Not only did we fork out money for the game. I personally bought the ultimate edition and intend to buy all the battlepasses going forward.
But we now have to sub to 2 twitch streamers. We also have the in game shop which I’ve never approved of in multiplayer RPG games. But we also have to buy a KFC sandwhich for an entire group of cosmetics.
If that’s not bad enough the cosmetics are literally KFC themed.
I wholly disapprove of where this is going. If this is what Blizzard have in mind and are dropping this much at launch. Anti Diablo themed skins and anti earning cosmetics by actually playing the game. Also a huge amount of money being asked for.
I personally thought the cute sleeping puppy backpack was already a step in the wrong direction and the Inarius wings emote is not lore friendly at all.
This has gotten ridiculous. Blizzard please stop.
I don’t know too much about the lore, but why aren’t the Inarius Wings lore friendly? Aren’t humans direct descendants of Inarius and Lilith? So…we’re so special (because we bought the 100$ thing) that we are now “Inarius-like”.
Also, what lore books do you recommend for a beginner in Diablo Lore?
The only cosmetics that matter are the ones you can’t buy. Focus on those.
The only cosmetics that matters to me are those of the rarest unique items… idk… like a harlequin crest… not the paid stuff everybody will have. That’s for losers. 
true true.
But you know what? Shako is not green in D4 so i’m pretty sure that they will sell green shako skin in the shop 
lol… it looks gold/green-ish to me on the tooltip… but we can dye it anyway.
They’ll definitely sell the O.G green sorceress outfit from d2 tho… They have it on the Diablo immortal’s store.
But you don’t NEED to get these OPTIONAL COSMETICS. It’s all well and good saying the monetozation is getting ridiculous, but
it’s totally optional.
I couldn’t care less how many things you have in the shop. As long as the armours in game look cool too.
Not only that. But now they have launched a Korean-exclusive cosmetic. Do I need to travel all around the world to collect these cosmetics? That’s ridiculous, Blizzard!!! EVERY cosmetic should be able to acquire in the in-game shop!!!
Maybe later on down the road there will be a way to get it through the cash shop or battle pass. Never know.
So this will only get worse. Much much worse.
I fully expect a Chicken Suit and a Colonel Sanders outfit in the future.
Lost Ark has wacky cosmetics and nobody cares. Games aren’t meant to be brooding and serious all the time, even Diablo (hence the cow levels!). What does it matter if someone is running around with a giant inflatable hammer killing the demons of hell… It’s funny and doesn’t interfere with how you play the game in any way. Besides, previous installment of Diablo wouldn’t even let you see other players in the overworld and the way this one is designed with Sharding and instances you’ll hardly see anyone either.
They are really ugly. There is something wrong about anyone who cries that they can’t get these things.
I think the only real concern in this thread is whether the cosmetics are fitting or not. Based upon the 2D images we’ve seen so far (at least, I can’t find any in-game models) - they seem fine. They look like the most generic weapons ever. The only one I could even remotely question would be the Foul Reaper, mostly because I can’t tell what the orange/yellow thing is meant to be. But it certainly doesn’t seem to be KFC chicken, so I’m going to assume it’s fairly fitting still
Outside of that… yep, exclusive cosmetics are a thing. They were obviously going to be a thing long before the game was launched. Paid cosmetics have been known for a long time now. They exist in practically every online game released in the last few years. You will likely never own every single cosmetic in a game again, unless maybe it’s a singleplayer game
Does it suck? Ehh, yeah sure. I’d enjoy a game with no exclusive rewards, no microtransactions, no cosmetics that you can’t earn purely through the gameplay itself. But that hasn’t been a thing for a long time now
As long as they don’t start adding a bunch of silly things that aren’t even remotely Diablo-themed, then it’s fine
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Op is suffering from terminal stage of FOMO. Get some help, op, these promo items mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.
In what way are the models KFC themed?
They just looked like some pretty basic/plain weapons that no one will care about. (Except you, apparently)
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The Twitch mount and KFC cosmetics really don’t bother me that much. Blizzard is trying to capitalize off a core demographic that likes to collect every cosmetic but it doesn’t affect actual gameplay at all. I almost can’t even blame Blizzard because of how easy it is to get certain people to spend real money for some pixels. And it works out in the end because they help support the game in the long run for the rest of us.
When Blizzard starts selling real power or things like level boosts then we’ll actually have something to be outraged about.
“We have to buy” No, we don’t have to buy anything. Unless you’re planning on paying for the live service and updates, stop complaining.
You don’t need to buy anything. Wear the skins you earn in game.
Well we know why druids are so fat now, they have been partaking on the KFC movement!