Diablo 4 Pain Points - Wudijo

“Diablo 4 Bad” is the new Meta - What the Game needs - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jZsseOZpxA

This video has probably already been circulating; however, all of the pain points he mentions are surgical in their precision. Affixes are especially a nightmare. Half need to simply be removed entirely. They are so negligent that it’s only adding redundancy and overwhelming the purpose and the fun of the “choices” aspect of the game. I have a very strong feeling that the Devs would be extremely remiss if they ignore the majority of this video and his suggestions.


Devs need to ignore all streamers and karens


Wudi and Raxx do have some very well articulated points that need addressing, while at the same time still enjoying the game and not being doomer. I think they speak for more people then you give them credit for.


I don’t even have to watch it, I guarantee every single point he’s made has been posted on these forums more times then I can count. Every content creator has the same list.

That being said it’ll be a long while before we see impactful changes, QoL and basic system changes apparently can only happen every season and are advertised as features now. So given the history of blizzard the game will be “decent” in a year, not anything great, but hopefully better then it is now.


I made some posts that try to address dungeon problems. Check it out.

Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!
Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!


Agree completely about the conditional affix situation. Been my #1 pain point since launch.
They need to be removed, no one uses them unless they can’t find anything better.
2nd is lack of Uniques. There is no loot chase. Once you hit 100 there is no reason to log into the game.
What are you gonna do, run yet another NM dung in the hopes of getting something 2% better than what you already have?


16.5% movement speed instead of 14% so yes this checks out. :rofl:


To clarify, I am with Wudijo in his assessment that the game is still a lot of fun, and that the “doomers” for the most part are overexaggerating. That and I believe that the majority of streamers genuinely want to see the game be as successful as it can be, whereas the “doomers” are typically the opposite and hope it fails because it’s not exactly the way they, specifically, as individual people, want it to be.

What is unique in his video, is that not only does he list and articulates the main pain points very well, but he also provides very intelligent recommendations for them which I think is lacking in a lot of the videos that identify certain areas that need improvement.

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The streamers are more invested in the game success than Blizzard’s employees. They create the content, make the guides and websites. They want it to be a fun game to drive traffic to their sites. The majority of employee’s at Blizzard don’t have the same financial motivations.


There are a ton a sheep that just follow something instead of forming ones own opinion.

Streamers are a plauge on the video game industry.


Streamers help community wth knowledge on builds. There is nothing wrong here. How can someone else playing game and streaming it affect you if you dont want it to??

Happiness is a choice.

Why? Most people agree with streamers.

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lol Pretty cringe imo.

There are “reaction streamers” and with these people I’d agree on them being a net negative

There are also though streamers who provide well thought out suggestions, information, and/or guides to X. From previous videos, haven’t seen this one, I’d put Wudijo in this category and so I’d be more likely to listen to what he says and take it under advisement than some others who make these videos


That’s literally the opposite of my experience and why I shared his video. I have been playing since beta, and have felt certain ways, and formed opinions about certain things throughout my experience, but I am not a streamer, and I don’t have an audience.

I found this video of a person who not only perfectly articulated the feelings and opinions I already had, but also thought of very intelligent solutions/recommendations as well. The great thing about this, is that he has a large audience who can speak for many like me who have been feeling the same way. But unlike me, he has previously also received attention from lead D4 Devs as well.

They don’t call them influencers for nothing, and in this case, I think he has a much higher chance of influencing positive changes that pinpoint exact pain points in the game versus someone like me.

Wudijo’s played like 2000 hours already let’s throw him a bone.

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Oh man. Poor guy :frowning: was he forced by his employer or something?

This is a very nice video. Thanks, OP.

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Exactly. This also gives him exceptionally valuable insight, which is why I think this video is so important.

Seems more like you just wanting to handwave the majority in favor of the minority.

You can enjoy the game and still acknowledge its faults. Streamers pointing out what everyone already knows doesn’t make anybody a sheep.

What’s a plague to the video game industry is white/black knights. That is the true plague.