Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

Buff Necro and now look at the item shop. :grimacing:

I totally agree. Waiting for cooldowns feels awful and when a build is so resource starved, the core skill starts to feel like its on a cooldown too. Sigh.


Exactly. I don’t want to be chugging 2, 3 or sometimes 4 potions for trash mob packs. I want my character to be much more powerful than the trash mobs, he is the legendary “hero” after all.

Do you actually play the game or do you play the forums??

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What do you mean? Playing a sorcerer, a mana user and a caster, you cast 2 spells and you are out of mana and is left running around until you have mana again is no fun? :wink: Same goes for other classes as well were resource management isn’t really management it’s just cast X spell/abilities until you run out of Y resource, then wait Z time to replenish.


This is stupid, I started playing sorceress in a tier II and have not died yet, (level 16) the game is rather easy.

You can be overpowered, if you don’t suck.

TLDR: You are just bad. I saw another sorcerer standing there tanking the mobs LMAO.

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Yes, I definitely agree with you.
I’d like the option for % resource(or flat numbers) on hit so I can get rid of auto attack.

I like the difficulty. It humbles players who just follow metas and streamers and all that rubbish.

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I am level 25 on my rogue, LITERALLY NEVER USED a single equipable item except 2 daggers that I change when I get better ones. No armor, no rings, no legendary aspects (yet), no amulet, now bow. No bow skills either. Only World Tier 2.

6 deaths total (1 was some tree pack one shot in act 2 while I was lvl 12 or something and exploring, 1 was Butcher because I forgot to save unstoppable skill and decided to not run, 2 at the act 1 mom quest).

Dunno wth these ppl want.

But I will say I suspect Blizz (partially) went for the slower combat despite ppl not liking that when it was done to POE because they want you to feel more invested and pay more for cosmetics.

Also druid leveling still trash from what I’ve seen :rofl: (can’t do it myself cuz…reasons).

I agree with the critisizm. I´m level 43 and the only fun playstyle I found out as ranged rogue is with rapid shot as the main skill. It deals an adequate amount of damage and costs an adequate amount of mana.

Flurry is a cool melee skill, very strong for solo pve, but the bosses are so spammy and hard-hitting, that fighting them with flurry is just not fun…

Ranged rogue vs. bosses is very easy. But I don´t want to play a mix of ranged and melee. If the devs wanted us to do so, it was really dumb.

It´s not the matter of difficulty, it´s the matter of the game being fun or not.

I suggested these things way back in the closed beta and got threats from the community back then. How the turn tables. It’s not fun gameplay when to only way to play your character properly is to be lvl 90+ and max CDR

Translation “We want Diablo 3”. Meanwhile D3 died after 2 months… I swear people are dumb. I didn’t expect much from D4 and there are absolutely “gamer word” systems like the renown and Helltide, but the gameplay is far better than D3.


I’m having a pretty good time with the flurry rogue, it melts mobs and bosses, I wanted to try a ranged build but I might have to gear up or codex some more items before trying, the 1 end game build I tried sucked.

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Please Blizzard, Don’t change the game too much, been playing since launch of diablo 1, this is a great game I think. The difficutly is good, please don’t dumb it down.

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No, we don’t. D3 had the issue of players so overpowered the new season could be completed in a few days. Too much power is boring, you play for a little bit and then quit. D4 seems to want you to earn the loot. The journey is as much a part of the experience as the destination. Too many people these days just want to get everything now and get it over with. That’s a lame mentality.

You will feel very OP in D3 Go play that to get that feeling. This game doesn’t want to be some mindless activity you care nothing for, it wants to tell you a story and let you experience a journey. This isn’t a Tinder date, it’s a love story. Enjoy the ride.


Diablo 1 I quit 3 times due to its difficulty (1998). So, it’s back to OG roots, but that doesn’t necessarily make it fun at first.
However, so many things have changed since then.
LGAS has effed up many of our beloved games, and this one is no exception.
Give it up for the blizzard guys for trying to please everyone.

If only they had an offline mode…

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i think the leveling and drops are to much (easy). it rains legendaries and levels all the time, points and abilities etc. i want a slow progression that i can cater and enjoy for a very long time. not a weekend burst…

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I am overpowered, sry

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People are having trouble with this game? I finish most enemies within 30 seconds with the exception of bosses.

Of course, I’m a barbarian.

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