DIABLO 2 is more enjoyable to play than DIABLO 4

Not going to argue BG3 just not my kind of rpg. But starfield? Anyone that thinks Bethesda can still make a game did not play fo76 they did the same exact thing d4 doing now. Released a broken unfinished game THEN every patch after release made it worse and worse.
But that is not the issue. Bethesda not making it. Microsoft is and it is going to fail as fast if not faster than redfall did. Just a single player game so it wont fail so epically but it will.
Not to mention a single player modern games is not a week or two of entertainment like it was 15 years ago. It is 20-30 hours best case with a few that get a bit more.

Sure, but FO76 lacked modding community. Thatā€™s where Starfield will succeed - just like Skyrim and FO4. FO76 being a live service game and all, just like D4. Thereā€™s a bit of a trend here.

Note: I agree with a lot of what youā€™re saying here. I also have my complaints with Bethesda and especially MS - but what I do have faith in is the modding community.

What the modding community going to do? You ever see the fo4 modding community everyone wanted so much? You know what mod gets downloaded 100 times more than every mod combined? Cheat mods. Fo76 had plenty of cheats and exploits that sure did not help anything.
Love how people do the same thing with d2 pvp. Say it was such a big great community when it was actually very small and one of the most toxic aspects of d2.

What are you talking about? Do you ever go to Nexus, or heck even just Steam downloads for modded content? Cheats are far from the most downloaded content.

I donā€™t know what FO4 youā€™re playing, but the modded content is staggering - behind only Skyrim, Sims 4 and Rimworld.

FO76 didnā€™t have anything like FO4, because it wasnā€™t the same type of game (live service vs. local installer). Where Starfield is also going to be local installer, supporting mod content.

Been a LONG time but when downloading a fo4 mod you used to see a list of mods and how many times downloaded. The cheat room was the most downloaded mod by far. And most mods were garbage like cosmetic changes and survival mode.
Never played player made content EVER that was any good. There is not a single decent dungeon in Neverwinter for example. Not saying I could do better but would not do any worse either.

Oh, man. Youā€™re missing a whole new gameplay system in FO4 that makes FO76 look horrible. The game even holds up to this day because of the modding community. Go check out some of the settlements mods alone for it and some of the armory updates.

I tried FO76 and really the only appeal came from playing with friends - couldnā€™t do it after a few weeks. Yeah, Neverwinterā€™s one of those you need to go check out the archives for it - forgot the exact site name. Thereā€™s some insanely good mods out there still that are lurking around. Some were uploaded to Steam but nothing that really stands out. CEP is the only thing thatā€™s stood the test of time. Iā€™d recommend the Calimport or other mods for full story, script and dungeon changes though.

Its not for everyone . I think its great.

I think you may be onto something. I never played the original D1 but Iā€™ve been playing D2 since about the age of 12 and still go on it from time to time.
Iā€™ll be 36 in a few daysā€™ timeā€¦

Played Diablo 3 for roughly a year or so before getting bored.
Played Diablo 4 for roughly 1-2 weeks and got bored once finishing the main campaign. I will say though, I did enjoy the main boss fights.

Thereā€™s a review by some guy Act Man on YouTube which seemed to echo many of my thoughts, especially around interest of interactive characters and issues around the scaled-to-level but all-round fairly easy difficulty, offering little sense of challenge nor progression. Got the expansive universe in D4 but it feels like a huge mass of samey irrelevance. Really wanted to like this game to be honest. I will still give it a chance with my second character (Druid) and perhaps the Rogue after.

D2 had something special about it that made it addictive. The skills tree was simpler yet more effective. The item buffs on items were much simpler and easier to apply and understand. The concept of runewords and rolling good stats offered the game endless replay value to try and strive for the best stuff.

I wish D3/D4 also had the concept of runewords to be honest, and more importantly I wish the game had a bit less but much more memorable content. It has the potential ingredients of a fantastic game with some of the main boss introductions and graphics (particularly liked the Andariel intro), but waters down so much of the general open world environment content in comparison to the few good bits.