Diablo IV is much better now

Barb is the most fun to play and possibly the best class.

This season is much better than the previous. The vamperic abilities are easy to understand and use. All the changes they made make the game feel more fluid. I might create a new char in the same season this time!

Iā€™m level 50 so farā€¦ so I havenā€™t gotten to the end, end game yet. In preseason and S1 I pretty much got to level 70 / WT4 and quit, not sure that has changed at all.

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No end game boss is being killed with 1 single hit

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Do your research.

Itā€™s not hard to find.


Do you have proof? Im just on eternal this season, so cant speak to the effect of vampiric powers. But that seems far fetched after the changes to crit and vul.

I am watching Rob2628 on Twitch right now and he is literally 1 shotting Duriel with his Hammer of the Ancients build.

417 million damage is his highest.

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same my friends and i are having a blast in season 2. season 1 was a chore.

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Fair enough, my apologies.

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Lol no worries.

Play a barb!

The game is indeed better now. I like the improvements. Having a blast with my Necro Infinimist seasonal 2 char, thatā€™s what matters.

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It pleasantly surprised me and Iā€™m enjoying this season immensely. If they keep up the improvements I could see it being my main game. FFS though fix the zoom. Itā€™s driving me nuts and add a comprehensive loot filter. I highly enjoy PoEā€™s method of implementing one and wish theyā€™d use that because Iā€™m skeptical blizzard would be capable of implementing one without screwing it up.

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Isnā€™t he optimally built using a meta and geared to the teeth with uber uniques, level 100 with all his paragon and plays the game as a job? Kinda nice seeing I could potentially get there by the end of the season with my limited time. Once Iā€™m there Iā€™ll work on alts. Sounds like fun

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He asked for proof and I gave it to him.

I never said that is the only person doing it, or anything even remotely close to needing to be ā€œgeared to the teeth with uber uniques, level 100 with all his paragon and plays the game as a jobā€ in order to do it.

But yeah man, go on.

Go on what? It sounds fun being that powerful after investing that much time and effort in my build.

Go on grindin!

Bird up or snail down.

I agree. I heard after Season 1 failed hard they got the D2R devs to start working on the game. Best move ever. They added a few things from D2R into D4 and helped with balance fixes etcā€¦ Season 2 has been great so far.

Still wish they would fix the social aspect of the game though. For the most part just feels like Iā€™m playing a single player game. They need to add game rooms like in D2R or something to get objectives and groups going. Also bring back Global Chatā€¦

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I agree that Season 2 is much better than Season 1. I recognize that is not saying much, although the fact that I find it more fun is.

I am much less likely to lose interest . If they can keep my attention until they develop more content that they charge extra for, I will probably buy it.

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Itemization sucks.

Lag/rubber banding still. Why?!??!

Difficulty is a joke.

Still no end game/reason to gain power, which is a massive problem.

Enemies/bosses are boring and copy and pasted everywhere.

Skill trees are boring and need a revamp.

No loot filter still.

This season they did some nice QoL changes, but thatā€™s it. Still a LONG way to go. Probably another year, and that is only if they make major changes like loot 2.0 with the expansion. I doubt it though, since this game is just a live service cash grab and they donā€™t care to make it a good Diablo game.

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managed to get to lvl 78. Running crone staff druid and it has been insanely fun. love the blood harvest and the new bosses. the vampire powers are awesome. this game has made a massive leap in a good direction.

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Still needs WASD. The other QOL updates from Immortal would be nice.

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