Diablo 3 feels better

I actually did play them, as I was a teenager when they release and still have my original copies.
That’s not my point though. My point is I was wondering where your sources are for your claim of refunding? You seem to have inside knowledge of blizzards financial standings with this game since you are spouting off information like it’s factual.
So I’m asking you to back up your claims with actual facts, not just anecdotal heresay.

Cool story bro , i’ll give you the info when you supply me those diablo 1 - 2 copies you never played deal?

Real-time timestamps with dates and bnet tags will suffice , i’ll wait :slight_smile:

Really? Because d3 at level 20 feels like garbage

when does d1 and d2lod use bnet tags lol ??

I’ve cleared GR 150 on four different classes. It’s not intense combat. It’s doing the same brainless things over and over until RNG works in your favor.

I’m sorry man, but you played 1 hour of a game and decided it’s bad. I’d respect your opinion if you put a respectable amount of effort into reaching it, but be honest, you didn’t even try.

I had more fun in a d4 beta than anytime i’ve ever spent in d3.

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so far the only thing i can think of that d3 has better is the combat visuals. sure it was probably over flashy which was probably why they toned it down in d4, but it was enjoyable to watch. other than that i rather play d1 again than d3. and d1 will test my patience trying to clear a room full of succubus.

Diablo 3 is a fun game, but its not a fun game for very long.

Diablo 4 looks like the longevity of the game may hold up a bit more.

He was just bluffing and I called him out for it, anyone that ever grew up with LAN D1-D2 would agree that this game is the biggest blunder coming from lazy blizzard , there is zero innovation over the course of 20+ years of development in this series from them and this title isn’t worth 30$ in it’s current state.

Also a sufficient timestamp would be his bnet tag ( current ) with screenshot from pc+ on a piece of paper over the original Diablo 1 Disc on a flat table as proof. There are many ways to prove claims.

He had 12 hours to do so and he didn’t , easy lies got caught.

It’s so easy to spot liars nowdays just by how hard they shill unfinished products like this one you don’t even need proof but I like pwning them :slight_smile:

Nah I’ve played since original D1 and this game is so far the best. Maybe they ruin it later, I don’t know. So far it’s better.

If you disagree, send me photocopies of your state-issued driver’s license, official birth certificate, and social security card.

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Can you make an honest comparison in between this one and D2 ? Without mentioning the graphics engine , sound/music and “world boss gimmick” ?

I just see a dumbed down version of D2 if I cut those out of the equation.

What do you mean by this? This game is not D2 and it’s not trying to be D2.

That depends.

  • The Game could be bad on release, get better in a year
  • The Game could be good on release, and get even better with time
  • The Game could be good on release, and get BAD after the Honeymoon is over :waning_crescent_moon: Remember this game will have a battlepass. Even if the game is good future monetization in later seasons could drag it down
  • The Game could be bad on release, and in fact actually git worse

Only one way to find out.

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When I replied above I mentioned D1-D2 and you just subtracted D1 and replied , this game is basically D2 with a new skin , with a lesser skill variety , attributes removed , horrible console made UI , actually D2 even had an auction house that was discontinued but it had one at launch.

This game is basically the bastard child of Diablo Immortal and Diablo 2 , also ROGUE class was a part of Diablo’s 2 expansion alongside DRUID so basically you are clueless about what you are talking :slight_smile:

This game is Diablo 2 reskin and nothing more.


You don’t even know what game you’re talking about. D2 never had an auction house.

Diablo 4 could be the best of all Diablos but it needs to refine its approach.

This is so true and the biggest concern ive got from this beta. The skills feel flat, the skill tree is boring. D3 had so many alternative spell options with runes which makes the D4 tree feels extremely dull and boring.
It doesnt make it better than the spells themselves mostly feel like they have little impact.

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This is simply untrue. There’s so much depth you haven’t seen yet, and what you saw in the open beta is already on par with what we have in D3. Sure each skill only has two branches attached to it, but each of those is a meaningful choice that never existed in D3. D3 had six options but everybody used the same 1, or maybe 2 for some skills.

we don’t know how many possibilities there are in builds. so many things can greatly effect that. especially at the endgame. the problem in d3 was the sets. they increased a few skillls by 20,000 percent. it was like i wonder what skills i will be using. d4 might not have these problems.