Diablo 4 x Trolli Promotion?

Mines showed up qhen i acquired a Polearm.

I actually found (and bought) a bag yesterday with the D4 promotion on it… already submitted but it says to wait 48hrs.

Can’t post pic of bag but it’s the Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers - Fruit Punch and there’s a pic of the SB on it with D4 - Vessel of Hatred title.

None of the items are in my wardrobe and silence from Blizzard. The bug report was ignored and my tickets on this subject refer to this post. So I wasted $12 on candy and got nothing to show for it. It’s not about the money, but a matter of principle. I am pretty much done with the season and won’t ever check for the items again. What a turn off from this franchise.

No they aren’t showing. Not cool!

I got my confirmation code and redeemed it through Battle.net - which was successful…
but I have no idea what I got, as there was nothing new in my inventory or my wardrobe.

I guess the promotion is broken too.

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Can confirm that iv redeemed the code before VoH launch and still haven’t received the items.

Has anyone received these? I redeemed the promotion the other day and still don’t see any weapon skins in my wardrobe.

I would also love to know. Trolli just said I redeemed it successfully. Great, what was I supposed to get, so I can see if I have it?

Wait there’s a cosmetic that I don’t own? tell me more. I’m generally pretty up to date with diablo 4 transmogs. This sounds like you all got scammed.

couldn’t find a diablo marked package and got a wow one, turns out they are interchangeable so i got the d4 cosmetics. if anyone is wondering. not sure if a random bag with no promo on it would work but they might.

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I would guess pretty much any bag works to be honest. I got a bag with WoW on it from a small liquor store so the receipt just said “candy”. Uploaded it and like a day later I got a code to enter through battle net. I did it before VoH launch and once I logged in after the season started and went to the shop it gave me some notification about new items. I don’t remember exactly what it said but I can confirm it does work.

I have it. It is a spear skin, too bad I can’t upload an image here.

Hand of Gallus?

You could upload it to Imgur for example and give the link here using the pre formatted text option.


Like that.

I seem to be in the same boat cant figure out how to claim them once the code was put in and not sure what they are called to look to see if i got it.