Dropped Item Power Should Increase With Difficulty and Player Level (WT4 Endgame) is

I haven’t seen anything from Blizzard that says this. Did I miss something?

Central limit theorem is fine for this. Unless the data is weirdly distributed 20-30 is fine dude this isn’t a medical trial.

Go take a level 50 and a level 70 into WT3.

The level 70 will drop far more Sacred items than the level 50.

I honestly don’t care about world tier 3. I’m talking about endgame.

Same thing applies.

While the maximum potential item power for a drop doesn’t increase, a level 90 will drop more Ancestral items than a level 70 and thus be more likely to get a high roll Ancestral.

Leveling is secondary to doing the content in most arpgs, the goal isn’t to hit a level, its to do the content.

Only arpg that makes you hit max is D3

Except for the fact that there is literally content restricted behind hitting a certain level in this game, so you are actually right, but wrong at the same time. You can attempt uber lilith from any level in WT4 but lets be honest, you arent beating her until minimum of level 95

But you don’t get all the gear, you get repeat uniques that are useless because they only allow 1 specific build and if that builds too strong it gets nerfed. You’re forced into choosing a specific role for the best chance to succeed, buff other things and allow people to play, either allow trading or make drop variety and frequency happen more.

Frankly at this point they should just reskin D2 as is with this engine and walk away.

Ew, nty, I’m enjoying D4

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