DIABLO 2 is more enjoyable to play than DIABLO 4

Nah it’s not. It’s many players.

And you still have to spam generators despite getting 20-30 % recourse cost reduction… how fun… again it’s a terrible system to use garbage skills that do no damage and aren’t even aoe… imagine defending a garbage system.

Also speccing into 3 shouts or 4 defensive to utilize mana per ability on cd all to circumvent garbage resource regen isn’t fun. This “limitless” manna in D4 does not exist like it does in d2 or poe, or any other good game

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Yes, D2 is better at this point. D4 is a borefest, just like D3. It’s a shame that this is the best they could do after a decade of development.

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I promise you this game went into development the moment blizzcon turned to crap after the Diablo Immortal fiasco. They shocked everyone with their stupidity when they thought they could:

Sell tickets to come to their show

Get up on stage and pitch to a ROOM FULL OF PC GAMERS about a MOBILE PHONE version of one of their beloved games

Proceed to insult said gamers when they didnt get the reaction they wanted with “havent you guys got phones”

Right there. In that moment they started development and it shows.

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Na i dont agree… in diablo 2 inventory is always brim with items… the Battle System/Skills are boring and Not enjoyable

Only the Items are better, because you can find items on lvl 40 and use them also on lvl 80 etc
All the items, even white or grey are usable, the runes…
so a run in D2 feels better because you have the feeling to find a usable or unique item everybody wants

But all in all D4 is the better Game because you have so much to do in Endgame

I posted this in another thread, but it is relevant here too.

After hitting 74 on my sorc, I got an itch to retry d2:r. Some time last year I got the game, played it totally blind, stalled out around act3 on my necro and just fell off. I went back to that necro, fixed my spec, and just finished the main campaign of d2 for the first time. I am a first time d2 player and I am totally hooked, already rolling new characters. The game is so enjoyable to play. Only chores I’ve found so far are self imposed, and to me they don’t feel tedious the way d4s end game grind does.

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Having played d2 for the first time last year and finishing it for the first time this week, what I like more about it is the interesting items, the fun enjoyable gameplay, the overlapping systems, the music, the art direction, the storyline and characters, and the multitudes of different ways to effectively build each character.

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I’ve actually thought about going back to D2 or D2R. I have both still and at this point I’m only logging into D4 once every 3-4 days. Whether it becomes a more suitable experience, only time will tell and that’s my preference regarding it.

It simply has too many glaring core/qol issues. Lack of build diversity, unbalanced and lackluster skills, bland dungeon grinding style with sigil affixes that add padding to difficulty. Add in late game itemization where resistances don’t even work and items are consistently lower plevels for whatever reason, not enough stash space, horse cooldowns when I want to climb a wall…Lack of real boss fights outside weak world bosses. There is no hell to travel to (I’m assuming this is what helltide is subbing for?)

I’m not quite sure what the dev team was thinking as the game feels like a frankenstein hybrid of ideas. It feels more like Diablo 4, the carnival ride instead of Diablo 4 the game.

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Ok go play Diablo 2 and say good bye to your $100 period. :wink:

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I just said that didn’t I? Reading comprehension must be really tough for you. And $100? lol. Sally, it’s going to take a lot more than S1 to make D4 GRRRREAT. Even Tony the tiger is disappointed and he’s always happy with advertisements and selling breadcrumb cornflakes to kids.

Your tongue in cheek ad hominem is sort of weak if I’m being completely honest. Do you have any logic to add to that or reasons why D4 is perfect? Shouldn’t you be grinding your 9th chart to 100 instead of surfing forums getting butthurt because others don’t enjoy…sniff…the same game as you… GASP.

Then go play it.


Again, I just stated that. Another who has issues with reading comprehension. Shouldn’t you be playing D4 instead of crying about opinions on the forum. Sounds like forum surfing is more fun to you than a game that just launched.

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Shouldn’t you be playing Diablo 2 instead of crying about opinions on the forums?

You are not a moderator.

And you just defeated your own argument: A GAME THAT JUST LAUNCHED.

Zero expansions on it yet. Zero actual refinement from being out for decades like D2 (and D3 coming up).

“This game that just came out doesn’t have as much stuff in it as this other game that came out 20 years ago and has expansions and content patches” ---- imagine that.

