Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

We WANT to feel overpowered.
No one wants to kite and dodge enemies for 30 seconds while waiting for cooldowns to come back up.
Core skills should be nearly spammable.
Character resources shouldn’t be a concern unless you’re just being wasteful.
Diablo is a near mindless game that we spam to get pretty items while taking a break from those other games where we actually have to try.
Stop nerfing and start buffing underrepresented skills.


Honestly agree. “spenders” should be optional, in that they add something USEFUL mechanically that makes us WANT to use them.

They shouldn’t feel like a chore

If we want to spam core skills, let us. Just make it desirable to use something else.

More carrot, less stick


Wait I am not supposed to run around in a circle for 30 seconds to 1 minute while my hydra hits a boss for 22dmg until my main cds come up? /sarcasm


I just troll the forums while waiting for unstable currents cooldown =D /bangheadondesk


Ha ha. I feel this. /extracharacters


Werent Diablo 1 & 2 slower paced like exactly what you are describing? PoE and Diablo 3 are what made the 1hit bullet hell spamming popular


Neither diablo 1 or 2 were slow, and Diablo 2 was just as fast as 3… faster for some builds. Thats why so many people are play D2R over 3.


Sorry if you have your build online and aren’t feeling stronger in the world it’s a user error.


Exactly correct! My favorite game type is soulsborne and i’ve gone platinum on all of them except Dem Souls remake (close). But I don’t ALWAYS want to feel the struggle or have to play seriously on what would be NORMAL difficulty. Diablo is for shiny objects and feeling like you’re getting ever more powerful as you fine tune gear etc., I enjoyed becoming OP and then jacking up the difficulty until it’s a challenge again, rinse and repeat. Riding that edge is what a lot of Diablo players play for. Then a new season hits about the time you’ve peaked and are just farming legendary gems. Right now this game just feels FLAT. It’s like walking in place.


No thanks, i dont want a brain-dead game. There are other games that can fill that low iq void for people.


Stoked to see what happens to these forums after full release. The forums are generally filled with people who were, at least in part, passionate enough about d4 to pre purchase. This forums will be on fire when the general masses start playing.


Do you HAVE to be nasty? Are you capable of speaking like a normal human being? Please, try it. The edgy insulting forum troll thing went out of style long ago… you know, when people grew up. Diablo has always been a game that doesn’t require heavy time or effort investment. There are plenty of games for that. When you buy chocolate ice cream you don’t expect or want strawberry. The only thing low i.q. here is your opinion.


Concise and to the point.

It doesn’t seem like the developers know what game they’re making. If they want to make really challenging end game content. I’m all for it, but they need to put more effort into it. One level 100 boss isn’t going to cut it.

There needs to be more middle ground. Far too many abilities just suck and have no support to make them worthwhile. D3 problem all over again, but the amazing part is they have even less skills to work with than D3 had and they couldn’t get it right!


what is elder souls? does it have a better camera than this mobile game ?


I’ve pretty much accepted that Blizzard will ignore complaints from casual players and just listen to the tryhards and fanboys telling them everything is fine since a lot of devs fall into those categories themselves. Things might change when they get directed from on high to make the game more casual friendly to increase revenue. Because frankly, the tryhards demographic tends to have less disposable income and are less likely to spend it on the game.


WT1, mostly legendary WW Barb, I just spent 30 minutes kiting a SH boss around pillars while my ultimate and other skills refresh. I swear, I didn’t have issues this weekend, but I hit 49, beat the game, hit 51 doing some tie ups, went back for a WT1 SH and omg I was instant killed so many times.

Not even going to talk about what happened when I tried the capstone in WT2. Totally playing a new class now lol. It takes me so long just to kill trash, unless it’s grouped, then it’s just longer… but not as long.

Don’t get me wrong, I have thousands of hours in the Souls series, but this is… I need mobs to drop loot my level, not 10 levels beneath me. Either that, or I need them to not scale as close to my level.


Then clearly you’re playing the wrong series. Diablo has always been fast paced whack-a-mole where you get to feel overpowered af while taking a break from mythic 20s or raids. Its a simple fact most sorc “core” skills don’t feel core at all. They feel like weaker, mana hungry mastery skills. Overused skills are already getting nerfed instead of blizzard buffing underrepresented abilities.
Like “oh no” people are having fun and doing too much damage, lets nerf them and make this game feel even grindier that it already is…


The itemization is awful. You’re a slave of the legendaries you may find, not the build you want to play…

Which, luckily for us, doesn’t even matter because level-scaling ensures that you’ll never get stronger than the mobs regardless.

Every single level is one step forward and two steps back.

This is not fun. The people who are defending this will realize it when they hit endgame.


Dude my torment rogue is soloing content 20 levels over me in a few seconds I don’t understand how you’re struggling

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Yeah… I’m not sure who thought level scaling was a good idea, especially when you have 5 zones. Each zone could have been progressively harder. 5 levels per zone, per world tier and that scales you from 0-100. Maybe even make the first zone in WT1 go to 10 so the cap is 105 and there’s some scary stuff at the end… but this… this is horrible. Also, if my average item level is 650 why am I still dropping stuff in the high 400s?