DIABLO 2 is more enjoyable to play than DIABLO 4

In a way I agree with you. I had a lot more fun in D2, even D2R, endgame. I loved D4’s campaign and up to lvl 50. Beyond that I’m really just starting to drag. I’m not sure if it’s the itemization or simplicity of the systems, or maybe it’s just my build or RNG but, I am becoming bored out of my mind and having a hard time setting goals and being excited about achieving them.

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What most of this D4 defender don’t understand was the satisfaction when you kill a BOSS in D2, you need to properly gear up and have a much higher level just to get the BOSS with a prayer that you get a good loot, either the satisfaction or frustration from the loot and that’s where we get the NOSTALGIA of playing it, in D4 I did not felt the same feeling each time I kill the BOSS, the worst part arriving at NIGHTMARE and every hope of having more enjoyable game died in just few runs.

  • Campaign 8.5 probably the best in a western ARPG. (This is what most reviews are based on)

  • End game 1.0 worst in the genre. (This is what most people play for)

Majority of the people who post here are the “end gamers”. If this game were any bit rewarding no one would be here making negative posts.

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Your recommendation is so weird, If you want someone to compare the gameplay, you should ask them to BUY and play booth games, BIAS recommendations means you are not a true fans of DIABLO.

Said the person who never played the original D2. Only having 1 skill up at a time sure sucked.

Probably this WOMBAT does not even play D2, his reasoning seems so one sided.

The story is the same in both isn’t it? We team up with an old man to chase a powerful demon into hell and beat them. Also there is an angel who is just there for a cutscene hero

That’s the main issue, they just copied same story line, teaming up with a DECARD, and yet they did not elevate the excitement on how to get a good item build, leveling and Killing the BOSS.

Good ITEM drop are almost everywhere, Killing a campaign BOSS is not that challenging, worst part the loot that you get after killing the campaign BOSS is almost the same as killing dungeon monster boss, which makes many players unsatisfied.

I like tht good loot isn’t put behind killing a boss hundreds of times. I also dunno if you are joking about Deckard, and I was just kinda being hehe about the vague story cause they are all about getting to the big bad and stopping them from shifting the power dynamic of the eternal war

diablo 2 is more fun because it’s fast paced and i don’t have to look at all the trash that drop.

Anybody remembers diablo 2 on release? I do. It was bad until lod hit. It was great then and I played the crap out of it.

Diablo 3 was the same. Release was dumpster fire, Ros made it quite enjoyable.

This game is far better on release than both of them or Poe. Just give it time and content will flow

If you don’t like it just don’t play it till you find it enjoyable. That’s what I did with 2 and 3 and it was a good decision.


Go play it then? Why are you on D4 forums crying?

Yeah, I fully agree. Reaper of Souls tied for best Diablo with Lord of Destruction to me. Both were fantastic in their own rights. Imagine if Hellfire was like that c:

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Would be for most who have either never played or played very little d2. But for those of us that have played D2 into the dirt over and over and over not so much.
D2 had a simple to learn hard to master magic we have never seen since. Simple game with multiple layers of complexity. Especially in its time when most online games were a full life commitment d2 was the perfect inbetween game.
But do not have rose color glasses about d2 either. It was never a game that worked as your ONLY game. YOu needed breaks. Like i have 450 hours into d4 already and yeah been bored to death for 300 of those. But d2 you had TONS of great games releasing constantly to distract you. Unlike today where we might have 2 or 3 games even worth looking at a year.
Funny modern gaming kind of like d4 ancestral loot. 999 out of 1000 are straight garbage. ANd it is frustrating and boring to look through them to find that 1.

Go what?
how can I make a comparison if I haven’t played played the previous series of DIABLO, this kind of responds make me think, that this kind of people does really exist, the kinds who only respond using their butt reasoning and not their brains.

“pretty sure its you dude”
Even though myself and plenty of other comments on here prove it isnt just this one person. a lot of use feel the way he does.

Then it would become their recommendation and not my own?
Do you not understand what a recommendation is?

Don’t be goofy

Bro i would NEVER tell someone to pay 70$ for diablo 4. im embarrassed that i paid that much for this. its a 60$ at the very best. 40$ would be best.

I agree with most of this and yes, I think most releases are garbage. However, 2023 and 2024 are periods of a lot of releases coming out - and what looks to be a lot of major releases that could go into the annals of gaming history. BG3 is already a fine game with only 75% of act 1 covered. Act 2 and 3 are “under the hood” so to speak and if they’ve proven what they can do (as with DOS2) with BG3, Larian is going to have a long time fanbase on this one. Starfield, if it can compete with its predecessors of Skyrim and FO4 may become one of those games that consumes thousands of hours for any single player as main game. PoE2 on the horizon (a direct competitor to this) could stand to take the reins away from D4 and be the stand-out ARPG that does hold as a main game (just like PoE) for a lot of players.

This last one stands out, because it has a decade of progression and is likely to retain old players that dipped away for D4 and new players seeking a game with much more content. As PoE2 is confirmed as being an “expansion” of sorts to PoE, and not entirely a new game of its own.

Amongst others that already released, and potential DLCs for those titles, as well as other mentionable ones like Bloodlines, etc.

I just don’t think (for me) this garnered enough of my attention with the lack of anything that looks remotely promising in S1 to keep me around long enough to see an evolution in this game, which is sad. It really should have released with fixed and full release content. There are so many bugs amongst so many classes that it makes me think it was intentionally released ahead of the other titles above, because of the acquisition with MS, the competition and that 2024 would contend with additional major titles on UE5, etc. - making performance on this one seem poor.

Again, all speculation, but I really don’t think D4 holds up.

The 4$ USD game called (Halls of torment) is more enjoyable than DIABLO 4

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