A game that just launched half baked. You forgot those last two words. Another sympathizer. You would be the same peasant that would enjoy D3 launch for 10 straight years. Stop shilling for games that are underdeveloped. Or like I said above, go play it. I will be playing here in a little bit. I like to sip coffee and put shills in check first.

Wait, I’m not a moderator? You sound smarter by the second.

Zero expansions? What does this have to do with launching a game that’s underdeveloped and took no lessons from the great arpgs before it? Oh, I know! Let’s grind for 20 years for a shako that’s BOA. :rofl: Next LEVEL BRAH. Sadly, there isn’t enough stash space so I’d leave it on the ground for an extra gem.

Again, the game that just came out that has 1-2 endgame builds to push the same repeat dungeons. I love sigil affixes where rocks follow me. It’s called innovation and there isn’t any here. Nothing like riding a horse to jump off to climb a wall. Oops, cooldown now. Guess, I’ll just walk pointlessly for a few seconds to hop back on. Clearing the map again on alts? Resistances don’t even work? Paint dries as I talk. Anything else master dev or is this your first game?

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I would really love to take a big group of the loudest advocates that Diablo 4 is a garbage game, sit them all down, and make them play Diablo 1 release version, Diablo 2 release version, and Diablo 3 release version.

Then I’d like to survey all of them and see which Diablo game they think has the best release version between Diablo 1-4.

I’m so tired of these people who seem to think new games should have some sort of magical exponential content growth, simply because they are a sequel in a franchise. That doesn’t exist and it doesn’t happen. Welcome to reality. Every game, on release, needs time to grow. Some games come out and they aren’t even a finished product… those are bad games. But this was a finished product, guys. Diablo 4 is a complete game with a complete endgame loop, and a crapload of polish to boot. It’s not a perfect game, and it needs time to grow, but it’s by far one of (if not the) best on release Diablo games we have ever had.

And ya’ll really acting like it’s the worst thing you’ve ever played. Psh. Gamers. Never happy.

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Um I’m not so sure I would call combat superior in D4, when comparing it with d2.

I can’t tell you how many times I press my keys and the animation happens but yet the skill doesn’t fire. Also there is some kind of queue delay or something if you spam a bunch of things. It to me feel like a buggy mess, sometimes. Heck sometimes I have to press my inventory key several times to even open my bag.

In d2 skill-usage and UI interactionsfelt crisp, I can’t say the same here. Hope that will get sorted out eventually.

AND the BIG one lets not forget about the online interactions now. Mobs seem to act weird spawning etc due to online connectivity, etc All kinds of issues due to the “online” element.

U dont even know me and u are saying lots of things LOL

I play ALL diablo games since diablo 1 launched, i dont play diablo 2 for ladder ranks, i play for fun.

Diablo 2 is better just because…
Diablo 1 is outdated and need a remake, i reached level 50 in diablo 1 farmed the best rare items reseting the game lots of times and beated the game more than 30 times in both pc and ps1 versions, i played modded d1 too.

Diablo 3 was poorly designed with thousands of damage and 20.000 paragon levels and need TONS of rework in sets and uniques every season and when u reach endgame u will see that lod starpact or talrasha wizard is soo much stronger than other builds and game is filled with bots, but i still play every season since launch.

Diablo 4 just launched but will be better in the future with new seasons and content added, it is just that, diablo 2 launched 20 years ago and people still play the game because d2 has good replayability and every ladder changes u can do new builds that reach endgame.

Beated D immortal too but its just a cash grab game.

To summarize my post, d2r still the best but diablo 4 can be better in the future, as u can see i really played all games and i stated the grounded basis of all diablo games you asked XD. The only bad thing of diablo 2 was leveling from 90 to 99 doing baal runs and chaos sanctuary runs lots of times but even that changed with the new terror zones. Every ladder i play until i got level 90 and all needed items, after that i wait for the next ladder and go to diablo 3 season or diablo 4 now.


I enjoy farming when it is worth it. The only game I have played where it was worth the effort was EQ.

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If your feedback is “This other game is more fun” then your feedback is useless. lol

It seems to me that people who insist on comparing the release versions of games are kinda strange. What difference does it make what the quality of the game was 23 years ago? Are you out of your mind? This is a huge gap for the gaming industry. What was permissible then is now simply impossible.

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