Diablo 4 x Trolli Promotion?

Upon testing I’ve been able to redeem multiple trolli codes for the diablo 4 weapon pack on the same account so I’m just super confused.


You can’t use the Diablo 4 content until 10/8. I haven’t tried it yet, but when redeeming a code for WoW I got an email saying that. The rewards for WoW and Sea of Thieves should be useable now. When I redeemed a code for WoW I got a gummi battle pet. I’m sure they use your email to sort out the different rewards so if you redeem it for Diablo 4 you don’t keep getting the same stuff, or it could be one item for each game but I’m not sure about that yet.

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Love how when you post something money related, here comes a blue post (the guy has posted like 6 times to the forums since launch) to tell you how to spend more money.

Here he comes, instantly.

Bugs? Bad game design decisions? Poorly released patches and PTR? Community feedback threads with literally hundreds of responses? Silence.


This team couldn’t be any more transparent.

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As to where, my local Walgreens has a lot of flavors… Including Sour Octopus. Now that should be a pet choice for a Druid. It could use half its arms to carry you around and half to “walk” on land. But it would be grumpy about it. Yup.

Seems to be a Walgreens all over the US anyway. Never tried the candy, but will get one on clearance for the code :laughing:

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I bought some of this stuff on Amazon but they aren’t accepting a screenshot of my invoice as valid for the promo. I’m slightly miffed.

edit: I had to email support to get my code. Their AI would not accept any Amazon screenshots as valid receipts.

I contacted trollie, not available to UK even if you manage to buy the promo packs via Amazon.

Feel left out!!!

I was amble to get the promo code. I bought a Trolli bag of gummy worms at 7-11 then I submitted the receipt as Trolli asked paying attention to the specific instructions. And my Blizzard account was registered in the US. This promo is only for the US. I think UK and EU accounts don’t get any credit.

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The additional codes can be used for cosmetics on other games as well as entering more raffles into contest to win a useless X box. I don’t think buying more codes and redeeming them with D4 will give you more rewards. One code gets you the whole weapon pack.

I cant find the D4 Trolli candy anywhere

if you got a friend in the u.s. can have them do all steps till you get the redemption code. then its just redeeming the code on bnet. id imagine that would be able to work

I just bought a bag of gummy worms on Amazon after making sure the UPC code matched one of the eligible items on the list from the Trolli site. It doesn’t have to have the game logo on it.

I haven’t seen any of the Trolli candy with the D4 promotion… seen plenty of Wow ones though.

I haven’t seen any with any promotional packaging, Just the basic normal one. Thankfully doesn’t matter what on the package. it the receipt you need as proof.

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I actually went to my neighborhood Walgreens and found bags of trolli candy with the WOW campaign or logo mentioned. Since it is from the same company, Blizzard, I read it will still work. I got home starred the receipt, took a photo and sent it in. They acknowledged it but kept bouncing me back to the address information window claiming that I had entered an incorrect address. It’s the exact same one that I use and have lived at for the past number of years…!!! I’m pretty ticked off that I went out and bought candy which I don’t eat and am stuck without the codes, even though I followed their instructions to the letter….

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Now answer this; why special promotions like Trolli candy only in the US?
I imagine the Diablo fanbase to be just as big in Europe and Asia.

they put up a graphic on the rewards during the campfire earlier in the week. If you scroll thru the video to where Pez is eating/pretending to eat trolli thats where they put up the graphic.

I say “pretending to eat” cuz u dont actually see him eat it, and dudes got a bit of a pump on. Doubt he’s f’ng with his diet.

Drozy#1768 if you mean the vessel of hatred cosmetics

I am in Europe, no Trolli candy here. I am not that much into candy anyway.
I found the promotion a bit out of place during the Campfire. I had the impression to watch a Youtuber promoting a product from a sponsor.

It doesn’t have to specifically state Diablo 4. There’s a list of which products qualify, and from which stores on the Trolli website.

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