Did Blizzard just put KFC themed cosmetics in Diablo 4? Monetisation of D4 is getting ridiculous

I don’t know about Amerika but in EU ofc is actually tasty chicken i dunno mby cause we have harder food regulations

I own cry of ashava other cosmetics especially from fast food does not matter lmao

Enjoy your chicken slurry laced with wood pulp.

I disagree completely. I love the unique and funny cosmetics.

“Have to.” How are you being forced to do anything?

This reminds me of a joke.

(Censored version)

Asking someone, “Would you do me for a million dollars?” they respond “YES”

“Ok, would you do me for $10” they say “What, NO!”

“Well, we already figured out what you are and now we are just haggling the price”

Same thing here, we already figured out what they are.

don’t forget:

“… It’s the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I’ve somehow been infected by it.”
Agent Smith.

well inarus is right there he wouldnt like that.
“wth you doing with my wings homie”

unless… that’s not really him and its all a fugazi.

*everytime they add cosmetics earnable outside of the actual game the game will look and feel cheaper. until it feels like you’d be better off playing a more serious game.

it’s a fine line and i doubt they’ll be reasonable. they’re already going wild with it.

it’s their toy they can do whatever they want. but other ppl are working on toys too so be careful :wink:

No, no we don’t. That’s a choice. Look up “need” and “want” and understand the difference.

Whether or not the money spent on BP and cosmetics goes directly into funding new content is irrelevant.

A game with no new content ever is undoubtedly going to lose players consistently as they finish everything. If D4 is bringing in enough money from people supporting it, the execs are going to be incentivized to keep players for as long as possible, by adding future content to keep people interested.

They should also market it the other way… beat the campaign get a free chicken sammich and small drink.

omega lul chikeeeeen! chikens brawk brawk brawk chiken for diablo 4 skinssss

This playerbase and gaming communities have become complacent apologists for the worst types of monetisation and don’t understand, nor care about the aesthetic or theme of Diablo and keeping this sacred.

Cute puppy wolf backpacks are cringe. Inarius wings don’t fit the lore.

I would like to collect all cosmetics but what if I don’t like or support KFC or want to sub to a twitch streamer. These are things outside of the game to collect items for in game that have nothing to do with playing the game at all.

I’m ok with a high price for the game and battlepasses to fund the game going forward as this also deters cheaters buying multiple accounts after being banned.

But all this outside promotions and non Diablo themed cosmetics are terrible.

I don’t care what the responses on this post are there are clearly very few good opinions on the forums anymore.

You’re all wrong and are ruining Diablo and allowing corporations to step all over you. Trying to make Diablo easier as well like any dark horror game has ever been presented as an “easy” game.

D4 has a bleak future if this is the feedback we have to contend with.

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Woah dude, you figured out that Blizzard is a company, in a free market economy, that is trying to improve profits? Nice one sherlock.

Totally agree this is a disgusting cash grab by blizzard

You can make it green with dye if that is what you want…

That video should have a warning about squeaking.

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Hemk, they’re releasing a physical Book of Lorath?!?! Let’s gooooo!!