DIABLO 2 is more enjoyable to play than DIABLO 4

Is it ME or also many of you felt like the old DIABLO 2 expansion is more fulfilling and more enjoyable to play with?

After completing the Story, everything seems to be BORING ( my personal opinion), I expect a lot more in NIGHMARE and yet it has became infinite loop of the same boring gameplay.

I’ve been asking what is the point in getting UNIQUE LEGENDARY ITEMS and LEVELING if the story already ended ( for me its seems like for showing off only )


Clearly it’s you. So go play D2 already.


I certainly enjoyed D2 alot more and played it for years so its not just you. I suspect judging from the complaints i see of this game from all forms of social media, that alot of people just find the game boring for alot of reasons.


Thanks for the reply, May you enjoy a continues loop of nightmare BORING GAMEPLAY.


People have different preferences. Personally, I think this is the best in the series.


Diablo 2 is the king, no one will be better.
Diablo 4 is a baby and lots of good things will come in the right time, we just need to wait for season 1.


I could not agree more.

I took my time playing though the story on my druid. I got all the renown while doing that. I hit t4 and around level 67.

Not I am level 72 and the game is a snore fest. Only thing to do is to get rares/uniques to tweak or do new builds. Night mare dungeons are very boring at this point.

Unless they add some life to this game, by season 1 it will die a slow death.

My two kids already stopped playing.


The hype of getting to NIGHTMARE suddenly die after 2 games from my part, I feel no sense at all, no purpose nor anything, MOMO FARM in DIABLO 2 is more fulfilling and funny being chase by a MILKING COWS walking in two feet :sweat_smile:

Subjective opinion is subjective. I rather like this over D2 and D2R. Go figure.


I actually didnt mind running Pindle or Mephisto 100x in a row because the prospect of actual real upgrades and godly uniques was a possibility. I run 2 NM Dungeons in D4 and i’m already bored af and wanna log out. In D2 I loved the anticipation, the excitement or disappointment whenever the boss dies and the loot drops. This game, has none of that, amongst many other problems it has, the itemization which should be one of the core features and focus in an arpg is barely an afterthought in this game. You have 6(LOL) chase items that might as well not exist with the way their drop rate is set. And the class specific uniques that each class has are mostly crap.


The only good about D4 is graphics :rofl: :rofl:
story line, not even a match with the OLD D2 expansion.


I definitely enjoy d2 more. It’s not rose tinted glasses either, because I played it recently with d2r. D2 is just a better game than this.


Don’t get me wrong I loved Diablo 2 during it’s prime, but if I were to tell someone to buy D2R for 13$ on sale or 70$ for Diablo 4 I’d recommend buying Diablo 4.


Hopefully no one will ask you :wink:


Positive Post: negative andys in comments
Negative Post: positive andys in comments

Man, I Love the Internet


Not just you. D2 is miles better than d4.


Enjoyment is incredibly subjective. I’ve played every Diablo at release, all the expansions, the seasons and ladders. I’ve enjoyed each one immensely for what it was at the time it was the main Diablo game.

I went back to D2R when it came out and… yeah… sometimes you can’t go home again. It was amazing when D2 came out in 2000. But games were different then, had different expectations, different views on QoL (namely they gave a hearty f-you to the idea of QoL… git gud scrub!).

I find D2R to be an exceptionally grindy and punishing game these days. I do not enjoy it more than even D3 today.

You like D2 more. I like it less. I don’t find D4 as boring as you do. Neither of us are objectively right. We just have our preferences and that’s OK. You play your preferred Diablo game, I’ll play mine.


To you maybe.

I highly HIGHLY doubt modern gamers would find a game with such limited respecs and 10000 Baal runs enjoyable though. D2 was good for its time but let’s stop kidding ourselves here.


People need to stop using the 'baal runs" arguement. There are a lot more end game things you can do in d2 now. Side areas got buffed, and are a great place to farm (The Pit, Ancient Tunnels, ect). They added new terror zones that you can get new unique charms that strip immunities. You can farm all the uber bosses in uber tristam. You can farm countess for runes. Cow level and Sanctuary are really good places to farm now, especially chaos runs. And sure, you can still run act bosses if you want.

D2 has about as much endgame as d4 honestly.

I’ve had some people from my WoW guild pick up d2r and play d2 for the first time (mostly zoomers)And they really enjoyed it.


All i have left to play is unplayed content… oh noeeeese!