Diablo 4 gets alot of undeserved hate

I agreed with the point they were making, not their political correctness of white knight. They were basically saying you called out the person in question that was insulting others then went back to calling out white knights. It is rather contradictory, so I laughed.

Although looking at it now, it sounds more like you are being sarcastic, so I may have been wrong in my original assessment. So for that I apologize. I still agree that calling some one out for insulting and then creating an insult back toward another group is contradictory though, but again I don’t believe you were doing that.

Your use of the term white knight seemed to be more in jest, rather than calling out a particular group, correct me I’m wrong.

I don’t agree with the political correctness of the term, nor do I honestly care. It’s lost all meaning at this point as to what it originally meant I don’t see it as a gender term anymore. I just see it as a derogatory term to get a rise out of people. Like calling some one a shill for example. Has nothing to do with gender.

All good mate. Apologies in return for my comments. I’ll delete them.

I was very much being sarcastic :slight_smile:

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Changed my reply to further iterate my mistake as well. I honestly wasn’t even paying attention to the name behind the quotes and just read the quotes, nor was I paying much attention to the context either when I read it. Think of it like a knee jerk reaction.

That’s on me, and I fully admit my mistake.

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No harm done mate. Merry Xmas to you and yours.

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You are 100% right…

until you happen to not be able to log in for 8-10 minutes and you have to redo the entire map again.
I find that odd, but that’s similar to D 2, I can respect that. Just gotta be quick about it if your gonna be AFK in the World. :slight_smile:

lol arguing over a term……sheesh no wonder the world so effed up…. Stupid

After last patch the game does not even work.
I have spent alot of hours now pouring over massive amounts of technical issues that still have not been fixed.

People have legitimate complaints.
They cannot even play the game they paid for on well functioning hardware.
Myself included.


I don’t think that it’s hyperbolic to say that the most fun a lot of people had this entire season was the brief period when a bug with the antivenom elixir gave you a ridiculous amount of health. Yet that was the one and only thing that the Bliz team hopped right on and almost immediately fixed. Little things like not being able to log in or the game crashing every 15 minutes or dupes ruining the game for traders, though I guess, we can live with.

Its the woke crowd, need safe spaces even in video games. Imagine being triggered by the term white knight


The main issue I have with D4 is there is a lack of end game and the slog to get there isnt fun or engaging.

Totally agree. POE2 is pretty cruddy.

Diablo just needs to slowly evolve more to borrow the best idea from POE like boss design at times and more of the talent inventiveness from Last epoch.

BTW there is no POE2 endgame.

Its campaign is strongest part. Endgame for me is not running a fog of war map system with affix meandering out randomly. Maps being the same five types over and over and over and over.

The real reason D4 gets all the hate actually has nothing to do with the quality of the game itself in a vacuum but rather the expectation of D2 fans expecting D4 to be D2 with modern graphics and nothing more.

Now there are some legitimate criticisms and pinpoints with D4 like trading, endgame, pvp and leaderboards. However the game is in a much better state than it was on launch, almost a completely different game.

I personally love the game and prefer it over PoE 2. I like PoE 2 as a game (not as much as D4) I just think that the PoE 2 community is a bit toxic and that turns me off from that game. There should be no reason you would go into a CoD lobby and hear people trashing Halo. That doesn’t happen but it does with PoE 2 players. It’s not enough that PoE 2 can just be a good game. It’s not enough that PoE 2 and D4 can be good games. They feel that they need to hate on D4 in order to enjoy PoE 2 even though PoE 2 had nothing to do with the ups and downs of D4’s development. PoE 2 is actually a Diablo clone and stands on the shoulders of Blizzard games if you think about it.


Well, whilst I don’t hate D4, the quality of it is the reason I have so many issues with it.

Not trying to be a jerk - just saying.


I can absoulutely agree.

Then you have theses Streamers with their fans. The fans hate D4, there for the streamers will play what ever they thing their fans want to play-

NOT TO mention (and don’t’ quote me) but didn’t the creator of POE 2 say some Shady stuff about D4 and what they are doing and how POE 2 will be doing things differently and better?

does a little research

" According to reports, the director of Path of Exile 2, Jonathan Rogers, has made comments suggesting that the Diablo 4 team is facing a “tough situation” with the game’s current state, implying criticism towards Diablo 4’s development and potential shortcomings, although he hasn’t directly used harsh language to disparage the game outright. "

It’s certainly 1 thing if the fans don’t like a game, but when another “Similar” game comes out and says something like this… well of course people are just gonna hate one another over which game is better.

My only and biggest problems in diablo 4 are the rng and the difficulty. I have to do pits to be able to masterwork my armor and weapon from 8 to 12. And with my skill issue i can only do the lowest possible pit for the mats and not even easy. Imagine doing a pit lvl 61 and barely get any mats for upgrade and then i only have to do this without enjoying the game. This takes months. And also the rng this game has is ridiculous. Everyone want shako’s. And ppl say you dont need them. But i want them. But i dont want to grind 10 WEEKS ON BOSS MATS and not getting rewarded with a shako. Grind that much and wasting time. And then i am watching youtube and see a streamer with a bag full of shako’s to be salvaged to get ONE GA shako. Ridiculous. And that streamer now just move to another arpg.

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Me I have, a lot of crashes that make reboot my PC, I mean I don’t reboot it manually, the crashes make it reboot automatically, it’s freaking scary (more than the game). Especially it’s a new rig with a GeForce 4060 Ti, 128 GB ram, a new cpu 8 cores. Yep, I now, lot of people says it’s the driver, it’s the config, it’s something… but the true fact is the game is bugged as hell, it’s the only game I know so far that do that, and I play a lot of games. So yep, I’m scary for my rig to reinstall it currently, as I use it for working too. So I just wait for season 7 to see if it’s more stable to give it a try again.

I agree. There are some issues, there are bugs, and exploits. and systems that aren’t as inefficient. But the real reason the game is hated is because a large number of rapidly aging and cynical Gen X D2 fans simply hate the game because it’s not nostalgic enough to D2. They think that Blizzard has deviated from the formula too much and they praise PoE 2 for being more traditional. They can’t get on board to the idea of change and innovation in any game they play. This community of gamers only play Diablo like ARPGs. They don’t play Bethesda games, they don’t play MMOs, they don’t play single player games or FPSers, they don’t play any other genre except Diablo like ARPG so they don’t have a perspective of game development and RPG innovation from the time D2 came out and now. They are just D2 purests and toxic sycophants for that game. And there’s a lot of them. They tend to be neck beard/hackers who Ddos servers and make multiple fake online bot accounts to automatically spam forums and comment sections with D4 hate. They use their bots to appear like they are a majority and they make hundreds of fake Metacritic accounts so they can review bomb the game. This is 90% of the source of the hate. But they are also a vocal minority.

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Name something Diablo 4 does that isn’t in either D2, D3, or POE2.

It has a horse. Arguably the least popular, poorest performing feature of the game.

Not sure, maybe it’s 56,78%.

Nah, the hate is deserved. Any time you purposely disable your refund system through cheap cosmetics nobody asked for, you deserve every negative criticism…

Funny how d4 zealots wont EVER mention this.

You accepted a cosmetic cat in s4? Congrats you’re not stuck with a hunk of garbage expac.