DIABLO 4 tempest roar is NOT REAL

hello guys, unfortunately my english isn’t really good, but i have to share my sorrow because i can’t speak it anymore!! I play druid and am currently level 89… still haven’t gotten a tr… why?!? I understand you have to grind and everything else but c’mon… this can’t be true?! tried everything, normal dungeon, nm dungeon between 30-50 … just played 7 hours nm dungeons over 40 today and NOTHING !! that’s incredible, isn’t it?! I’ve already given up hope… rip wernado


same bro im 81 and never saw that helm, there’s definitly something broken for SO many people to not get that thing

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Or, and hear me out -

It’s a rare item.


For me, level 100 and maxed all my glyphs out to 21 post level 100. Still no tempest roar for me.


All glyphs or just the ones you use?

I was able to finally get one today from a random. Level 71 and have been grinding for the past few days and finally, it dropped.

I was lucky enough to find exactly one thus far. My Druid is level 83 and I found it the other night in a mid 30’s Nightmare Dungeon off a random elite. Saw “ancestral helm unique” and refused to actually look at it until the end of the dungeon as I was preparing myself for yet another Vasily’s. Thankfully it was the Tempest Roar and I was finally able to build my Werewolf Tornado build. The dang thing is stupid rare.

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84…still haven’t found one yet.

Haven’t found one yet at 90.
Feel like the end of the road nearing 100 because there’s no more level progression to grind for after that.

Unless they allow to reset my level to 1 and turn all my gears to level 1. So at least I would grind for it at 100. and enjoy another 100 levels of using/trying the build.

There’s no point getting 1 and playing another druid because of the silly level requirement. I won’t be able to find a low level TR


Got one last night in WT4 at lvl 72 by killing the assassin elite that spawns in helltides.

Took me 10 minutes to kill it because it has sooo much health. But it dropped as part of the loot.

I dunno man, my friend got 2 of them back-to-back in 1 day lol. They are definitely real.

96 - two have dropped so far for me. Keep in mind, it’s out of my custom and I’m using Glee’s instead to keep up barrier glyph. I could do the same with TR, but it’s out of my need as I’m running heavy creepers on helm and down the Malice line. They do exist - but as it seems it’s always what you’re looking for that never seems to drop (looking at you Frostburn).

I like I’ve gotten the werebear helm three times and the TR none. It’s got me laughing so hard it’s not funny…

No seriously it’s not funny… :expressionless:

I have 3 I think, ironically enough I’m a pulverize build. Would be nice if this game had any sort of economy.

I’m seriously wondering if there’s a “grass is always greener” algo or something in this game, where you have a higher chance of getting drops for a build you’re using.


hit 100 today and I’ve seen exactly ZERO tempest roars, I have gotten several butchers axes, 2her barb axes, frostburns, that mother ring finally a temerity in the 90s (can’t even use on alts now, THANKS) and multiple vasily’s yesterday I feel like intentionally to troll me. Whoever wrote the code for rare uniques to drop in such a manner that I see ROB get one with less than 2 hours played at lvl 61 and I can progress entirely to 100 without a single drop is a butthole.


i just stopped playing this lottery machine.
would have 3 shakos and 2 sojs in d2 by the time it takes to get a tempest roar (if you ever get one…). locking builds behind those uniques is even worse.

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I feel the pain. About to hit 100 and I’ve got multiples of every unique, (class specific and generic) aside from the 6 ultra rare, but I’ve never seen a tempest roar. It might as well not exist for me.

I get the frustration as well, but remember to channel it into constructive feedback for the devs, and to take care of yourself along the way. Take breaks, try other games, whatever keeps you happy and healthy!

I got mine just tonight from a legion event, don’t worry about it, youll get one.


so is the werebear helm, yet i have 14 and no roar.

my son on his druid is the same.

I think what the devs have done, maybe inadvertalntly , is a poor flagging system.

if you receive the bear helm 1st, then the chances of you ever gettign roar are slim to none


And yet people are reporting that they have gotten them. Some of them more than once.

It’s just rare. No need to beat yourself or anyone else up over a low drop rate item.

And even if it is the same rarity as Vasily, it’s still luck. The item drops, rolls type, rolls rarity, and then still has to roll Vasily or TR. If we assume Vasily and TR have the same drop chance, it’s still a 50/50 between the two.

Sometimes when you flip the quarter you just get tails seven times in a row instead of heads.