Diablo 3 feels better

People that played the closed beta do know. At least as much as anyone can, for a beta. The level cap was 100 for closed.

Just out of curiosity are you comparing the d4 campaign to d3 campaign or are you comparing it to the bounties/rifts?

hopefully it was good. the open beta felt so good. it was one of the most polished beta i think i’ve ever played.

The game is raw. It needs to be cooked.

Diablo 3’s endgame was also extremely raw. I love Diablo 3 but I can admit its v1.0 endgame was bad. I mean endgame legendaries had worse stats than rares bad with zero special affixes to change how spells functioned. Yeah, a loot based ARPG that had bad loot.

Agreed, I worry about this too.

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imagine what d4 would feel like with 10 years of polish <3

hope they can expedite that lol

I will agree that the combat lacks the punch Diablo 3 had. But everything else feels exactly like D3. The game is literally just Diablo 3 with dark and detailed visuals.

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I find it highly amusing that some people treat Diablo 4 as an entirely different thing, in every way, shape or form compared to Diablo 3, as though the lessons learned through Diablo 3 can’t be used in the development of Diablo 4.
Diablo 4 shouldn’t just be better than what Diablo 3 on launch, it should be better than what Diablo 3 is NOW, because fundamentally, they are similar games, and they are developed by the same people, who have already earned all those experiences from those 10+ years of Diablo 3. So excusing the somewhat lackluster overall package Diablo 4 delivers in the Beta by saying “It’s better than what the Diablo 3 beta was” is laughable.
Personally, I feel that Diablo 4 has gorgeous graphics, decent gameplay, buy systems that has a really old fashioned feel to them in that “Oh yeah, I remember this kind of thing, and why we left it behind in the early '00s.”
I will not give a verdict until the game is out and we see what the end-game is though. I don’t care for the online aspect myself, so that part could preferably have been left out. Hopefully it will be great by the time it’s released.

And if you go into a raid each week with your charakter in a MMO like WoW and nothing drops over and over ? Its pretty much the same as failing upgrading your gear in Lost Ark. In LA however you can farm for materials / gold as much as you want and try again.

Now having said that Iam also not a big fan of it because failing feels worse than not getting a drop but if you really think about it, both sides have their pros and cons.

That is literally what D4 does though, you have to level up skills you don’t like to get to the skills you might like
You can’t just mix and match everything you have

Do you know what is your problem? You comparing D4 lvl 20 combat with combat of D3 with full best in slot sets at max level with everything unlocked. All you got to play is 1 small zone at starting area in story mod. And you all comparing that experience to end game of adventure mod of D3.

This is it, what know one seems to graps is that they spent years working on this, yet all the mobs still act and use the same stuff from D3. Example, the Ice diamond that follows you and then creates damage on the spot. The Mobs throw the same spears etc. It just feels like that gave Diablo 2 a massive buff interms of graphics, took away the simplicity of building a character (I know Diablo 3 had too many builds). They need to make the battle a little more up close up, the growth tree needs to be more open. Need to be able to see where your going like WoW. It just feels like its missing something. A game of this era shouldn’t be a bit ok but absolutely phenomenonal. It feels like 2010.

The fights are much more fun in D3, yes.

And I like to have more gear slots and better comparison of items imho.

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Diablo3 feels very old and boring! the world and the maps are very small!! I have all classes in HC at lvl 70, took greater rift lvl 90 I believe most of them, and played hundreds of hours in D3. D3 feels outdated and Diablo4 feels 100 times better in everything.

Not a fair comparison between games that have been out for years with added content and fixes, and Diablo 4 in beta testing.

It’s the same way with lots of other games released these days unfortunately. They release, “not fully cooked” and it’s not until months or years later they become great games.

Personally I think I will like this more than Diablo 3, but it’ll probably take some time just like that release did. We’ll just have to see and hope Blizzard listens.

If the Forced Shared World and the Enemy Upscaling stay (which is 100 % sure I guess), than for me no. This is not Diablo for me.

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I don’t see the negative part of monetization in PoE, you gotta get some stash tabs? Literally nothing is necessary to spend money on.

I do agree on both of those points too. The level scaling is a double edged sword, and I at least wish there was an option for solo play because it is really immersion breaking and doesn’t feel like the Diablo I know.

I put this in another post but i think it’s relevant to add it here as well

Having played every class in D4 now and feeling out the “skill tree” as it is given i just can’t “feel” the love for it that other seem to.

In D3 for each base skill you had 5 runes that augmented it changing it in some way. I felt like that gave you choice in whatever build or playstyle you wanted to go for, even if it was not min/max it could be a fun build.

in D4 you get 1 linked augment and a choice node between 2 to one additional one on most skills. >>>>>> here is the catch: most of them just don’t “feel” like they change up or impact the spell like the old D3 rune system did.

In the D3 rune system: whatever the base skill was i knew i could always tailor it one way or another such as better single target so choose rune A, or have it augmented with a little cleave/aoe so choose rune B, or maybe have it be more defesive and provide healing or damage reduction and choose rune C.

in D4 right now i just don’t “feel” or see any of that. Each skill just feels so one dimensional. Now i hear legendary’s are supposed to expand that: well in D3 we had legendary’s as well and they were added on ON TOP of a very wide skill system.

If the intent is that the end level legendary powers are going to be what lets you actually have variety and the “D3” feeling of choice in your skills then i think D4 is going to be a letdown on the skill tree system as it stands

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I like to think of Diablo 3 as an arcade fever dream - like when WWE use to put out games such as WWE SUPER MEGA ALL STARS with giant bobble heads and insane crap you can do that ‘arcade’ feel. not a bad thing, but cheap tasting like a brass spoon dipped in soup.

diablo 4 on the other hand is clearly the younger of the bunch and I can SEE many great things ahead for this game, it has its rough moments and some animations look a bit weird, combat is either great (if your a necro/sorc/rogue) or HORRIBAD (Druid/barb) but that will all be balanced out I assume.

I like connections to the old games and I feel diablo 4 will be a SLOWWWWW burn in that area, the story is good enough to get me invested but I want to learn more about bloody dog boy, that vision of tristram, Where is diablo, meph, Baal? Is leah alive?! WHERE IS TYRONE!? i mean Tyreal, I want more answers then “go through he dark cold blizzard to meet inarius
LOL he wants nothing to do with you /shoo”

In the end, Diablo 4 WILL BE the superior game and more then likely the ARPG to beat, I do wish it had more time in the oven, but it won’t get that so all I can hope for on the other end of it all is that the game gets MANY updates, not ‘seasons’ or “world wipes/rereoll” I want a growing, expanding, twisted, demonic world.