Diablo 3 feels better

If D3 really feels better then there is something wrong with you op.

Then there is something wrong with me. :open_mouth:

Yes. You are too used to 200% speed, pressing 2 buttons and 1-shotting Rift Boss and farming perfect Grift swamp or desert corridors full of skeletons and Conduit/Invulnerability Pylons. Because that was D3. :face_vomiting:

Yes. You are too used to 200% speed, pressing 2 buttons and 1-shotting Rift Boss and farming perfect Grift swamp or desert corridors full of skeletons and Conduit/Invulnerability Pylons. Because that was D3. :face_vomiting:

you got some blinders on if you think that was the only thing people did, liked, or played in the game. tons of posts here talking about other stuff/aspects of the game that feel off.

you might want to reconsider your argument, because you will find people who will make builds in this D4 system like the one you just described and run with it as the end-be-all min/max build.

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This game not even out itā€™s already better than Diablo 3 in everyway

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I always love it when people say a game will be dead soon that is not even out yet lol. I am just overly happy that this game is not like diablo 3, otherwise this would be a hard pass for me.

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100% Diablo 4 is nowhere near as fun as Diablo 3.

Way, way too many cutscenes. Dumb level design where you go from a cutscene to walking in an empty room with no monsters to yet another cutscene.

Stupid things like having to select the conversation you want with a character.

Clapping and cheering animations blow.

The game is obviously designed by people who never got into D2 and D3ā€¦

D3 is so much better.

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Nah Iā€™ll pass on D3. Itā€™s awful. I like D4 much, much, much better. This is a great game.

If only they could fix the stuttering between zones though. Thatā€™s rough.

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A game that has been out more than ten years feels better than a beta with bugs and that is unoptomized? OP you gotta do better than this.

Nah, D4 feels better. D4 is nowhere near perfect, but the foundations for a great game is there. The artstyle alone in D3 makes me vomit and donā€™t want to play it, thankfully they fixed it in D4

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I donā€™t care if they do that. But you canā€™t progress with mindless spamming on later difficulties. And thats how it should be. Also we are constantly out of gold, which is good thing.

What I said about D3 is the reality, on top of that you had to run mindless normal Rifts and do Bounties that were nothing but boring timesinks, when everything started to die instantly. D4 sure has timesinks too, but they are actually more entertaining, because the pace of the game is slower.

This is my opinion and you can have yours.

for now yes but if the op listen to the d2 fans and turn this into d2rr it cud suck more than d3 with the hard to find items and random pvp/slow exp

The D3 rune skill system that ended up in the game was not as well planned or brilliant as people make it out to be. It was a last minute design decision during development.

The skills in D3 are called rune skills because they were originally planned as runes you find and socket to your items to customize your skills, not just always there on your character screen to effortlessly change at anytime. They changed it to just skills instead of actual items so players would not even have to find the runes and go through the trouble of collecting them to customize their gear, they thought gems were enough at the time.

Just because D4 does not have as many of these types of skills, but an actual skill tree with branches, does not mean they donā€™t have other plans for more options for character augmentation in loot or other systems like paragon or codex of power.

Personally, I am a fan of D2, D3, and of course D4. I feel like each one offers something different or builds upon the previous iteration in some form much to some peopleā€™s weird disagreements.

The skilltree of D4 is extremely shallow and boring. I expected atleast a level like D3 runes give, hugely disappointed since the graphics are extremely good.

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this game is 101010 times better than diablo 3. some people enjoy to eat poop. but most donā€™t i guess to each their own

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This beta made med try D3 season 28, trillion damage sorc is silly but more fun then D4ā€¦ still i do expect that D4 will turn into D3 at endgame.

So i created a new toon in D2, Druid and itā€™s actually fun right out of the bat. Only lvl16 but running zoobuild do recommend.

Diablo 3 ACT 1 had way more area diversity than thisā€¦this is just ā€˜sharperā€™ but actually worse texture graphics


Just one question, have you actually played diablo 3 when it came out? I am really wondering after reading this statement :smiley:

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You realize D3 act one was 1/4 at release right? D4 act one is 1/6.

Diablo 3 act one had

  • Gloomy forest overworld
  • Catacomb dungeon
  • Castle overworld
  • Open field overworld
  • Cave dungeon
  • Slightly different gloomy forest with ruins added overworld
  • Ruins dungeon
  • Ruins but with spiders dungeon
  • Rocky cave dungeon
  • Torture dungeon

Diablo 4 act one

  • Snowy overworld
  • Snowy ruins overworld
  • Fortress dungeon
  • Tundra (I think thatā€™s what its called) overworld
  • Pine forest overworld
  • Mining cave dungeon
  • Underground castle ruins dungeon
  • Horadric ruins dungeon
  • Snowy mountains/cliffs overworld
  • Snowy corrupted forest dungeon
  • Karst/limestone cave dungeon
  • Chapel dungeon
  • Ice cave and ice cavern dungeon (Putting the two together because they are very similar)
  • Torture dungeon
  • Catacomb dungeon
  • Cultist hideout dungeon
  • Fortress/hideout ruins dungon
  • Icy ruins dungeon
  • Bloody/demonic ruins dungeon

If we get this much variety in all 6 acts. Ill very much be satisfied.