Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

Absolutely the hell not. Diablo 4 needs to not be a “mindless” spam game. i dont want that. I can play last Epoch/D3 etc for that. I want a new Diablo just like this. You don’t speak for “we”. You speak for a very very tiny minority.

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Oh no! Please dont. Have some sympathy guy, i dont know what i would do if my post got deleted.

wow like 90% of the forum complaints here are 100% a learn 2 play issue. I swear the majority of these people just cant play this game yet since there isn’t many meta builds online to hold their hands.

I’m lvl 62 on hc killing lvl 72 mobs in nightmare 20 dungeons, i feel strong and the progression has been well balanced. Maybe you guys need to stop and actually use your brains and make a build.

bruh you are a case study in projection and dunning krueger

“The appeal to authority fallacy is a type of informal fallacy that occurs when someone uses the authority, reputation, or expertise of a person or a source as the sole or primary reason to support their argument, without providing any other evidence or reasoning.”

Nowhere in there does it say “Except in those cases where the authority is gud n stuff.”

Just doing my part to getting you closer to a suspension for everyone’s benefit

? did you confuse diablo with poe? It has always been casual-friendly

First of all… Its KRUGER, like Dr Justin Kruger… not “krueger” like Freddy you idiot rofl… Secondly, if you actually ever bothered to read Dr Dunning and Krugers own comments on their study instead of just repeating it mindlessly because you heard someone use it once as an insult on Redddit… you’d realize that it’s not actually an insult at all and you’re really just betraying your own ignorance.

TLDR: You have no idea what you’re talking about. Still.

Yes point to a spelling mistake as you’re actually, seriously, sincerely making the case that “appeal to authority fallacy” doesn’t apply when you decide that the authority is somehow worthy of being conferred the Godlike ability to decree truth by speaking it.

Congratulations. You got me. I made a spelling mistake. You’re still a meme.

That literally never happened. But nice demonstration of a straw man. Are we doing like logical fallacy madlibs right now? Quick, do Ad Hominem next.

Ah nevermind, you beat me to it.

True gameplay right here. While your necro minions just straight up stop attacking, too.

"Appeal to authority is only a fallacy when you’re appealing to “false authority.” "

This is just wrong. “false authority”?? as opposed to “true authority”?? The whole point of the appeal to authority is that someone is invoking AUTHORITY instead of actual evidence.

If your entire argument wrests on “this guy knows what he’s talking about” then you are committing the fallacy. It doesn’t matter how much that guy actually knows what he’s talking about or not. You need to actually provide an argument based on evidence.

I don’t know why I’m even bothering. Anyone who would make that kind of statement is such an arrogant neophyte that there’s zero chance of any kind of breakthrough here.

I’m gonna have to start billing you if you insist on requesting tutoring for free…


Here’s some more homework for you if you’d like to educate yourself at all.

For casual players tbh it is lil bit slow but for the game itself this speed is good. They wont let us consume that fast for a new Diablo game for sure. Keep that in mind too. Later in some time they might buff characters or skills maybe but it is too early, dont expect 1 shot boom builds.

Yes nice job there with that spelling mistake.

So now you’re just going to dishonestly move the goalposts to a completely different thing?

Here’s the ACTUAL thing we are talking about, not that random thing you pulled out of your pooper.

wikipedia org/wiki/Argument_from_authority

You are a fool. And a liar.

Here you go kid. Whenever you’re ready to move past wikipedia articles. Rofl…

Looks like your problem. Try to lower world tier?

100% agree. I thought I was the only one running around waiting for cooldowns… I was getting so frustrated I just quit playing… Honestly not even going to turn the game back on until this is fixed.

Save you never played Diablo 2 through Hell without saying you didn’t play Diablo 2 on Hell before they took pity and gave a -immune charm.

diablo 1 was not to slow, but not fast eighter.

Diablo 2 coud say both, when you leveled up, you would or could get totaly stuck due to a boss beeing to hard for your level or so, this ment you where bound to go back and grind older acts and bosses for those drops and level you needed to be able to clear it, so for leveling it was slow realy slow, and could become realy hard, until you got the gear you needed, then faster, and this all also depended on your class. Sorc with teleport, super fast, necro realy slow agian.

the game needs bigger hordes…period that is all they could also do more damage…its to easy. other than density I am pretty happy and pretty close to getting my sorceress lawnmower going. I was d2 hell difficulty levels now and its no where near that atm hoping it scales up im only level 55 atm wt3