DIABLO 2 is more enjoyable to play than DIABLO 4

Can’t they just build a modernized Diablo based off of D2? I dunno wtf this itemization and level scaling crap is, but it doesn’t feel good. The only good uniques are lotto and we are stuck shifting through tons of rares and legendries with no identity for upgrades. It’s not fun. I’d rather do thousands of meph runs.

Oh, I love it. They did such an amazing job on it.

Lol. I won’t be able to provide you with any more entertainment. You’ll have to hope they come back to jumble over some kind of rebuttal, but my work here is done.

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Ironic Bec d2 is literally baal runs, cows, Pinn, Diablo and maybe Ubers…. Throw in the new mechanic of rotating buffed zones…. Aka outside the new change they only recently added the same game with no end game really. Congratulations (and coming from a d2 enjoyer )

It’s got the cool loot. That’s the thing. D4 doesn’t have it. :frowning:

Nah that is rambling. You seem offended by something I never even said.

Please quote where I said D2 was only Baal runs because I said no such thing.

Yes, but I’m sure they will add things like raven frost, arrets facet, etc

So how do they make the loot cool tho?

They put some in there like shako, but it’s not possible to find due to the severe rarity. All the other uniques are bland. They’ll just make them ultra rare lotto drops or super bland with no real impact. How much you want to bet I’d like this game better if I found a shako? lol. I really don’t want to shift through rare and legendries though. It’s so tedious.

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I added more than that. Your statement implied d4 was repetitive, which is ironic Bec d2 is the same thing over and over and over. It’s dull. Fun back in the day yes and fun for like a week every reset but that’s it

I think it’s worse to do a nm dungeon and shift through all the garbage loot to find an upgrade compared to killing meph and knowing if anything good dropped right away. The problem is the loot. I think I’d like the dungeons better with D2 style items than meph runs, but I sure prefer D3 rifts, because I don’t have to do stupid tasks.

I already did. I’m not doing it a second time, regardless of how amusing it would be. I’d just let this one go and move on. I don’t invest my emotions into something like this. I countered your generalization.

They aren’t going to completely undo D3 at this point. The game still kept quite a few things from D3, and I can’t see them ever just completely ignoring it. They still kept some of the worst things from D3 out like sets with +15000 percent damage modifiers but level scaling is one of those things from D3.

I like it a lot and like the aesthetic too with the upgraded graphics. Unfortunately D2R didn’t live up the popularity that D2 had in its prime though, but that’s okay. It still serves its purpose and it’s still a good remaster with all things considered.

For some sure, but i don’t personally like fighting some mob i can Tele to with a sorc and spam basically a sponge to maybe get something good every 5 hours. I’d rather do maps like poe has or improved nm dungeons or rifts. Not saying d4 is perfect, but it’s got way more potential

I just didn’t want them to take level scaling, item scaling, and the itemization. It’s so bad. I think that was in the wrong direction but the build stuff made more sense for a seasonal ARPG in D3. D3 just needed more depth.

How are they supposed to keep the game relevant as an open world if the mobs didn’t scale? Sure the scaling seems still too much, but what’s the alternative?

No you actually didn’t. And yeah you do seem overly emotional over something that was never even said. You wouldn’t have rambled on otherwise.

Hand crafted like in the olden days. Maybe have the level scaling only in NM dungeons? I think it makes the monsters boring.

So replaying the story 3 different times?

I’m just going to put this out there…what game DOESN’T have some sort of repetitive crap?

I’ve played (non-exhaustive):
Ultima Online
World of Warcraft
Final Fantasy 14
Diablo 2
Diablo 3
Diablo 4

What game doesn’t make you farm something over and over and over? I mean, come on. I sit here any watch my son farm crap out of Roblox games, Minecraft OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

Every damn game is a repetition farm. But it comes down to just how…not boring?..the farming is…I guess?

Ultima Online - Farming the same bosses over and over - BORING
WoW - Farming dungeons and Rep - BORING
FFXIV - Farming the dailies for tokens every DAMN DAY - BORING
I long got over farming Trav and Baal for D2 - BORING
I long got over farming rifts for D3 - BORING
I’m already about over farming NM dungeons in D4 - BORING

But you all tell me what game engages you enough to where farming something over and over and over doesn’t get boring?


Yeah, I was expecting better dungeons than what we got. I don’t care for it, but I could tolerate it if the items were good like D2’s. The itemization makes the whole thing a chore if you want to progress and find the rares and legendries with the right stats.

I would prefer that if it meant we can farm the bosses again and not do Renown and alters.

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