collection. I’m shooting for 20 pairs of dungeons. So far the results are near dead even.
It depends on the game. The majority of people playing PoE don’t hit level 100. I think 95 is the highest I have ever reached. The same might be true here. You can be finished with all your goals for the season before you reach max level and either quit for the season or reroll an alt.
i mean, it’s like 5 min a dungeon either way, with 26-30s for NM
Dropped item power does increase with player level and difficulty.
So… wish granted?
Sure, but my point is about how item power drop distribution works in Diablo 4. I think the distribution should change based on difficulty/monster level, and player level. Item power is a gear progression metric unique to Diablo 4, among ARPGs. POE has totally different itemization, mainly crafting and trading.
And I don’t think it makes sense for the gear progression to have nothing to do with monster level or player level past getting in to WT4, which I did at 65, and plenty of people do even earlier.
The drop rate, and mean item power is the same for NM dungeon tier 69, maybe even 100, as a normal dungeon. Doesn’t that seem weird? Finding the same amount of gear that’s the same relative power from the hardest content in the game vs the easiest?
It does.
Wish granted.
Not according to the data I’ve gathered so far in world tier 4. Do the developers claim it does?
What data are you talking about?
The range of Item Power for your drops is based on two things:
- Your level
- Normal/Sacred/Ancestral (which are restricted by World Tier, aka difficulty)