Did Blizzard just put KFC themed cosmetics in Diablo 4? Monetisation of D4 is getting ridiculous

I don’t understand. What are you worried about? That people will not recieve their cosmetics?

If you are worried the cosmetics won’t make enough to support future development I hate to break it to you but not only will this make more than enough money, that money will likely not be used to fund future development anyways and they have no obligation to do so.

If you buy that hog feed they call “food” at KFC then you have serious issues far beyond a chicken themed polearm.

So we can run around as a kfc bucket or as chickens. Or so?

If it means more funds for more content, I don’t care how they market/promote it, as long as it’s outside the game. I’ll get annoyed real quick, though, if ads start popping up while I’m playing. I’m not hung up on cosmetics anyway.

i’m hungry for some kfc now

KFC can be good depending on location.

Obviously Popeyes and Chick-fil-A are better.

All things in moderation.

It means more profits for the top. At a later date regardless of any $ spent on BP or KFC they will have a meeting and determine if future content should be funded.
Whether they do or not will come from a pool of investor money and revenue generated by games at the company as a whole.
You bought this or BP, don’t expect it to fund more content.

You have over 500 posts, how do you not realize companies do this? When I was 8 years old I collected Hot Wheels cars and guess what, they had many brands painted on them.

You are either trolling or been living under a rock if you think a company pairing with a fast food chain is new.

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No, the items seem pretty normal looking. One sort of hints at a chicken rotisserie fork on a staff I guess? But multipronged metal pointy things are great for spitting demons too.


They said there would be lots of decent in-game cosmetics too, and I can agree that I was enjoying what I was finding already. Some of the one they showed during the live stream were fantastic too.

Look at the in-game one! I happen to like it a lot.


All the branded toys in Happy Meals, cups people collected from Pizza Hut, Burger King, etc. The brand partnerships with fast food franchises is a really really old advertising standard.

DevilishDave … please … stop … you are giving me the heebee-jeebies. [shudder]

I can only hope for an original recipe secret chicken level after all these KFC promos.

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Lol! I don’t know about a whole level, but a cellar spawn or secret room of very angry chickens would be very funny. At least to me… Diablo has a pretty long history of chicken jokes/weapons.

Hello hello, oh yes I know these things have been around and I don’t really mind, just poking fun at it all. :grin:

I’ll check it out, haven’t been really up to date with South Park.

Oh no! :scream: That’s not good!

razornoir … that … wouldn’t be that bad, actually?


  • Wing Skill to “dash” through the air

  • Lethal Pecks + Scratches

  • Bird-Seed Caltrops

  • Blood-Curdling Cluck

  • Flock o’ Death

  • Sanders’ Last Stand (Ultimate)

BIRD UP, EVERYONE! :chicken: :crossed_swords: :dizzy_face: :skull_and_crossbones:

Necro should make corpses turned into half eaten chicken legs.

Skeletons become chickens with no skin or flesh.

Corpse explosions splash mountain dew everywhere.

Thats where you messed up, you really have no room to complain seeing as you’re the one happily giving extra money to Blizzard and encouraging them to keep doing these ridiculous practices.

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Not surprised an American company peddling junk games is also peddling junk food.

Wait what? KFC has a theme item set in-game for real? :scream: