DIABLO 2 is more enjoyable to play than DIABLO 4

Diablo 2 is better right now. However, Diablo 4 has potential and could end up better than Diablo 2. However, In the current state Diablo 2 is the better game. Diablo 3 is only for those that want the damage creep to satiate their thirst of seeing “5 Trillion damage”. I am glad the developers are trying to avoid that level of damage even if they are fighting an uphill battle with the damage creep.

To bad you are very wrong. D2 still has a playerbase STILL and its strong, same grinding much like D4 though everything feels decent, you could spec into different builds (even necromancer minions) and it felt good. D4’s issue is alot of abilitys are ither very OP or not even worth touching. There is next to no middle ground on the skill gaps its insane.
Thats not to say D4 doesn’t have fun builds, just the gameplay loop does not feel good right now when forced to play a certain build to even be able to play endgame stuff.

Then go play D2? Nobody cares. You’re comparing a 20 year old game, developed by a far more competent and devoted team, to a 3 week old game made by a bunch of greed mongers.

As if that doesnt exist in Diablo 2. What’s the point of playing it after you killed the Boss of the hardest difficulty? You dont need high end runes when the hardest Bosses can be killed with mid-level runes.

And Uber Bosses… drops 1 Torch after 50x kills. How many Torches do you need? That’s more stupid. You grind over and over Bosses that you have killed more than 100 times.

D4 has affixes. You are bored becoz you keep on skipping hard dungeons/affixes. Doing the same easy joke dungeon with easy joke affix over and over is BORING. I never get bored on D4 becoz everytime I changed my build to counter a hard affix, a new combo of mobs/elites appear to counter my counter.

The point of getting Unique Legendary is to kill Uber Lilith or NM 70+ Dungeons. And you dont need to grind joke Bosses over and over for Torches just to be able to summon Lilith. She is just waiting for you since level 75.

Seeing how D3 is in the top 25 most sold games of all time, with over 30+ million copies sold between platforms, you forgot six zeros behind that 10…

Strong is relative. Is it comparable to even PoE, in terms of daily concurrent players? Likely not… But it’s strong enough to fuel the echo-chamber and if you pack them all in roughly the same spot, it’s strong enough give off the illusion of being super alive.

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Yes, well, in Diablo 2, the Harlequin Crest is a part of the magic find set that you use to farm for the actually rare items, which the Crest itself is not.

unfortunatelly for those sales - online in D3 is 2 times less than even in d2r, not even mention poe. So this is just another argument of how bad this game is lol

Go play D2 then. Nothing stopping you.

You’re comparing a rose-tinted game that has had over 2 decades of development, adjustments, and work done on it, to a game that’s been out for… 1 month.

Curious though, what do you miss so much from D2? Is it the doing Baal runs 10,000 times to level? Or is it doing the Meph runs 100,000 times for the hopes of 1 item dropping that you need? Or is it farming countess 10,000 times for rune drops? Or is it joining 1,000,000 “Free 4 u” games in hopes of decent free gear?

Just curious which form of monotony it is that you enjoy so much. Don’t get me wrong, I loved D2 also… But times change, and I’m ok with admitting that.

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According to what metrics? D3 shards chat servers and matchmaking. It also isn’t cross-platform, where probably more than half of the players are on console.

D2 has a very devout playerbase of neuroatypical/ASD players that have been obsessing over it for decades now. There is nothing wrong with that, but it’s like a smouldering brown-dwarf star that will glow like a warm piece of iron until the heat-death of the universe aka they shut the servers down. It will never shine again, but it won’t completely fade into oblivion either.

What worked 20 years ago, in your eyes, doesn’t hold up to today’s standards and evolved consumer base. If you like D2, go play D2, but stop trying to force it on D3 and now D4.

In what world did D2 have 2 decades of development xD? It’s crazy to me why so many ppl defend blizz for launching a clearly unfinished game. I also think it’s disrespectful to the devs who worked on it. I am 100% sure they wouldn’t have released the game as unfinished/unpolished as it is if it was up to them.

oh rly? You should face the facts and not invent excuses. Your favorite game was failure, it was ghost town in 2 days after season launch, average player time for a season was highly likely 15h or even less. So blizzard don’t want to repeat this mistakes again. And as you may have noticed, they try to distance themselves from D3 as much as possible so it’s just a matter of time when your favorite D3 mechanics will dissapear and yoo’ll probably have a chance to play something decent and not your favorite braindead failure game.

But even if you don’t like it, thank God they will leave d3 servers running for those 5 people who want to play this garbage.

It has had continued development and work done on it since it’s release in June of 2000.

You obviously weren’t around for the launch there. It was a mess, the game had awful tuning, no balance, and was broken. The game didn’t get good until they introduced the online-only Ladder to help fight hacks, and brought out the expansion that gave a huge amount of QoL features. So yeah, the devs for D2 100% released an unpolished, and unfinished game; but they kept working on it, and thus defined the ARPG genre.

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If you honestly think D2 had 2 decades of develpment after it’s launch it’s kinda pointless to continue this discussion. You are clearly trolling.

I said generator spender system sucks. It’s not interesting gameplay or fun. Maybe look into poe, Marvel heroes (when it was around) last epoch, grim dawn, etc. maybe you’re just too obtuse to see how boring of a system it is. And in D4 currently you have to build around generating resource Bec the generators are Boring and trash.

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Then go play it? Why are you on here posting about a different version of a game lol.

clearly is not just him, end game is boring beyond belief, 100 bucks game with nothing to do

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My Sorc is 92, I decided to try high nightmare sigils last night for the first time(77,78,78), it’s a whole different ballgame. D2 doesn’t have anything like this. I am a capital G gamer, sweaty 0.1% player in other games, and NMDs present a real challenge to progress. I look forward to finishing my level 100 level grind so I can start sweating out high sigils.

And? Getting to the point where you have infinite mana feels good. Certainly feels better then having to devote a third of your stats to resists to avoid being one-shot by magic damage in PoE lol.

CDR, Resource Gen, Resource Cost Reduction, CHC, CHD, Vuln Damage, % Armor, Skill Ranks, ASI, Life, DR, and Move Speed are all highly desirable stats in a number of s-tier builds. That’s plenty to work with.

In a lot of ways D2 is a better game but I think its better to hope they work on D4 and improve it rather than living in the past playing an old game.

D4 could be great if they go the right direction in the future I think.

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According to what metrics?

Here’s good example of a very highly sold game that a wide variety of people played: Elden Ring. Only ~40% killed Maliketh, one of the late game unskippable bosses, only ~66% of players killed Godrick, an early major boss, and only ~75% of players killed Margit, one of the first real bosses… Yet the game is revered as one of the best games to come out in the past decade and sold a ridiculous amount of copies, something like 20 million copies in a year. A game where you find out within the first hour if you’re going to be able to get anywhere in it and can then return it. So what’s your point?

Not everyone stims over video games for hundreds of hours per month. Not everyone feels the need to keep playing the game after they beat it, that’s just icing on the cake. Not everyone even bothers to finish a game. The point is that different people play games differently and the BULK of players don’t look to dump thousands of hours into a game.