Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

Calling someone “nasty” then proceeds to do the exact same thing he is claiming the other poster did. Honestly I didn’t really see anything “nasty” about the other guys post. Yours on the other hand…

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Yea no thanks. I’m having TONS of fun with level scaling exactly how it is.


I fully agree. APRGs were always about being powerful.
Why try to make the same mistake as PoE devs which hindered it playerbase for 2 years (and it only was able to reach pre-nerf level of players thanks to D4 hype this season, when many people waiting for D4 decided to try PoE).

If you don’t know, PoE removed its crafting system and nerfed everyone’s damage by like 60%. Playercount ceased to rise after that and never beat the last season with crafting system until D4 announce (even then it beat the old numbers just barely, by like 5%).

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Im guessing you dont recognize the irony in this post :laughing::sweat_smile::rofl:

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drop to world tier 1 and get good. the game’s too easy

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No ty this is not what we want at all.

Diablo has always been a game that doesn’t require heavy time or effort investment.


Maybe the carebear trash known as Diablo 3

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Not sure if you read all the patch notes bro but they buffed things by huge amounts lol. And honest to god do you expect skills to not have cool downs or what… get things that reduce em… make an actual build and utilize your skills to make the build better. Don’t post false info on here cause you cant figure it out just yet.

Looks like forums cause he’s insulting people for no reason. Don’t know why people are like this, pain in the butt IRL too.

Mate whats your level?

You know glyphs on paragon board is the way? Im much more almost back to pre nerf CDs and dmg with higher level and more investment into paragon. You are not OP at level 50, you are just starting. If you are on level 90+ and weak, then there is a problem. Not on “low” level.

You are just undergeared and blame it on the system.

LOL. Best reference so far. By far. Forever probably. Hard to beat.

Diablo 1 lets you chug potion if you want to cast away all your stuff. Warrior is pretty slow but you can cast as well. Diablo longest cooldown is like 1.5 second and people hate that. You have no limits on skills and you can chug potion of have mana leech / on kill as much as you want to make use whatever combo or single skill you want. It is a bit simple yess but its more enjoyable to have no arbitrary roadblock to using your un skill. Hammerdin (paladin with hammer) teleports non stop and use hammer spam with an aura and a shield buff. Smiter dash and smite with an aura, blizz sorc alternate between blizzard and frozen spike with teleportation. Barb can leap, whirwind and use shouts to buff their group with berserk for physical immune.

Irony that online games always force players to meta as MMOs was really bad with kicking players with bad builds, it not a habit going to end as most people not going to stop. And now we already got guides as this been the trend for decades now to only have them nerfed over and over. Some people not going to stay as it far to many games released this year alone to be gaslighted by trolls.

And when the causal base leaves , Blizzard going to swing the tuning/QOL the other way just like vanilla D3 to Reaper or Shadowlands to Dragonflight.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!


I feel happy with this type of combat.
Never be a fan of power rangers, and if this is not ELDER SOULS, I dont want to play to Diablo Power Rangers 4.

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I like the game and for the most part enjoying myself. But the dungeons are getting a bit boring for me. I am tired of these objectives. Bosses are just to slow. I think that is what is bothering me. The pace of everything.

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Yeah, and that game is mega fun. Would be a shame to replicate the things that made it fun. drinks tea


just saw how wudijo erases a dungeon boss on tier 4 in 2 seconds… made me super sad.
I think it shouldn’t be possible even in theory. that’s what tier4 is for.
you wanna erase in 2 seconds - you play tier1.
you wanna sweat and wipe - tier4 should provide a proper challenge.
and people say it’s too hard…

The OP is correct.

Tier ONE means you get to roll through the game, see the sights, get the gear, finish it fun.

Tier TWO means you get a challenge.

This is how D games have always been and how they should always be.

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