Diablo 4 Pain Points - Wudijo

I’d make a differentiation there between Wudijo and Raxx. While I watch them both and respect the work they output, I would definitely put more weight on Raxx’s feedback. He simply has played much more of the game (every class in hardest possible mode, never using cheese where possible, to the pinnicale boss) whereas Wudijo is more focused on small subsets of the game (rogue builds, etc.)

Sometimes i agree with streamers sometimes i dont, just like ppl in the forum.

Just because they play more doesn’t mean there decisions or takes are always right or what it right for people as a whole, at different skill levels.

When gamers give feedback thats nice, but it’s usually looking at it from a couple of angles and sometimes biased, because they play a game a certain way or, have already theorycrafted the crap out if it and determined they will only play XYZ builds or whatever.

Good for them, and it’s up to devs to find a solution, but also people will get way more life from the game playing there own way at there own pace…so maybe the devs needed to make the game harder to figure out for those ppl idk.

:person_shrugging: we all just want a great diablo game, and i like what we have alot.

But we all have different tastes and versions of what we think is better, that’s not easy.

Stop advertising for streamers you shill.

or. something like that.

agreed. streamers represent like 0.5% of gamers. the progress wudijo made in one month is more progress than a person who has a family they don’t ignore and/or contributes to society would make in like a year

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Please ignore all his takes on crafting “Maybe a system where your item is gigabuffed or destroyed”. Yeah, that’s not what the game needs, RNG system that just deletes your good items.

Please ignore all his takes on "making malignant mobs mini bosses (half of a butcher).

the rest of his points are the same everything everyone else says, coming from Wujido doesnt really make them more specific here at all.

You mean the vocal majority of the minority in favor of the majority

hate streamers all you want (i dont watch em myself) but many of em do know game better than most (as they make it their job) & tellign devs to ignore anyone is stupid as before being a streamer they are players the same as anyone else.

Disagree entirely, most people complaining wanted the game to be great in my experience.

But when feedback given since beta gets ignored, devs prove they are tone deaf and contradict themselves, and everything said there has been said here tons of times-why should “doomers” care?

End of day it’s not mine or anybody else’s job to give Blizzard solutions to their problems, especially given how much they have been articulated many times only to fall on deaf ears. Why should I or anyone else do their jobs for them to improve a beta test we paid for? They can pay me if they expect that.

I like them, but half the people complaining about the endgame, wouldn’t even be in t4 if Rax and Wudijo didn’t play the game for them. Then, after those people get spoon fed the whole game to them by these streamers, they come here and says its too easy and theres no endgame.

[quote=“yellovvsnovv-1935, post:21, topic:122944”]
He simply has played much more of the game
[/quote] firstly this is just incorrect.
wudijo also refused to expoit lilith and never skipped mechanics. raxx is nowhere near wudijo or other maxroll guys like rob or northwar in terms of big brain blasting/theorycrafting or racing in seasons, and has never once beat wudijo when they’ve competed in competitions over the years and was losing to wudijo season 1 d4 race to 100

I mean bash on Wudijo to your heart’s content… I don’t give a !@#$. He likely won’t see your useless vitriol anyway. But you can’t deny that what he is saying has value, and can be useful in future updates.

Also, it’s weird to pit streamers and their feedback against one another. They both have substantial insight.

Gotta feel bad for Wudi & co. Imagine your livelihood depending on a bad game.