Diablo IV Crashing My Computer Fixed

This is actually an extension of a post that was on another thread. Lately I’ll get 10 minutes into game play and the game freezes sometimes with a black screen but always with buzzing instead of the audio. After a minute or two my PC will restart. There is no crash code related to the incident due to the reboot. This is the link to the thread that I have been updating,

Season 4+ updates ruined game Stability Horrifically for Hundreds of players - Technical Support - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)


Well today was a weird one for Diablo. Every time I travelled, 4 times myself and once by the emissary, whether it be using waypoint or fast travelling a disconnect occurred and that was even when I used the portal out of the spirit realm that the emissary opened. I had the black screen with the greyed-out resource bar which I had to exit Diablo to recover it. And there was high Latency and FPS Rates at various times. It could be in the city or out in the wild fighting. Thankfully I wasn’t killed due to the FPS Rate being low. I did note that at one time the latency did get as high as 1000Ms. The game never crashed per se, just the disconnects so there were no Fenris Error logs so no crash codes. I’m not sure if that is good or bad since there is no way to report the disconnects without a crash.

The one thing that I did was to add, -disableds in the Additional Line Elements in the game settings. To do that, from the Battle.net launcher click on the gear, check Additional Command Line Arguments and in the box type -diableds. I read about this in another post and thought to give it a try. It seems to have gotten rid of the Fenris Errors and the black screen and audio buzz but now I get the disconnects while travelling. Not too sure if the tradeoff is a good thing or not but it is easier to play but frustrating when it comes to travelling. I’ll keep looking to see if I can find something to stop the disconnects now.

This solution was in the following post,

Diablo 4 was unable to retrieve necessary data. Please check your connection - Technical Support - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)


It’s been a while since I’ve played. I played for about an hour today and was pleasantly surprised at how well Diablo was. I had a few slowdowns but nothing that really made it difficult to play and out of the 4 times travelling 3 by waypoint and one by fast travel I only had one disconnect and that was really when I was getting ready to leave the game. There were no game crashes either. So, it does look like the Additional Line Arguments of -disableds was the fix for the Fenris Errors and crashing my computer. I still want to play a few more days with this fix in place to see if it is true, crossing fingers that it is.


Well, it looks like the -disableds has fixed the Fenris Errors, since using it they have gone away, so it looks like the continued writing of those files was causing the errors. I am still getting disconnects while travelling. I had two disconnects while waypoint travelling. But twice I was able to travel without any problems. Getting back into the game was also uneventful. I did have two instances of the black screen with the grey-out resource bar that needed the task manager to exit the game. And I had to use the task manager after the cut scene that put you in Nahantu because that was one of the grey-out resource bar and black screen problems. Beyond that, I was able to play the game for about 3 hours without a crash.


Everything seemed to be going well today, with the exception of travelling. I had four disconnects, 3 by waypoint travelling and 1 fast travelling. Getting back into the game was without issues though. I did have 1 Fenris Error that crashed the game, the first one since using the Additional Line Argument -disableds. It occurred after the battle with Ah Bulan during the cut scene when the heart is removed. I had to go back in and fight it again, I bypassed the cut scene since I didn’t want to risk another crash. It is possible that this was just an outlier crash, at least I hope so.

Crash Code,



Well, Diablo got off to an inauspicious start. After installing the update and waiting about 20 minutes, I tried to get into the game and while loading it stated I needed to reconnect to Diablo. Then while loading it stayed at waiting for game to start for about two minutes. But once I got in game play was surprisingly good. Only a couple of slowdowns that really didn’t affect game play. I was able to travel both by waypoint and fast travel without disconnecting. So, maybe Blizzard finally fixed that issue with the latest update. If this is true, I’ll be one happy camper. The one weird thing was there was no music just the game effects and voices for the NPCs when they had dialogue. I’m not sure if it got turned down or off after the update, that will be something to check next time I play.


I guess this could be a two-day report since I played on Wednesday and came back later that night and play until early Thursday morning. In total I think I played about 6 hours. There were some problems but mostly a pretty good couple of days. There was a total of 3 crashes although only one generated a Fenris Error and I had to complete parts of the Urivar quest multiple times because for some strange reason my progress didn’t get saved. One time I teleported out of a dungeon only to have a disconnect occur and when I got back in, I had to start it from the beginning even though all of the dialogue was grey-out. I don’t remember what happened the second time, but the third time was a disconnect during the cutscene after killing Urivar, although that one I could go straight to him and kill him again. I skipped the cutscene and I was able to get the credit for completing the quest. Then I started having disconnect issues when travelling. In all I think there were four, both waypoint and fast travel. There was no problem getting back in though. There were also a couple of slowdowns with the game, but it didn’t really affect game play much, I had to be ready with the health potions though. The crash that did generate a Fenris Error was after interacting with the blacksmith at the Tree of Whispers, salvaging gear and tempering items. Then when I went to leave to go to the occultist the game crashed. As far as the music goes, after the latest update it started up again, but when the disconnects started up the music disappeared again.

Crash Code,



Today was a pretty good day. After downloading the patch, I wait a little while to let everything settle and started playing. Outside of one disconnect when I was waypoint travelling out of the den, everything was pretty smooth. There were a few instances where the game slowed down due to low FPS Rate it didn’t really bother game play. There were no crashes or anything that made game play bothersome. I didn’t try to do anything in a Helltide but I did fight a Realm Walker, and it was pretty good, no slowdowns even when there were a lot of enemies to fight.


