I am writing this to feedback on all the issues I faced during the beta phases. Firstly, the huge problem was having a stuttering issue all the way back from the alpha phase - beta and server slam.
My build is no different from the rest that are having this issue too.
I believe that it has to be a game issue as we all are running pretty strong and powerful rigs, that this game should have no issue whatsoever.
Just a brief of what the ‘Stuttering’ issue does in-game. We will be walking around town or in the wild and then the character will just freeze up 2 seconds or so and there is also rubber banding.
Kindly look into this issue Diablo IV Devs because I believe we all having this issue would like it to be resolved in the final build.
stuttering is on your end. check your event viewer or run a hardware monitor to figure out what is causing it. Also worth noting nvidias newest driver is causing stuttering on a wide range of games. also make sure your system drivers and OS are updated.
if it were rubber banding it would cause jittery movement. something is not right on your side.
if you are running an amd cpu 7000 series dlss 3 will also cause stuttering
I have found a work around for me (that is acceptable to me because I have no faith that “Activision/Blizzard/Diablo IV” will actually fix anything). This has fixed it permanently (99%) of the time. I still get occasional freezes and drops, but nothing near as bad and it comes back very fast. No more being stuck in “10-20 FPS”.
I am running it on “Ultra/High” settings and all features activated.
Disclaimer #1 This is what worked for me.
Disclaimer #2 You will have a white bar at the top of your screen that is very small (depending on your monitor).
Display - Windows mode (be sure to use the window interface and maximize it).
Resolution - This will show nothing (blank).
Sharpen Image - 6
HDR (off)
Vertical Sync - (on)
Limit cutsceen fps - (unchecked)
Lock cursor - (checked)
Peripheral Lighting - (off)
Color Blind filter - (off)
Max Foreground FPS - (150) - My monitor is a 144Hz
Max Background FPS - (150)
Quality preset - custom
Texture Quality through → Screen space reflections - all set to the highest settings
Distortion - (checked)
Low FX - (unchecked)
Disclaimer #3 Obviously it is your computer, your hardware, your game. It is your responsibility to use whatever caution needed to keep your hardware safe (temps, power, etc.)
Disclaimer #4* Again, this is “ONLY” what worked for me and my system.
My stuttering was fixed by 2 things. 95+% of it was the first thing however.
turning OFF the hardware acceleration in the blizzard launcher (having that on in the background killed the FSP of D4 and caused MASSIVE stuttering when doing things like opening the map or changing zones - google some vids on it… stupid issue but there it is… best fix was this.
After 1 was solved which made the game 99% better - I had every so often (about 2-3 hours of gameplay) a thread lock condition fixed by;
2) Turning Shadow texture resolution to High instead of ultra - I noticed the memory vcash and video memory usage spiking beyond 22gig when this condition was happening. Reducing this fixed the problem. For safe measure I also am running the textures one bump down from ultra as well, everything else on Ultra (only textures and shadows lowered 1 setting). I found I didn’t NEED to do this for the texture setting to fix the issue but on some fights with 4players I had some dips in to the 90fps with a lot of effect going on, and dropping the textures 1 setting down from ultra keep my rig at 117 fps all the time.
My hardware - Threadripper 1950X (yes the original high latency slow one) OC’d on water @4.0 ghz all cores with a 2080TI on water OC’d running a 3440x1440 monitor at 120hz. 32gig 3200mhz ram. FPS capped at 117 for gsync on Windows 10.
I can’t state strongly enough how the #1 fix for me was a HUGE change.