DIABLO 2 is more enjoyable to play than DIABLO 4

So lets see, since you capitalized only the words you want seen…


What are you actually trying to say here?

I still play D2! I never got bored of D2 in a month after release. It took years before I took a break. I’ve been playing on and off since then! In fact, I’m going to play D2R today instead of D4. I can’t stand shifting through rares and legendaries for upgrades. It’s too tedious.

No, I do make games to dump loot I hate to throwaway. I don’t accept items from other players unless it’s a trade. It can ruin the experience. In D2 you can mf and target the items you want based on loot tables.

You could do that. It’s an option. I farm a lot of things, so you can just farm something else if you get bored of that.

The loot. If this game had good loot, I’d tolerate the things I don’t like.

That was optional. Never did that many with a single character. In D2R I just do terrorized zones instead.

It’s the reward for farming. I don’t mind it in D2 but that’s because you can target the loot you want and you get rewarded for it with very cool items. D4 doesn’t have cool items. If it did, I wouldn’t be as critical. It has worse itemization than D3, which I thought was in the wrong direction. It’s for min/maxers who like spread sheets and don’t mind going through thousands of rares and uniques to find minor upgrades.

They have changed for the worse with itemization. I think I’d like this game if it had D2’s style of items. I like the iconic, impactful items of D2.

I did also enjoyed farming in EQ. So many interesting items in that game.

I’ve done all that! D1 isn’t all that when they came out. I only took issue with D3. It was horrible compared to D2.

I don’t like when I spend 70 dollars on an unfinished game. I don’t think anyone does. I’m more so concerned with the core of this game and primarily the itemization. They built this game for min/maxers, which I don’t like.

I think a game should be good on launch.


I LOVE Diablo 2. It was my first Diablo game, but I am having a blast with Diablo 4. I also played Diablo 3 and enjoyed it, but really, really loving Diablo 4 right now.

You sound like you’re a blast at parties… I won’t even bother addressing the rancid vile you spew out in writing. Actually, I’ll double down on it since there is so much of it while I’m scrolling this thread reading.

wut bro?


Good post, thanks for taking the time to write that up. Completely agree!


I played every Diablo since the OG in 96. I played all of them each for years. This game, I’m already logging on once every 4 days. So there you go. I enjoyed the other 3 games at launch more than this one. And let me tell you, D3’s launch was rough.

Diablo 4 isn’t a terrible game. But it’s definitely stuffed full of issues both core and qol. That is bloody apparent. The bigger issue is that they’ve had a template of all previous arpgs including Diablo games which include their flawed releases and still launched this half baked game.

It has nothing to do with “magical” launch offerings and more to do with launching a game that comes full circle in terms of your purchase. Quantity does not equate to quality. And outside of campaign, I wouldn’t even say there is quantity for endgame.

His 85 likes to your 15, ratioed?

So clearly it’s not him, and perhaps you should go check your biases.


Interesting watching your comments. It’s hard to imagine a person as wrong as you about almost everything, actually feel they are correct. I guess you could be just attempting to be Mr. Opposite to see how people react, but it seems more like you actually think the things you are saying are correct. Pretty comical to read. Please keep it up, can’t wait to see how the earth is flat, water isn’t really wet, etc…

I don’t know much about the D2R playerbase but I don’t see why it would be crazy to assume POE had double the playerbase of D3 over the last years.

d2r playerbase is small and there are some good reasons for it
I want to play it, but it’s full of bots and it’s not interesting if nothing has value after a week into a season
Even if it wasn’t full of bots, it’s still max 2 weeks of gameplay until you actually gear up a char with best in slot. There is nothing to do after. The game needs end game

Comparing to d4, you need 2 days to fully gear a char due to how items work, you will also be max level and with leveled glyphs because you level doing nm dungeons. So in d4 you can look into killing lilith or tier 100 nm dungeon, but both are not rewarding at all due to having to loot items 2% better instead into looking for that bis drop (not talking about the 6 bis items that are technically in the game but not obtainable)

Also, no open trading in d4…

Absolutely D2 is a way better game then this garbage!

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Look Diablo 2 is way better than D4. Undeniably. Diablo 2 only reached legendary status after an expansion and updates. The best update in gaming history was patch 1.10 in diablo 2 lod. Go read what it brought if you dont know.

Diablo 4 is empty after you beat the campaign. Only horrendous repetition awaits. Diablo 2 you replayed through the campaign on a higher difficulty which gave it longer lasting replayability. NM dungeons dont do it for me.

My advice is to revisit this game after the first expansion. Seasons will not bring the endgame content we all desire.

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That patch was the worst patch in Diablo 2’s history it ruined PvP and gave us garbage items like Enigma

Hah i loved enigma. I remember bouncing around on my pally and just hammering everyone to death. Those were some good times. The skill synergies, runewords, bosses and secrets made d2 the best.

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D2 was essentially a loop of Baal runs, no ?

Did you mean, “for season 11”?

Well Diablo 1 and 2 are kings of arpg. Every game wanna be good as D2 are. But D2 are still on top of list. And imho D4 is on a way to catch it.

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Not gonna lie 12 dollar d2r got me to abandon this game so fast I was honestly surprised considering how many years I considered myself done with the game. I have a 24 summoner necro about to beat act 2 and it’s so fun even though I don’t have anyone to help me rush (and last night I couldn’t find any tombs groups).

As soon as I can kick butt with skeletons in this game I’ll be back the same day. Just, until they iron d4 out considerably more than it is right now, other than liking the graphics, the gameplay of its much older cousin seems more stable and, frankly, more fulfilling.

Plus I won’t lie half the reason I want to keep leveling is that jsp prices for excellent items are excellently affordable so I feel like I could have significant bis at the price of a couple wow tokens, which should at least get me soloing hell baal with no issues.

And then I’ll always have that character, guess I’m just a sucker for good deals.

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yes, Diablo 2 is one button play, is easier. in D4 I use like 6 skills contionuodly, in my D2R pala just one skill, zeal.

Only d4 fanboys care about those things.