Well, today got off to an inauspicious start, I tried to get into the game it didn’t even get to the load screen. The screen went black, no sound and my computer stopped responding. I rebooted it, got into the game and the first time I tried to travel using a waypoint it disconnected. I reconnected without any issues and started playing. There was a bit of a lag when I started fighting enemies but then everything smoothed out and I was able to play for about 1 1/2 hour without any problems. No disconnects travelling either by waypoint or fast travel. Battling multiple hordes of enemies was no problem. Again, I stayed away from the Helltide event just completing quests, but it was nice to play the game without issues, well at least very little. Oh, and by the way my music is back. I didn’t do anything, so maybe it was one of the updates they pushed got it going again.

Played again for about 3 1/2 hours and didn’t have any issues really. Just a couple of stuttering events but nothing that interfered with game play. There was one FPS Rate issue where it dropped down to 7 FPS but that was when I was interacting with the weapons dealer, so I didn’t really care. All in all, Diablo was pretty good.


Diablo wasn’t too bad today; I played about 1 1/2 hours and had very little trouble. The only things that went wrong was on the first time to waypoint travel I had a disconnect that I was able to get back in without any problems. The one thing that got me irritated was I was in the middle of a pit battle and the game stopped responding. I hoped it would start up again, but it didn’t, and the game disconnected. I was able to get back in but when I tried to choose a glyph on the Paragon Board the game disconnected again. I was able to get back in and finish what I was doing but the disconnect in the Pit was really annoying.


Well, at least I was able to complete the Pit before the game kicked me out. I had two disconnects one waypoint and one quick travelling. After completing the Pit I was able to upgrade my glyph and collect the upgrade prize from my mercenary then when I tried to arrange the items in my inventory Diablo disconnected. I tried to reenter the game but when I got to the character select screen I got the message, “Reconnecting to Diablo IV,” this was accompanied by the popup that had the same message, but the only button was cancel. The only thing I could do was cancel so I did.


Well, played for a little over an hour and didn’t have any issues beyond a disconnect when I tried a waypoint travel when I first entered the game. there was a FPS issue while fighting regular enemies but I didn’t have any problems defeating them. The FPS issue resolved itself during the fight. I still have to try out the Pit and Helltide, both of those seem to be a problem spot for me.


Well, there were little in the problem side for Diablo today. I play for a little over 2 hours and the only problems were a disconnect the first time I tried to travel. That at least has been consistent. It doesn’t matter if it is fast travel or waypoint travel the first one will always result in a disconnect. And there was and FPS Rate issue as I entered a Helltide event. That almost got me killed as there were elite enemies there and I couldn’t tell how my health was until it was almost too late. But overall game play was pretty good.


Well, something has definitely change with Diablo. I played for about 2.5 hours no FPS Rate drops while fighting and no disconnects while travelling. I travelled 5 times, 3 waypoint and 2 fast travelling and there were no disconnects. The only time I had an FPS Rate drop was when I was in a city and was going to interact with the blacksmith. That cleared up within a couple of seconds. I did not try out a Helltide Event though, that usually does result in an FPS Rate drop when I enter so, the next time I play I will try that. also, my FPS Rate was about twice what I usually get. I didn’t change anything on my end so it looks like maybe Blizzard might have fixed something on their end.


The fix I used to stop the game from crashing my computer was -disableds in the Additional Line Elements in the game settings. The following is how I did it, from the Battle.net Launcher,

  1. Click on the Gear next to the Play Button
  2. Choose Game Settings
  3. Check the box for Additional Command Line Arguments
  4. Type -disableds and click Done

After I did this the crashing went away and just left me with the disconnects when I attempted to travel. This was usually the first attempt at travelling and it didn’t matter if it was waypoint or quick travel.

Yesterday, the only problems I had was a disconnect on the first waypoint travel attempt and an FPS Rate drop the first time I entered an area with a lot of enemies. That caused me to lose about 50% of my health.

Today there were no problems with travelling, but I did get an FPS Rate drop more than once and one time the game stopped responding altogether but it didn’t cause the game to crash. It started responding after about 10 seconds and thankfully I wasn’t too injured.


Well, for the last 3 days I haven’t had any issues with the exception of a few FPS Rate drops. Nothing that really hindered the game, although I did lose a goblin because I couldn’t figure out where it went because the frame rate was so low. But travelling was without any disconnects and there were no Fenris Crash Errors. So, maybe Blizzard finally fixed the issues or a combination of all of the updates plus what I’ve done has finally allowed game play to be better. Now if the frame rate drops would stop, I would be one happy player. Don’t get me wrong I am happy to be able to play and travel without having to reenter the game and I may be nit picking with the frame drops but it has gotten me killed or almost killed. But here’s to being able to play without having to reenter the game constantly.


Well, yesterday was pretty good. I only had a few FPS Rate drops during fighting and a couple of disconnects while travelling but it was a pretty good day. Today on the other hand was pretty terrible. Every time I tried to battle something the FPS rate dropped to 5 FPS almost every time. It could have been one or 20 enemies the FPS rate would not stay stable. Thankfully I was able to stay alive during these battles, but the game was almost unplayable.


Well, after two days of terrible game play due to FPS Rate drops today was much better. There were a couple of FPS Rate drops but they only lasted for a couple of seconds instead of an entire battle. I was able to do 2 Realmwalkers without any issues and played for several hours without problems. That is until I went to the Den and tried to get out. The game crashed with a Fenris Error, the first I’ve had in about 3 months since I applied the Command Line Arguments in the Battle.net launcher. I had a disconnect while trying to reenter the game after that and another crash with a Fenris Error after going to the blacksmith at the Tree of Whispers. It does seem Blizzard fixed the FPS Rate drop issues, at least for me, but I’m a little leery about the return of the Fenris Errors.

Crash Codes,


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