DIABLO 2 is more enjoyable to play than DIABLO 4

I actually miss being able to do that. D4 campaign was too easy, WT2 was a cake walk. I really hope they give people an option to do the campaign on WT4 or something.

It’s probably not going to be for everyone, but I don’t see why more options are a bad thing. If someone would rather replay through the campaign again on WT4 instead of doing nightmare dungeons why not give them options :man_shrugging:

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Oh I’m :100: with you on this. I want Shako not to not exist, grandfather too. I want vamp gaze, viper magi, mage fists, arrests facet, what was that shape shifting Druid unique? Augh i love them. I’m sure they’ll eventually be in the game.

I really do hope they make a more rift map / dungeon hybrid


Oh yeah, bring all that good stuff back. D3 did it. I don’t mind them being quite rare, but to make them astronomical rare isn’t cool. It should be possible to find what you need each season. Then we’d actually have a looter and I’d probably not hate the game. I’m very much about loot and fighting bosses.


And i agree with this too, i liked in d3 how we didn’t HAVE to use generators. This generator spender system blows omg i hate it. And can we please have a real bow class, and frozen orb to be good jeez. Summon necro too

I got around it on my sorc, but it’s such a stupid system. She only struggles 1v1, which is really annoying. The cooldowns are too much. I’m going into different fights with stuff on cooldown. WTF is that? Then there is a queue on top of all that. Sorc feels so janky.

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I get if they make generator builds that wreck, like frenzy barb, some Druid that used claw and light strike? I’m totally fine and encourage that, but wtf is this core skill costs… 50 fury a tick of whirlwind, orb costs like what 40 mana ??? who thinks that’s fun.

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I don’t like the idea. It’s doubly worse with the cooldowns and queue. Something needs to get tweaked here.

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Lmao Ik right? And how sorc has to have 2 shields and barb 3 shouts… like guys no fix this. This isn’t fun having everyone pushed to the same skills

And how do rogues play with imbuements? It’s so clunky

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D4 is already nothing different than D2/D3 - you have your META builds (until they break them). But I mean, let’s be honest, it was ALWAYS going to be that way.

The community was going to find and rate builds S-F. All Blizzard can do it TRY and balance stuff so there are more viable options. Obviously there is playstyle in play here, but good is good and bad is bad, it’s literally night and day on the builds.


Yeah it’s you. I’m not into decade old games that lack the base lines of convinience and QoL that work on outdated game systems with clunkcy comabt while it’s only driven by RMT and a plathora of Bots and few nostalgic players.
Some old stuff is working and looking better then modern stuff for sure but D2 isn’t it ^^.

After completing the story D4 is boring and will be boring for a long time but tbh today noone can bring me to do another Baal run because it’s beyond stupid to do. BTW nothing to do in D2 after the story then to regrind bosses is even worse then having endgame options that at least bring something to the table to “spice” things up.

If you are a story player the game is over after the story easy as that. In D2 it was over in normal mode because a replay isn’t the same as a whole new story.

I can’t help myself but for the points you argue about D4 (even in it’s bad state right now) is at least on the same level as D2 depending on how big and narrow minded of a D2 fan you are.

I played D2 for thousands of hours and had fun with it and some nice memories but today I can’t be arsed to play that outdated piece of crap. It’s like playing Darkage… awesome game but after 30 minutes tops I’m done with it even when it’s one of the most awesome games out there… well pretty subjective oppinion here :smiley: .

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Oh def, but i think for example barbs issue of needing 3 shouts is how bad they generate recourse and needing unstoppable. If they didn’t make recourse costs so stupid i think it’s a step to fix this issue. Idk about the other classes too much but I’m sure it would smooth them out too

If you like the style of Diablo 2 still, then you should probably stay with D2R. The lovely part of the world we live in is that we have so many different sources of entertainment, that if one isn’t doing it for you… you don’t need to whine and make a big deal out of it, you can just go find one that does.

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D3 had that smooth combat down. I feel like I’m playing a clunky D3 with D4. D4 does have more interesting boss fights and mechanics though. It did that properly. There were some really good fights in the campaign. It’s a shame we cant redo the bosses.

Yeah, I’ve been playing S3. I took a break for D4. I thought D4 would be a good bridge for BG3.

Blizz always releases unfinished games and then changes them all around. Another lovely part of the world is giving feedback. D2R and D2 LOD is nothing like D2 on launch. That added synergies in years after in 1.09a. I preferred it without synergies and immunities. I also liked the old shako(got nerfed) nicknamed 1.08 shako. D3 is not even the same game as D3 on launch. I never took issue with D2 on launch. I was hooked. D3 was weird as hell. Rares were the best items.

Not you alone at least.
I got bored of d4 even faster than d3
Back to playing d2 for now and hoping somewhere in the future patches, updates, expansions or whatnot make this an interesting game. Ill probably check back to read the patch notes every season or so.

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I think it is the challenge and surprise gameplay that had such an impact.
How many times do you die playing D2R for the first time? In D2R you fear every single room inside a dungeon(you dont even have the option to choose a difficult level).
In D4 how many times did you die in the campaign? (i played the hole game at the highest difficult possible and didnt died once).
My point is that in D2R you feel like a human opressed by demons, in D4 its like a walk in disneyland.

Honestly this sums up how I started feeling about a week ago. Got to level 96 on my Barbarian and literally lost interest in the game. It got so boring, but again what do you expect from a Diablo game? Its built on being overly repetitive. Diablo 2 got boring for the same reason. Only Diablo 2 was worth playing off and on for years whereas I don’t see myself doing that with Diablo 4. Not saying Diablo 4 is a bad game, I actually enjoyed it for about 3-4 weeks, it just got stagnant and boring.

Antiquated? This was the case before D2R. IE.: for over 20 years lol

It’s not him. D4 in it’s current state is turbo trash.

You literally just described all of D2… Except D2 has like 1/50th the amount of actual content. Plus, look at how massive the overworld is in D4.


Why, is it too hard for you or something? Like I’ve said about D2: Pressing mana potion is just a glorified generator. Also, in D3, you couldn’t go straight into effective generatorless builds without the right gear, which often took some legendaries, set bonuses and cube slots; otherwise you’d be out of resources constantly or would be doing like 1/10th the damage you could be doing.

omg D3 fanboy :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: ALERT!!!

You and 10 others D3 fanboys should stay in your beloved game.

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