Diablo IV is much better now

Diablo IV is much better now

I agree with you OP, much better,

I am addicted to the blood harvest event :joy:


Doesnā€™t really change that much from 80-100 even with those upgrades unless your bossing since everything is pretty easy right now.

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Iā€™m still only 52.

Not played D4 this weekend, doing other stuff.

Iā€™ll judge it once i get there myself.

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Gameplay was never the major issue, at least for me. It could be fast or slow, it doesnā€™t matter. Thereā€™s nothing interesting to find so itā€™s not playable. No rare lateral meta builds to set goals for. No motivation.


You mean you donā€™t want to grind for 2% more damage to close enemies?


Ive been enjoying it much more. I think the balance changes were good. The resistance changes are good, but some of the gear like the new unique pants are silly (10% to the specific element should also raise the ceiling by 10%). The changes to make the open world more purposeful have been good. Im actually doing world bosses and legion events to farm the blood vials (cant remeber their name) to hunt for specific uniques.

That being said, still things to be improved upon, but these were the first good steps, in the right direction. For example, everything except for parts to summon Varshan, drop in very specific locations. Summoning parts for Varshan however drop after legion events, and then can be crafted at the alchemist to more easily get the missing pieces you need. Iā€™m doing Varshan 5x more often than I am any of the others. There should be crafting/swapping options for the other 4 bosses, that let me exchange parts from one boss for others, or similar random drops in other events, thay only happen for Varshan parts, as it currently is.

Itemization still needs a lot of work. Too much bloat, too hard to tweak pieces of gear, and too expensive to roll when the pool is so large.

Ive only been doing eternal thus far, as there are specific new uniques and ways to hunt them, that im having fun with. Also, just updating my two lvl 100s to be playable with the balance changes. Plenty to do for me.

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Iā€™m having a vastly improved S2 vs S1. My S2 55 Sorcerer feels like it could take my S1 97 Rogue. Iā€™ve had a lot of lucky loot drops and the skill balance is vastly improved. Killed Butcher, Living Steel chest, among others. Starting with over 20 paragon at 50 was a big advantage. I really like the Blood tide too. Hopefully this trend continues.

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I think you misread my comment.

The game is so easy that im killing enemies with a weak crowd control ability. The way my build is designed i use steel grasp to gather enemies and rend to generate fury and finish off enemies with bleed. They die too fast for that to happen.

What level are you ?

Builds are not really needed until High Nightmare dungeons.

The game will be very easy until like Nightmare sigil 60+

Some people even think 100 is easy.

Get there and see how your ability plays there.

People are killing all end game bosses in 1 single hit.

This game is a joke.


Is there a reason you feel like the game has to be hard ?

Itā€™s better but not close to what it should be. Eternal realm is still so bad and engame builds struggling with resources like hota are just plain frustrating.

Played like around 10h since the patch and no unique drops and advanced only 4 levels on eternal from 82 to 86.

Considering i can maybe manage 1h during week days Iā€™d say im gonna stop playing. Iā€™m just not getting any upgrades for time invested and Iā€™ll probably never do engame bosses since Iā€™ll never get there build wise.

My hota is now crap and i donā€™t have resources to respec to another build.

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End game bosses shouldnā€™t be killed in 1 single hit by multiple classes.

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Why are you expecting blizzard to implement or do any thing properly tho?

This is to be expected.

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So then why play a game where the devs are so incompetent you canā€™t expect anything to be done properly?

Why play a game where you can kill end game bosses with a blindfold?

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Why play ?

We can just not play if we donā€™t agree with these changes

Iā€™m level 85 in sacreds still and doing t50sā€¦

Except they nerfed nm dungeons because they werenā€™t suppose to be the end game. So now youā€™re telling me the endgame are nm dungeons again, except that Lilith has been nerfed into irrelevancy?

That means theres less aspirational content than there was at launch.

All these things are to be expected.

Why are you surprised, it is blizzard we are talking about.

Why did you expect them to do any thing properly ?

The ā€œend gameā€ is to get level 100.

How you get there is usually Nightmare dungeons.

Once you reach it you can quit, or make an alt.

There are no bosses worth doing.

It definitely feels a lot better, but there still is no endgame, so once you complete the season quest, youā€™re pretty much done.

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After playing from release day onward, I have never seen this. The claim pops up now and then and I would love to see a solo player kill an end game boss with one hit.

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